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Posts posted by androSID

  1. Hey AndroSID, do your SIDs produce offspring? Your quanities "left" seem to rise over time :rolleyes:. You have to share your secret because I can't get mine to mate... :sweat:

    Unfortunately no... :-) But sometimes I just decide to grab a few from my collection and sell them - though I didn't plan to do it. Unfortunately the # of 8580r5

    is really low now and no one seems to care for 6581 anyway.

  2. Having bought many hundreds of SIDs from all possible sources in China over the last few years I also received many

    Fakes and especially "refurbished" chips. Let me tell you that the chips you have here are clearly refurbs...

    That means the these are real 8580r5 most probably. They just printed a new front/backside to give them

    a "New Old Stock" appearance which allows these to be sold more expensive.

    If they produce sound you can use them and there's no need to get rid of them. At least you can keep them as spare parts.

    However I noticed that many of these fakes and refurbs were partially damaged: the filter section of the SID sems to

    Be the most delicate part... So just keep an eye on filter functionality!

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