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Posts posted by Waxx

  1. Hi everybody !!!! i'm trying to add the new lfo's value to the sidbox :

    So, i started by searching the real values, i'm not shure of it:













    Edit the sid_lfo_table.inc at the end, i take 1024/divisor, exemple: 1024/(1/2)= 2048, 1024/(1/16T)=1024/(1/24)= 24576.

    ;; alternative table for MIDI clock

    ;; (overrules entries 231-255 of normal LFO table if SID_I_LFO_MODE_CLKSYNC flag is set)


    dw 16 ; 231: 64/1

    dw 32 ; 232: 32/1

    dw 64 ; 233: 16/1

    dw 128 ; 234: 8/1

    dw 256 ; 235: 4/1

    dw 512 ; 236: 2/1

    dw 1024 ; 237: 1/1

    dw 1365 ; 238: 1/2.

    dw 2048 ; 239: 1/2

    dw 3072 ; 240: 1/2T

    dw 2731 ; 241: 1/4.

    dw 4096 ; 242: 1/4

    dw 6144 ; 243: 1/4T

    dw 5461 ; 244: 1/8.

    dw 8192 ; 245: 1/8

    dw 12288 ; 246: 1/8T

    dw 10923 ; 247: 1/16.

    dw 16384 ; 248: 1/16

    dw 24576 ; 249: 1/16T

    dw 21845 ; 250: 1/32.

    dw 32768 ; 251: 1/32

    dw 49152 ; 252: 1/32T

    dw 43691 ; 253: 1/64.

    dw 65536 ; 254: 1/64

    dw 98304 ; 255: 1/64T

    After that, edit the sid_se_l.inc file at:

    ;; if LFO synched via clock, replace 231-255 by MIDI clock optimized incrementers

    movlw SID_Ix_LFOx_MODE



    movf IRQ_TMP1, W

    addlw -231

    bnc SIDSE_L_LFO_Rate_NoClkSyncValues


    rgoto SIDSE_L_LFO_Rate_ClkSync_Cont



    And now, compil again and upload to the Midibox Sid, for now i'm testing and it's working :D, but i think it could be better to make duplicate values for a better midi control, it's 25 values for 255 midi steps so each value repeats 10 time :

    dw 16 ; 1: 64/1

    dw 16 ; 2: 64/1

    dw 16 ; 3: 64/1

    dw 16 ; 4: 64/1

    dw 16 ; 5: 64/1

    dw 16 ; 6: 64/1

    dw 16 ; 7: 64/1

    dw 16 ; 8: 64/1

    dw 16 ; 9: 64/1

    dw 16 ; 10: 64/1

    dw 16 ; 11: 64/1

    dw 32 ; 12: 32/1

    dw 32 ; 13: 32/1

    dw 32 ; 14: 32/1

    dw 32 ; 15: 32/1

    dw 32 ; 16: 32/1

    dw 32 ; 17: 32/1

    dw 32 ; 18: 32/1

    dw 32 ; 19: 32/1

    dw 32 ; 20: 32/1

    dw 32 ; 21: 32/1

    dw 32 ; 22: 32/1

    dw 32 ; 23: 32/1

    dw 64 ; 24: 16/1

    dw 64 ; 25: 16/1

    dw 64 ; 26: 16/1

    dw 64 ; 27: 16/1

    dw 64 ; 28: 16/1

    dw 64 ; 29: 16/1

    dw 64 ; 30: 16/1

    dw 64 ; 31: 16/1

    dw 64 ; 32: 16/1

    dw 64 ; 33: 16/1

    dw 64 ; 34: 16/1

    dw 128 ; 35: 8/1

    dw 128 ; 36: 8/1

    dw 128 ; 37: 8/1

    dw 128 ; 38: 8/1

    dw 128 ; 39: 8/1

    dw 128 ; 40: 8/1

    dw 128 ; 41: 8/1

    dw 128 ; 42: 8/1

    dw 128 ; 43: 8/1

    dw 128 ; 44: 8/1

    dw 256 ; 45: 4/1

    dw 256 ; 46: 4/1

    dw 256 ; 47: 4/1

    dw 256 ; 48: 4/1

    dw 256 ; 49: 4/1

    dw 256 ; 50: 4/1

    dw 256 ; 51: 4/1

    dw 256 ; 52: 4/1

    dw 256 ; 53: 4/1

    dw 256 ; 54: 4/1

    dw 512 ; 55: 2/1

    dw 512 ; 56: 2/1

    dw 512 ; 57: 2/1

    dw 512 ; 58: 2/1

    dw 512 ; 59: 2/1

    dw 512 ; 60: 2/1

    dw 512 ; 61: 2/1

    dw 512 ; 62: 2/1

    dw 512 ; 63: 2/1

    dw 512 ; 64: 2/1

    dw 1024 ; 65: 1/1

    dw 1024 ; 66: 1/1

    dw 1024 ; 67: 1/1

    dw 1024 ; 68: 1/1

    dw 1024 ; 69: 1/1

    dw 1024 ; 70: 1/1

    dw 1024 ; 71: 1/1

    dw 1024 ; 72: 1/1

    dw 1024 ; 73: 1/1

    dw 1024 ; 74: 1/1

    dw 1365 ; 75: 1/2.

    dw 1365 ; 76: 1/2.

    dw 1365 ; 77: 1/2.

    dw 1365 ; 78: 1/2.

    dw 1365 ; 79: 1/2.

    dw 1365 ; 80: 1/2.

    dw 1365 ; 81: 1/2.

    dw 1365 ; 82: 1/2.

    dw 1365 ; 83: 1/2.

    dw 1365 ; 84: 1/2.

    dw 2048 ; 85: 1/2

    dw 2048 ; 86: 1/2

    dw 2048 ; 87: 1/2

    dw 2048 ; 88: 1/2

    dw 2048 ; 89: 1/2

    dw 2048 ; 90: 1/2

    dw 2048 ; 91: 1/2

    dw 2048 ; 92: 1/2

    dw 2048 ; 93: 1/2

    dw 2048 ; 94: 1/2

    dw 3072 ; 95: 1/2T

    dw 3072 ; 96: 1/2T

    dw 3072 ; 97: 1/2T

    dw 3072 ; 98: 1/2T

    dw 3072 ; 99: 1/2T

    dw 3072 ; 100: 1/2T

    dw 3072 ; 101: 1/2T

    dw 3072 ; 102: 1/2T

    dw 3072 ; 103: 1/2T

    dw 3072 ; 104: 1/2T

    dw 2731 ; 105: 1/4.

    dw 2731 ; 106: 1/4.

    dw 2731 ; 107: 1/4.

    dw 2731 ; 108: 1/4.

    dw 2731 ; 109: 1/4.

    dw 2731 ; 110: 1/4.

    dw 2731 ; 111: 1/4.

    dw 2731 ; 112: 1/4.

    dw 2731 ; 113: 1/4.

    dw 2731 ; 114: 1/4.

    dw 4096 ; 115: 1/4

    dw 4096 ; 116: 1/4

    dw 4096 ; 117: 1/4

    dw 4096 ; 118: 1/4

    dw 4096 ; 119: 1/4

    dw 4096 ; 120: 1/4

    dw 4096 ; 121: 1/4

    dw 4096 ; 122: 1/4

    dw 4096 ; 123: 1/4

    dw 4096 ; 124: 1/4

    dw 6144 ; 125: 1/4T

    dw 6144 ; 126: 1/4T

    dw 6144 ; 127: 1/4T

    dw 6144 ; 128: 1/4T

    dw 6144 ; 129: 1/4T

    dw 6144 ; 130: 1/4T

    dw 6144 ; 131: 1/4T

    dw 6144 ; 132: 1/4T

    dw 6144 ; 133: 1/4T

    dw 6144 ; 134: 1/4T

    dw 5461 ; 135: 1/8.

    dw 5461 ; 136: 1/8.

    dw 5461 ; 137: 1/8.

    dw 5461 ; 138: 1/8.

    dw 5461 ; 139: 1/8.

    dw 5461 ; 140: 1/8.

    dw 5461 ; 141: 1/8.

    dw 5461 ; 142: 1/8.

    dw 5461 ; 143: 1/8.

    dw 5461 ; 144: 1/8.

    dw 8192 ; 145: 1/8

    dw 8192 ; 146: 1/8

    dw 8192 ; 147: 1/8

    dw 8192 ; 148: 1/8

    dw 8192 ; 149: 1/8

    dw 8192 ; 150: 1/8

    dw 8192 ; 151: 1/8

    dw 8192 ; 152: 1/8

    dw 8192 ; 153: 1/8

    dw 8192 ; 154: 1/8

    dw 12288 ; 155: 1/8T

    dw 12288 ; 156: 1/8T

    dw 12288 ; 157: 1/8T

    dw 12288 ; 158: 1/8T

    dw 12288 ; 159: 1/8T

    dw 12288 ; 160: 1/8T

    dw 12288 ; 161: 1/8T

    dw 12288 ; 162: 1/8T

    dw 12288 ; 163: 1/8T

    dw 12288 ; 164: 1/8T

    dw 10923 ; 165: 1/16.

    dw 10923 ; 167: 1/16.

    dw 10923 ; 168: 1/16.

    dw 10923 ; 169: 1/16.

    dw 10923 ; 170: 1/16.

    dw 10923 ; 171: 1/16.

    dw 10923 ; 172: 1/16.

    dw 10923 ; 173: 1/16.

    dw 10923 ; 174: 1/16.

    dw 10923 ; 175: 1/16.

    dw 16384 ; 176: 1/16

    dw 16384 ; 177: 1/16

    dw 16384 ; 178: 1/16

    dw 16384 ; 179: 1/16

    dw 16384 ; 180: 1/16

    dw 16384 ; 181: 1/16

    dw 16384 ; 182: 1/16

    dw 16384 ; 183: 1/16

    dw 16384 ; 184: 1/16

    dw 16384 ; 185: 1/16

    dw 24576 ; 186: 1/16T

    dw 24576 ; 187: 1/16T

    dw 24576 ; 188: 1/16T

    dw 24576 ; 189: 1/16T

    dw 24576 ; 190: 1/16T

    dw 24576 ; 191: 1/16T

    dw 24576 ; 192: 1/16T

    dw 24576 ; 193: 1/16T

    dw 24576 ; 194: 1/16T

    dw 24576 ; 195: 1/16T

    dw 21845 ; 196: 1/32.

    dw 21845 ; 197: 1/32.

    dw 21845 ; 198: 1/32.

    dw 21845 ; 199: 1/32.

    dw 21845 ; 200: 1/32.

    dw 21845 ; 201: 1/32.

    dw 21845 ; 202: 1/32.

    dw 21845 ; 203: 1/32.

    dw 21845 ; 204: 1/32.

    dw 21845 ; 205: 1/32.

    dw 32768 ; 206: 1/32

    dw 32768 ; 207: 1/32

    dw 32768 ; 208: 1/32

    dw 32768 ; 209: 1/32

    dw 32768 ; 210: 1/32

    dw 32768 ; 211: 1/32

    dw 32768 ; 212: 1/32

    dw 32768 ; 213: 1/32

    dw 32768 ; 214: 1/32

    dw 32768 ; 215: 1/32

    dw 49152 ; 216: 1/32T

    dw 49152 ; 217: 1/32T

    dw 49152 ; 218: 1/32T

    dw 49152 ; 219: 1/32T

    dw 49152 ; 220: 1/32T

    dw 49152 ; 221: 1/32T

    dw 49152 ; 222: 1/32T

    dw 49152 ; 223: 1/32T

    dw 49152 ; 224: 1/32T

    dw 49152 ; 225: 1/32T

    dw 43691 ; 226: 1/64.

    dw 43691 ; 227: 1/64.

    dw 43691 ; 228: 1/64.

    dw 43691 ; 229: 1/64.

    dw 43691 ; 230: 1/64.

    dw 43691 ; 231: 1/64.

    dw 43691 ; 232: 1/64.

    dw 43691 ; 233: 1/64.

    dw 43691 ; 234: 1/64.

    dw 43691 ; 235: 1/64.

    dw 65536 ; 236: 1/64

    dw 65536 ; 237: 1/64

    dw 65536 ; 238: 1/64

    dw 65536 ; 239: 1/64

    dw 65536 ; 240: 1/64

    dw 65536 ; 241: 1/64

    dw 65536 ; 242: 1/64

    dw 65536 ; 243: 1/64

    dw 65536 ; 244: 1/64

    dw 65536 ; 245: 1/64

    dw 98304 ; 246: 1/64T

    dw 98304 ; 247: 1/64T

    dw 98304 ; 248: 1/64T

    dw 98304 ; 249: 1/64T

    dw 98304 ; 250: 1/64T

    dw 98304 ; 251: 1/64T

    dw 98304 ; 252: 1/64T

    dw 98304 ; 253: 1/64T

    dw 98304 ; 254: 1/64T

    dw 98304 ; 255: 1/64T

    Sorry for my bad english

    And thank you again for all your work

  2. Hi, i'm making a stereo MidiboxSid, it's almost finished, just need a box, bankstick, dout module, and a second din module.

    I've started to play with my Midiboxsid, and i've got a problem with the LFO's, it seems the LFO's don't do 1/4T 1/8T 1/16T etc, or 1/2P 1/4P etc

    It just does the regular 1 1/2 1/4.....

    Are the LFO synced by the SID chip or is it in the mios in the pic ?

    Can it be added in the mios ?

    Thank you

    (I've started to look at the asm files, and for now i don't find a part with LFO)

  3. Thank you for your help. Now everything is ok :D

    I got a JDM burn from ebay, i burned the bootloader in my pic18LF4685 using Winpic800, it said that it was succefull, but no.

    So what i did, i took another software Picpgm programmer, and click on "verify", it said that there were too much errors. So i erased my pic, and burned it again, and click on "verify", and it said all verify succefull !!!! :D

    I putted my pic on my core, and sent the mios1.9g via midi to my core, all is ok, after i uploaded the setup6581.hex SID V2, and all is ok :D

    The only thing was my core start to boot and reboot again and again, it's just the CAN bus, i add a 1k resistor and a diode on the J15 (look at this page http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid/mbsid_v2_communication.pdf )

    I have soldered the resistor and the diode directly on the connector, it was easyer for me.

    And now my core is running under Mios1.9g with the setup6581.hex for SID V2.

    Thank you again everybody on the forum and on the chat.

    PS: Where can i add SOLVE in the title of this topic ?

  4. Thank you Thorsten, but my problem is that i can't upload the setup6581.hex sid v.2 in my pic18lf4685 i got an error at block 209 and i don't know why. Do you think it can provide from a bad pic burning. May i did something wrong when i burned the mios in the option of my pic software. But it works whith the sid1 version, but it's smaller than the sid2 version. May a problem of memory of.my pic with some info burned in the wrong place. I really don't know what to do.

  5. i uploaded the midibox64setup.hex, i got to make a delay for the sysex sends, and it finish well

    I reboot my core with nothing else connected excepted midi in out and lcd

    On the lcd i can see [int] N _____________ (some crazy vumeters)

    and changing very fast cutoff volume # (some numbers changing fast)

    Now i uploaded the midiboxfm.hex and no problem, i don't need to add a delay, it reboots and everything seems ok

    But for now i'm doing a midibox sid not a midibox fm.

    Ok i ve switched for a pic18F452 to try, change the LCD conection for 8bits.

    Mios upload is ok

    When i try to upload the setup6581.hex, i have errors too.

    Starting upload of setup_6581.hex

    Sending block #1 00003000-000030FF

    Received Checksum: 1C - OK

    Sending block #2 00003100-000031FF

    Received Checksum: 73 - OK

    Sending block #3 00003200-000032FF

    Received Checksum: 4A - OK

    Sending block #4 00003300-000033FF

    Received Checksum: 08 - OK

    Sending block #5 00003400-000034FF


    Received Checksum: 7C - OK

    Sending block #79 00007E00-00007EFF

    Received Checksum: 24 - OK

    Sending block #80 00007F00-00007FFF

    Received Checksum: 47 - OK

    Sending block #81 00008000-000080FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #81 00008000-000080FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #81 00008000-000080FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #81 00008000-000080FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #81 00008000-000080FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #81 00008000-000080FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #81 00008000-000080FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #81 00008000-000080FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #81 00008000-000080FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #81 00008000-000080FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #81 00008000-000080FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #81 00008000-000080FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #81 00008000-000080FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #81 00008000-000080FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #81 00008000-000080FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #81 00008000-000080FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Aborting after 16 errors

    Now i'm going to try to upload the SID v1 setup in the pic18F452 and after pic18LF4685

  6. Hi everybody !!!

    I'm trying to make a midibox SID stereo.

    For now i'm working on the CORE

    I burned my pic and upload the mios via midi

    I got ready on the LCD.

    Now i try to upload via midi the setup6581.hex, but i got an error at block 209

    Starting upload of setup_6581.hex

    Sending block #1 00003000-000030FF

    Received acknowledgement response

    Sending block #2 00003100-000031FF

    Received acknowledgement response

    Sending block #3 00003200-000032FF

    Received acknowledgement response

    Sending block #4 00003300-000033FF

    Received acknowledgement response


    Sending block #207 0000FE00-0000FEFF

    Received acknowledgement response

    Sending block #208 0000FF00-0000FFFF

    Received acknowledgement response

    Sending block #209 00010000-000100FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #210 00010100-000101FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #211 00010200-000102FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #212 00010300-000103FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #213 00010400-000104FF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)


    Sending block #309 00017E00-00017EFF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #310 00017F00-00017FFF

    Received error code 04: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)

    Sending block #311 00F00000-00F000FF

    Received acknowledgement response

    Sending block #312 00F00100-00F001FF

    Received acknowledgement response

    Sending block #313 00F00200-00F002FF

    Received acknowledgement response

    Sending block #314 00F00300-00F003FF

    Received acknowledgement response

    Upload of 80384 bytes completed after 282.922s (0.27746165 kb/s)

    i first try to upload with the last mios studio 2.1, and now with mios studio beta8.3 because with it i can limit the delay between SysEx message i put 900ms, but i have this error.

    I don't know what to do, is someone has an idea please ?

    Thank you

  7. Le mios est uploadé, mon écran m'affiche READY, par contre lorsque j'essaie d'uploader le setup6581.hex, l'upload se termine avant la fin avec un message d'erreur au block 209, problème d'écriture, vérifier l'erreur ou mauvaise adresse.

    Enfin bon ça a déjà un peu avancé aujourd'hui c'est déjà ça!!!

  8. Je reviens du chat, et on vient de me dire que pour le pic18LF4685 c'est ok, par contre on vient aussi de me dire autre chose !!!! J'uploader le mios via le BCR2000 et en fait il pose problème au niveau des Sysex, donc je suis en train de re-uploader via un autre périphérique midi, et deja c'est beaucoup plus rapide. Je suis en plein upload, je reviendrai vous dire si ça fonctionne.

  9. Bonjour Reboot et merci, donc j'ai branché mon LCD en 4bit, j'ai aussi essayé avec un PIC18F452, avec un LCD branché en 8bit et ça me fait la même chose, mios studio trouve mon module CORE, j'envoie le setup 6581 tout à l'air de bien se passer mais rien après, pas de son, et toujours une ligne de carré sur le LCD.

    Il y a surement un truc que je ne fait pas comme il faut au moment du "burn" du pic (j'ai bien pris la version 18F4685 du mios pour le pic 18LF4685 et la version du mios 18F452 pour le pic 18F452) ou alors de l'envoi du setup6581. Normalement sans rien modifier au niveau du mios et du fichier setup ça devrait fonctionner non ?


  10. Bonjour tout le monde, ça faisait plusieurs années que j'avais découvert ce site, et j'ai finit par franchir le cap et me lancer dans la construction d'une midibox sid stereo. J'ai commandé les pcb+composants, trouvé 2 sid 6581 sur ebay pour pas grand chose. Tout est soudé, j'ai fait les tests des tensions, elles sont OK.

    J'ai acheté mon PIC sur ebay, mais c'est un 18LF4685, d'après le datasheet c'est le même que le 18F4685 sauf qu'il peut fonctionner avec une tension inférieur à ce dernier.

    J'ai donc "burner" mon pic à l'aide d'un JDM acheté tout fait, puis j'ai installé le pic sur le module CORE. Je connecte le midi in et out à mon pc, je lance MIOS studio pour uploader le mios, mios studio trouve bien mon module core, enfin de temps en temps il ne le trouve pas direct quand je branche il faut que je rafraichisse plusieurs fois (2 ou 3) et il me le trouve et si je re-rafraichi il arrive qu'il le perde puis le retrouve, est ce normal ?

    Ensuite j'ai uploadé le fichier setup6581, tout à l'air de bien se passer.

    Puis je débranche le tout, et je ne rebranche que le core sans rien sur le midi, j ai un écran LCD16x2 et un 20x2, j'ai essayé avec les 2 je n'ai qu une ligne de carré, alors j'ai branché un module sid en me disant que c'etait peut être mes écran qui avaient un souci, mais rien pas de son lorsque j'envoie du midi a l'aide d'un clavier midi, et donc là je bloque !!

    Peut être le fait de ne pas avoir pris un pic 18F4685 mais un pic 18LF4685 pose un problème, ou alors je fais une mauvaise manipulation en uploadant le mios puis le setup.

    Je ne sais pas quoi faire, par ou chercher, j'ai vérifié mes soudures tout à l'air OK.

    Est ce que quelqu'un a déjà eu ce problème?

    Merci d'avance

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