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Posts posted by smc

  1. Hi,

    I've modified the CV midi to include a bank of 12 X 3 position slide switches which allows to select either 0 cent +50 cent & -50cent for detuning the 12 note scale .

    However, during power-up, the existing implementation of the software doesn't retain the pre-selected switch positions. Currently, to overcome this, it is required to slide the switch from short circuit to open circuit and back to short circuit position.

    Can anybody suggest, if there's a routine in any midi projects which I could use to solve this problem. I may be able to fix this by hardware using a diode and associated RC circuitry by producing a momentary open circuit state during power up. Then followed by a voltage decay step to the intended short circuit state.


  2. Hi Thorsten,

    Regarding the CV project, I'm trying to instrument the code below (found in cv_map.inc package). The semicolons are my instrumented debugging code I added (of course now shown as commented out).

    Principally, I used this type of instrumentation in various places in the code and it seems it works fine. However, in "CV_MAP_Hlp_ConvCurve_Cont" routine. It outputs on the MIDI some ridiculous values

    and actually by adding the instrumentation it causes the routine not to work at all.

    Basically, the aim is to read the variable CV_AOUT_L , CV_AOUT_H & output them on the midi. I'm also playing around & modifying the curve tables & to verify that the CV_AOUT_L & CV_AOUT_H are getting the correct values I expect.

    My question is without using the oscilloscope to measure the CV outputs. Is there another way to instrument this part of the code without affecting the routine.

    Thank you.


    ;movlw 0xc0

    ;call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut ;------>debug here


    rlf PRODL, W

    addwf TBLPTRL, F

    movlw 0x00

    addwfc TBLPTRH, F


    movff TABLAT, CV_AOUT_L


    movff TABLAT, CV_AOUT_H

    ;movf CV_AOUT_L , W

    ;andlw 0x7f

    ;call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut ;----->debug here

    ;movf CV_AOUT_H , W

    ;andlw 0x7f

    ;call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut ;----->debug here


  3. Hi Thorsten,

    It definitely looks like a reasonable alternative to try out. However, since I have quite a few 18f452 pics laying around at home, I could at least take the option of using it to scan DIN or perhaps, I could revisit the router code again & modify it to suit my application.

    Thanks again.

    Best Regards


  4. Hi all,

    I need to modify the Merger project to include 24 DIN's. I guess a better way was to include the MIOS sw. But I found it rather difficult to adapt the existing Merger code with the MIOS. What would be an easiest approach?. Should I use the ROUTER project instead? But I looked at it already & found it to be over designed for my needs. Or can you basically, suggest I way to build an assigned DIN template around the existing MERGE project, I guess for me this will be the ideal way.

    Best regards


  5. Hi All,

    I need something of a small routine (for eg a call procedure )which I can insert just about anywhere in the code (regarding MIOS8 projects) The routine should be capable to output the variable or register that you want to debug and to output these either thru the MIDI out ports or on the LCD (but prefer the MIDI port).

    I would appreciate if some one has something like this available. Generally, this can be of course quite useful for all the MIDIBOX forum community.



  6. Hi All,

    I would like to modify the CV module to include a way to to detune any key either +50 or -50 cents. The keys which are nominated as quarter tone are performed via some DIN switches. The keys nominated as quarter tone must be performed in real time. Th player can select any combination of keys as being quarter tone in one instance and other combination in other instances. Again all quarter tone selection are performed via a set of DIN switches. The DIN switches (with LEDS) can be arranged like a keyboard layout to see what you have selected.

    I would appreciated if someone can suggest or guide me on which part of the CV code should I modify (e.g a procedure call etc) in order to design something which resembles what I've described above.

    Thank You.


  7. Hi Sam,

    could it be that you tried to upload midimerger_pic18f_without_bootloader.hex?

    This .hex file is intended for people who want to flash the PIC directly without the usage of a bootloader.

    The midimerger_pic18f_with_bootloader.hex starts at 0x400 and can be uploaded with the MIOS bootloader.

    No, it isn't required to locate the code at 0x3000, as the merger is a standalone application which doesn't use MIOS itself (it only supports the bootloader - optionally)

    The midimerger_pic18f_with_bootloader.hex variant is selected in midimerger_v1_5/18f/reset.inc with MIOS_BSL_FLAG

    I'm surprised that the bootloader has been overwritten, as it protects the 0x000..0x3ff range.

    Do you still get an upload request after power-on?

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    Hi Thorsten,

    The problem is finally solved. The transistor IC's were mounted in the wrong way!! Well, you may say, how can this happened?? Well if you refer to the photo merger1.jpg (part of the zip files midimerger_pcb_v1).The IC components were inserted incorrectly as well. I just used the photo because at the time it was easier to quickly see how the components are mounted on the PCB. Rather than using the PCB layout or schematic.....big mistake!!

    The other problem was of course, the new mios studio doesn't quite work so well, since it complains about out of range error, even before I begin downloading the s/w in the pic.

    Thorsten I suggest you remove this photo or replace it with another (if you like I can send you a photo of the loaded PCB with correct placement of components)

    But thanks again for responding quickly and clarifying some issues I had in this post.



  8. Hi,

    it seems that the .hex format isn't compatible with MIOS Studio 2 anymore.

    Could you please try it with MIOS Studio V1? -> http://miosstudio.midibox.org/ (download MIOSStudio_beta9_4.zip)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    Hi Thorsten,

    I tried the old version of mios studio but it had overwritten the MIOS operating system! By closer investigation, I noticed that the mid merger hex file starts at address 0000 instead of 3000. Resulting in overwriting the operating system. The chip 18f452 doesn't boot anymore. This requires a reburn of the chip.

    I'm not to converse with assembler but I believe that it's necessary to change the starting address with an "org 03000" instead of org 0000. If this is the case, can you suggest where I can modify the code. Is in in one package or other packages which are affected.

    Please let me know on what your thoughts are on this.

    Best regards


  9. I had problems attaching file.....

    Hi Thorsten,

    I have a problem with loading the midmerger_pic18f_with_bootloader.hex from mios studio (see attached file)

    The problem is there is a range problem in the PIC flash memory. If you see the attached file, the PIC flash range is from 3000-7ff!!!

    If you know what's causing it please let me know.

    Note I've loaded the MIOS8 with burner successfully. But having problems loading midi merge file(mentioned above ) with mios studio.

    Thank You

  10. Hi Thorsten,

    I have a problem with loading the midmerger_pic18f_with_bootloader.hex from mios studio (see attached file)

    The problem is there is a range problem in the PIC flash memory. If you see the attached file, the PIC flash range is from 3000-7ff!!!

    If you know what's causing it please let me know.

    Note I've loaded the MIOS8 with burner successfully. But having problems loading midi merge file(mentioned above ) with mios studio.

    Thank You

  11. Hi All

    Out of all the MIDI projects presented here, which project should I select to modify the code so that I can produce a CV to midi converter. That is, if I play notes on a vintage keyboard (using a resistor divided network).a voltage is produced & is then fed into an A/D converter. By further processing, the result I expect is MIDI data equivalent to the notes played on the keyboard with Note ON, Note off, etc....

    Can anybody shed some light to this subject!

    Thank You


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