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Lu Taska

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Posts posted by Lu Taska

  1. So I've spent some time doing some reading, and I beleive that in the coming weeks I'll be ready to start my project.

    The plan is to have a 16channel motor fader board plus one master fader. By my understanding and calculations I will need the following:

    3x PIC18F452 cores - 8 faders max on each core, therefore I need three. Right?

    4x 2x40 character LCDs

    6x DOUTX4s

    3x Motorfaders (right? 8+8+1?)

    Here is where I am getting confused. I've crudely worked out that I need 6 DINx4s with the following logic:

    Since I only need a single master section, a 2 LC design doesn't need twice the buttons that 2 single LCs would have.

    And, as aach extra channel contributes four switches, an extra eight channels will contribute 32 switches.

    Therefore i should only need an extra two DINx4s right?

    Also, do these three cores connect individually or are they chained somehow? And on extension, how many LTCs will i need? One or three?

    Thanks for your help. I'll keep looking over Axel's posts while I wait for replies :P.

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