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Peter Lindener

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Posts posted by Peter Lindener

  1. Dude you really do not get it... that is the PM I just wrote to you... please read and understand

    I'm still looking for your send of this "PM"..... that I might have never received....

    While my weakness might ne a few typos and spelling mistakes.....

    ...Your right it sure feels like an episode of the twilight zone to me...

    ... Form Zombies out to do in Newbie talent, before they would have a chance to demonstrate any sense of usefulness... I would like to be productive in this community might you give me half a chance?


  2. Most well educated engineers know that stability criteria and feedback loop gain are intimately related..

    We can conjecture that the same might be true in human affairs... Since feedback loops associated with human dialog involve more than just one person, there stability in some sense by the nature of this context, is a cooperative venture.... That is, while one person can always turn down there part of the loop gain equation, from a more holistic perspective it, really takes a more collaborative style of shared responsibility for all involved to mange the Loop gain equation more as a collaboration.

    I'm not sure what else it would make sense to say here... suffice it to say I'm not sure about how the midiBox community as a whole chooses to greet newbies.


  3. Ok, I'm quite flabbergasted...

    While some are looking up the word stochastic...for which I admire them for doing so, not to mention there modesty in admitting that they did so. And others have been so helpful as to point out where on the form I need to add my self to the Bulk order list for the next LPC1769 based midi Box controller...

    I have been working on figuring out how MidiBox console I/O might be implemented over TCP/IP via the Expresso board's Ethernet interface, and then how this might hook into both Run-time and compile time configurations switches such that Debug printouts can be done on the midiBox's LCD or UART, USB COM, or via ICP/IP TelNet over the Ethernet Link... Not to mention also looking at how Ableton Live's OSC signaling grammar might want some level of standardization within the midiBox community.

    I find some, who chiming in who might be needing to learn about sending messages of acceptance to newcomers in the midiBox community...

    I'm sure that for those who do pull there weight in technical contribution in this community, that most all of them will appreciate the very real work represented in the goal I have taken on as described above..

    I will rest my case with that, and hope others will also see that the most positive way forward is to ask them self's what they can do that would also be seen as constructive by the midiBox community.

    all the best


  4. Dear

    Hawkeye -

    Your reflection regarding information theory on average, in the more general un-biased case, is correct.

    Your offered observation at its minimum clarifies that you are a well educated man.

    Then, we might then ponder the challenges of sparse statistical sampling within smaller sociological systems.

    If you would like to cover the topic more thoroughly, from a rigorous information theoretic perspective, I would feel obliged do do so, perhaps in an appropriate thread.


    Will solder for food >>>>>>>ike.gif



    I like your style... You may have a deal there.

  5. Hawkeye -

    Yes special software.... It runs on a neural network based CPU.... that has an extra deep lexical recursion stack... I guess is still not clear if your current parser has allocated enough stack space.

    For a good example of what a pair of these CPUs can do when working in tandem over an extended period of sustained execution time see: http://www.votingmatters.org.uk/ISSUE27/I27P1.pdf

    Should I assume my message targets are being received by resource limited CPUs...( as a good embedded system designer should be prepared to do, when designing new messaging protocols.?


  6. Dear

    Wilba -

    I see your point with respect to running a filler on midiBox newbies....and apparently soldering skills...fills that bill for you... I also can understand the feeling of many in this community that

    midiBox is far more focused than the Arduino community...and why midiBox people might want to be keeping it that way.... I think you have made your point....even if the marketing oriented perspective that making efforts to bridge with the Arduino community seems to some how outside the more welcoming perspective, you seen less wanting appreciate for the potential up side of bring new, possibly younger people into the midiBox community....

    While I'm perfectly willing to put a few midiBox boards together, I would like to reiterate my earlier reflection that I am not asking you to work theoretical problems in the time/frequency dual space...

    My point with respect to being up and running out of the box... is that many never get to the place where there feeling confident enough to even entertain even inquiring with your community... Any thing we could do that would make it more likely that some of these people would decide it was safe to venture into the midiBox community without wondering if they somehow need to meet the expectations of someone else who may be less accepting...

  7. Dear

    Nebula -

    Thanks for sharing your reflections... I do think that midiBox and Ardiuno share very little, and your right on to reflect that the real-time nature of the MIOS platform is in some ways incompatible with the early on learning process... Then to one thing they will sometimes share is new people who are just coming up to speed and also want to do music..... I'm not suggesting the less musical project person would have much interest in a bridge between these two worlds.... only that easing migration by means of finding the common denominators between these two community's might be a good thing...

    That is, We can note the same trend happening in both midiBox and Arduino community's... more capable ARM CPUs... all I was suggesting is that if I/O Library and Pin routing compatibility efforts were made in coordination with say the people at leafLabs perhaps everyone might win??

    see: http://leaflabs.com/

    Thanks for the critical thinking!

    all the best


  8. I like the Cat the picture you posted... Yes they are kind of nice to have in the studio...

    No need to worry about the door...unless someone is planing on throwing me through it..... I'm quit able hold my own in more thoughtful, reflective discussion.... I would presum likewise on your count..

    all the best


    oh dear.... dont let the door hit you on the way out...


  9. Dear

    Wilba -

    Thanks for providing an example of thoughtful, reflective dialog.

    You ask for an example of where the Midi_Box core logic board might be useful in a software project all in its own..... Lets say I'm interested in building a very advanced, DSP based synth module. I would like it to have Midi I/O....but the core logic is Open Sound Control based, and runs on a HalkBoard

    see: http://www.hawkboard.org/

    I'm not sure yet who I should thank...but someone with real vision has already pulled Open Sound Control over Ethernet's UDP into the Midi box equation...

    More and more innovation these days happens on the software side of this equation... all I'm doing is posing the question...if someone feels more at home just on the software side of things, and he is really good there, do we really want to send him away just because soldering is not his strong suit... While I'm not that guy...and am certainly willing to assemble a few extra boards for the greater good of the MidiBox community... why would we want to be less than inviting when good software oriented talent comes knocking on the door?

    But there is still a deeper reason, people new to all this digital stuff are encouraged to continue when there there efforts end up working...I'm not saying that learning to solder is less than good....only that its a easier to get someone back on track with software...than to undo the mess of a poorly soldered board.... In particular...without good electronic debugging skills... its easy enough for them to just get discouraged and end up giving up.....now the likelihood of this kind of discouragement happening...is far less if they already have some part of there midiBox project up and running...ie. a known good CPU board...is a good start....

    The above reflection would be only more so if we welcomed Ardiuno beginners into this community...On that count I offer this reflection as to exactly why on earth I would even make such a seemingly absurd suggestion to welcome those who are just learning what digital logic is all about:

    Regarding Arduino....it is not like there is much there that maters other than the people who are just starting out. But out of those new people just learning will someday come the future growth of midiBox.... so I would like to invite, send welcoming message...and build a bridge between communitys.... Yes I know that the Arduino platform is nothing much but someday the people (children) who started there will be our future..... That is all that is truly good about Arduino.

    just my two cents..... others please chime in!!


    As in real life communities, people in the MIDIbox community will have different opinions and different levels of zeal (you know who you are, guys!)

    Every so often, the "non-commercial"-ness of MIDIbox and what it actually means gets discussed (bitched about?) here or on other forums. Labels like "elitist" get used. People complain about a right to sell whatever they make. Even relative newbies to MIDIbox get all preachy and express righteous indignation about the mere suggestion of the MIDIbox user not being the one who soldered their MIDIbox. Oh the huge manatee! etc. etc. So take it all with a grain of salt, basically.

    To address your specific question: while a pre-built Core might save the first time newbie a bit of hassle having a known-good board they can plug in and play with ASAP, if that newbie didn't have the tools or skills to solder even a Core module, then what exactly would they do with the Core anyway? Surely they'd want to interface it with something and need to do some soldering eventually.

    So it's not a "price of admission" as you put it... just an assumption that the newbie would have to do some soldering to build their MIDIbox project. Can you give me a scenario where a newbie to MIDIbox would not need to do any soldering at all? i.e. they just plug in a Core and that's it?

  10. Dear

    Sid ( monster? )

    Now let me see... should I reply to your conjectured ranting or go back to getting GDBserver running on the MidiBox over Ethernet?.... The only reason I'm not soldering my own CORE_LPC17 Module right now is that I'm waiting for them to become available....to little "clueless" newbies like me... As for your lovely suggestion of a deal...

    I was planing on assembling a second midiBox Core_LPC17 while I was at it...and send it back to Thorsten as a justure of good will to the Midi box community so that someone like who might need it to hit the ground running in doing what there best at (writing software) will feel properly appreciated for what they bring ( I will let Thorsten decide who that should be )....

    So I will make you a deal.... I'll help YOU write a better Abelton Live driver.... If you will agree to stop flaming at me and go back to doing something more constructive.....

    There is a very real reason I have written what I have,... If one reads the midiBox form.... I'm not the first to receive notes like the one you just finished sending me.....and in all candidness....by doing so, your not doing the image of the midiBox community any favors...

    Now you say ""I can't be bothered to hack the Ableton live API""....and I write back I'm to busy hacking the Abelton API to want to be bothered into replying to rants like yours.....so Grow up and learn to Hack the Abelton API...so I can end up helping you to get the job done....sorry that the best you can manage to to is pick up a soldering iron...

    all the best wishes towards your further empowerment.

    -Peter Lindener

  11. Hi

    Thorsten -

    Maybe you should have linked me to Here:




    I had already looked where you suggested: See http://www.ucapps.de/mios32_c.html...'>http://www.ucapps.de/mios32_c.html...

    It could be clearer at the top level web page where to look....maybe this is just about newbie usability...

    I did mange to find these other links via other peoples posting on the MidiBox form.... so the docs are there...Just not so clearly visible when navigating from the root web pages.

    Looking real good!

    all the best


    See http://www.ucapps.de/mios32_c.html

    Each tutorial contains a README which describes some details - step by step

    The complete code is available on our subversion server

    If you are missing details in the Wiki, help to improve it!

    MIOS32 is very modular, changes in my own sources are aligned with me, experimental changes can be done in separate directories or svn branches (if really required)

    It's possible at application level, especially if the C++ flow is used.

    I for myself don't plan to do this work due to other plans.

    Not required, as the compile flow is very fast, and sources are sometimes using hardcoded parameters selected via #ifdef/#if to simplify customizations.

    Creating libraries would lead to higher RAM consumption and too many variations - no real advantage.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  12. Sorry for being a newbie...and thus needing to ask questions that might sound dumb for know there way around the MidiBox sight.... can someone clue me in..?

    1. I'm trying to understand the details of how MIOS32 is linked into an application binary...

    2. Is there a description of how to do software development using the preferred software tool chain(s).

    3. How does one go about extending the MIOS32 library's functionality...is there a GIT hub, for submission of code that one might propose could go into the more formal MIOS32 release ?...

    4. Does MIOS32 currently have a version numbering system, how does the community handle experimental branching of the source tree.

    5. Is the idea that more than one MIOS App may be supported to run concurrently (dynamically scheduled, both in memory), with shared Midi-stream routing, under consideration?

    6. Has there been any entertainment of taking MISO towards dynamically linked shared librarys?

  13. Where else does one bring up the topic of making it easier for newbies to aquire known good hardware to start out on..... I can put it together....but its great for first timers to not run into as many problems ( even if due to there own lack of soldering skills )...... I did want to bring up the issue of the availability of prepopulated boards......not because I need them...or have any interest in making $$$s off there assembly...but because other newbies may not have the experience that I have......ie. I like the idea of being welcoming...even for Arduano users who barely understand how slow there little 8 bit chip is..... I hope people don't end up canning me for inviting these newbies over to MidiBox, ARM Cortex-M3 land.......

    folks will naturally think you are offering to sell something when you post in the sale requests forum...

  14. Dude!.....did your say CAFFEINE!!! Your right PCCNespresso land is so COOL!.....

    Lazers to...... man were should I shoot first...... we will just vaporize all of them!!!...you say they only know how to play with 8 bit 10Mz controllers..... well show them a trick or two....... I hear you ca use Music some form of a new fangled weapon..... Its true!!...Ive tried it with my Saxaphone....Pacific Ave in Santa Cruz, CA, USA was completely neutralized this morning by means of playing Adele's rolling in the deep on my Alto.... Need more Mountain Dew!!



    Yo dude, if ya haz once experienced tha mighty new LPCNespresso rainbow land, you will not want to build a bridge back to old grey Arduino land.

    Cause its got lazerz! And caffeine!


  15. Dear

    Midi box community -

    First thanks for the fairly thoughtful feedback, many of you posted in response to my reflections.

    Then I do feel a bit misunderstood. I have not asked for permission to sell anything related to the MidiBox IP, but only suggested that some additional thinking and reflection might be healthy.... I'm certainly not suggesting that my take on things in the end is what the MidiBox community as a whole will want to do...only that some reflection might be in order...

    My original intent, was to suggest that it might be good to make some effort towards bridging the Arduino and MidiBox communitys.... I did bring up the production of populated boards but only to ease the entry of tech newbies who are even more entry level in there learning about micro-controllers.... I never asked to produce such boards for my profit...quite the opposite. I figured I would support such efforts out of my own pocket...

    On the other hand.....understading something about economics.... I did figure that we might want to make it attractive for others to produce this entry level Arduino/MidiBox compatible platform...

    I hope this clarifys were I am comming from.

    All the best


  16. Dear

    findbuddha -

    I guess I'm a bit saddened that my efforts to be constructive in a economically more viable fashion are some how taken somehow as "you have set off on the wrong foot in a sense".... I certainly am capable of picking up a soldering iron. Then I'm not sure at this point if the MidiBox community has any real sense of what it takes to be __WELCOMING__ enough to grow past a potentially cliquey mind set.... Do you actually want someone who can work in the Time/Frequency dual space (in his sleep)....to wounder why your community can't see the value in letting some vendor populate MidiBox core logic boards under a proper license (I'm not asking for it to be me)..... This is not rocket science, but basic economics 101...even in an open design environment..... So if newbies who have real and possibly valid opinions are not welcome here (as I am beginning to sense) Just let me know and I'll kindly go away...

    Sorry that for some, using a soldering iron is some how more redeeming than having solid background in advanced servo control system design.

    All the best


  17. I just learned of the MidiBox community.... I feel blessed that this circle of creative people exists... and that I seem welcome to join in sharing all this creativity.... Then I am feeling a bit baffled.... Recognizing that big picture potential of this creativity..... I suggested to a friend who just sold me some serial Hi side driver boards...that he might want to take interest in helping to bridge the Ardiano and MidiBox communitys....

    This friend like many struggles to run his small business...and I gather would welcome the opportunity to empower many additional people to start working with MidiBox technology.....

    I personally have picked up a soldering Iron many times in my life and have put plenty of things together my self.. I am also a systems designer who knows that when one wants to build bigger systems level innovations that it is often important to mange the cumulative complexity of what one tries to put together and that for these reasons it is often important to obtain some of ones components already assembled to some level...

    Otherwise translated.... As a systems level engineer I can bring a lot to this party...Then most of this in reality, these day,s is software related...I certainly recognize the contributions of others in this MidiBox community to the software that ultimately make the MidiBox controller a real success..

    While I would hit the road running helping bring the latest version of the MidiBox core logic up, instead of being able to acquire an already up and running board.... some in this community seem to be suggesting that the price of admission to this community is that I prove that I know how to solder.....Now I am not asking that these same people prove that they can work in the Time/Frequency domain Dual space in there sleep.... so why the over zealous nature on the DIY thing....your community would likley grow faster and much healthier if others let people do they they felt they could do that would most contribute to the MidiBox community.... Otherwise translated...

    Maybe your community might want to reassess as to if some level of pre-assembled and tested core logic board might be made available for those just diving in the latest MidiBox implementation...

    I hope these thoughts help to bring some level of reflection regarding the friendliness quotient presented by the MidiBox community..

    all the best


  18. Dear

    Thorsten -

    I just wrote Pierce Nichols (see bellow) regarding the possibility of helping to bridging the MidiBox an Arduino open source DIY community's. Would you be open to letting his firm supply a populated, entry level board that would encourage the bridging of these two community's?

    From: Peter Lindener <lindener.peter@gmail.com>

    Date: Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 7:06 PM

    Subject: Re: mBeduino

    To: Pierce Nichols <pierce@logos-electro.com>


    Pierce - See: http://www.logos-electro.com/ard-srg-ips4x4-1/

    Thanks for writing back. The LeafLabs people have ported a Arduino->ARM Cortex-M3 corelib....so I gather if one were to use the same pin function mappings that Leaf uses...a Zigbee/ARM Arduino like migration path might empower many to continue on to the next level of CPU functionality....

    I will be interfacing your 16 channel Hi-Side driver boards to the Latest MidiBox core logic board ~ MBHP_CORE_LPC17 .... This new board design is just about to be released....it utilizes a leading edge, 120Mhz NXP ARM-Cortex-M3 LPC1769 LPCXpresso Board....... Not to mention that the software you would most likely need for your Pipe Organ project is essentially all ready written in "C" as an open source "MidiBox" application....

    What I would like to do, ~ working with you, is find a way to bridge Arduino and the MidiBox open source community's. Clearly we could write up how your hi-side driver boards were easly hooked up to this latest Midi Box coreLogic board...

    While it is not a necessity that I help build a bridge between these two Tech community's...I certainly can see the big picture value in making such an effort.

    The thought here is one of building a pruned down MidiBox coreLogic Board, that also accommodates an compatible Arduino shield.... As you mention with a well written cross compatible core Arduino library.... those taking this step up in there capabilitys might not even miss a beat....(pun intended).... not to mention a sea of more advanced MidiBox projects they might play with as well as further extend....

    It sounds like your fairly busy with ZigBee related things so I will understand either way...

    all the best


  19. Dear

    Thorsten -

    I was delighted to find your Open source MidiBox project..... just about to use the NXP LPC1769.....

    I was about to start developing a Midi I/O project using the NXP mBed controller...I was looking for Midi interface PCBs when I came across your work...Wow!...complete with integrated OSC support...

    Looking around your site... I take it that the MBHP_CORE_LPC17 is kind of new.....not enough there to just roll up the shirt sleeves a dive in..... I gather there are just a few PC boards for it currently in existence?....I will order the LPC1769 LPCXpresso Board... when can I dive in to building up a the rest of the core logic PCB?

    The other question I have regards the "Non commercial" aspect of the Open source MIOS operating system...

    What are the exact license terms and restrictions on the MidiBox project IP.... Are there possibly also commercial licensing terms for use of your MIOS software system?

    Have you considered Licensing your latest core MidiBox logic design such that one might be able to purchase it fully populated from a board assembly vender???.....

    With the utmost of respect for the empowerment you have given the MidiBox community.

    All the best

    -Peter Lindener

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