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Posts posted by CatOrg

  1. ... You have to be pretty comfortable with assembly language coding ...

    Dear Jim, well this is not for me then.

    About the LPC, this is exactly what I prefer, but till now I come to prices more than 2x higher that in the US. They charge $100 for one LPC, $200 for 4. Not the LPC is the problem, but mailing :-( Even the official NXP-reseller here doesnt get it better.

    So I stay at smthg like 3x MB128-MIOS8 in chain and a 4550 as MIDI-USB. Just beginning right now with soldering my first works, anyway...

    All would change if I could convice friends here to bring it back from France, Germany or Miami in their bag.

  2. It depends on the software but it can be very low, i.e. not noticeable.

    Which software is then better? I have no idea. I checked for MB128 that this goes with MIOS-Studio, but how do you say to MB that the DIN-DOUT makes the notes and the channels etc?

    I read from a magnet producer (Wicks, I think) that they lower the opening time to 60ms. That lets plenty of time, doesnt it?

  3. Yes, it is that simple to use NC rather than NO switches.

    The problem most people have with DIY switches on keyboards is providing a switch that will switch at about the midpoint of key travel without impeding further key movement.

    Love it, wow...

    I had many possibilities to take a look at church organs with electr. action (and examined also pneumatic and mechanical). And did my homework: some models. But I never could examine a theater-organ, and didnt check how this works with an Hammond...

    The contact (generally) closes between 1-3mm. 1 is very nervous and excellent for a practice organ, 3 is very comfortable but still a little bit nervous. I never saw an organ that switches at 50%, I can imagine this is very very comfortable. UHT (http://www.uht-tastaturen.de) says their keyboards are made to switch between 1-3mm too.

    I tried different DIY contacts... Only the point of keep-it-easy-and-simple is interesting. My Casio MA-150 doesnt notice anything, no problem with bouncing, and midi-ox doesnt monitor any problem.

    And you are right, this is quite difficult to find an acceptable switch-design that allows egality of all notes and worst of all, a long travel after switching...

    But I will try now with a DIY NC-switch, because this cannot be easier and simpler. This will just be very nervous.

  4. Still strugling with some Midi-Box concepts...

    I see in MIOS8, chapter MIDI128-tools, that I can freely configure events. I understand I can use the config.:

    on Event: noteOff & noteNumber

    off Event: noteOn & noteNumber

    ... that would switch the note On when the switch opens and reverse.

    Is this just so simple?

    The idea is to use normally closed switches (http://www.knowledgerush.com/wiki_image/1/1d/Switch_circuit_not.png)

    that are really easier to implement with my diy-keyboards...

  5. CatOrg,

    Looks like you haven't got alot of response.

    Perhaps I can help you a bit, as I have been thru this a couple of times. We can do it here on the forum, or by PM.


    Dear John best thanks. In the meantime, I found two docs very helpfull:




    This doenst eliminate all questions, but quite a lot of them.


  6. Hm... in addition you have to re-configure the iic_midi.asm driver:

    Best Thanks! With my little understanding of programing, this seems doable.

    BTW: I was not really prepared for electronics in coming here to Colombia, since I had an organ next house to my flat and open-house for me all the time. But here I see the world diferently, and I think midibox is specially interesting for third world lands... So thanks again!

  7. This solution is probably more expensive than really required.

    Dear Thorsten,

    Was für eine Ehre! Danke für die schnelle Antwort ;-)

    The midibox 128 v 3 is very impressive. Wow, connecting two consoles to the same computer, or a 5-man. Theater-organ with Aftertouch on all keyboards... all with maximal 7 little boards.

    To be honnest, the smd cores make me problem. Speaking of the LPC, soldering myself -newbie- is excluded (no mention the boards printing) or let it sold from an experienced electronician is not easy.

    Buy it is also quite impossible here in Colombia. We have unsure post-traffic, and I dont have a credit card, thats the must to pay embeddedartists (bank-transfer are here impossible, they pretext anti-narco laws, but in fact the banks here profit very well of isolation - think: Kreditzins: 33% per year).

    So I came to this solution as a f-u-l-l - D-I-Y - solution with parts that are all existing here. A pre-assembled 128 v 3 would be nicer. (But well, I should have had let my Colombia-girlfriend come to Germany, I would still have my house organ etc. but I am happy here, so just making the best of it).

    On the other side, we get parts quite cheap (16f84 for 1,40, Reichelt 2,50 for comparison, 18f452 for 5,- resistor 1/4W for < 0,01) and I can test all parts before buying, the electronic shops are all close to my job. And the design of the midi-box is really good for newbies.

    So if you say, against this way (quite not so elegant) there is nothing, I would at least begin with it, till the intercontinental situation betters...

  8. Hello and thanks to those who helps, that make midi really friendly :thumbsup:

    (Btw: I bought a PIC-programmer and felt in love with it :ahappy: )

    After studying this MIDI, Midibox and DIY stuff, I came to the conclusion the best for me (organ console for Virtual Pipe organ, 3 manuals, 1 pedal, 1 scanner for stops, 1 AIN and a beginner for assembly the parts to a working all) would be a combination of 5 x Petkov-scanner (http://www.reocities.com/JDPetkov/Hardware/midikeyb/mkcs.gif ; I just feel stupid to use this marvellous PIC-core for only a so basical job like scanning), connected over 4 x IIC-modules to a PIC-Core , the 5th scanner connected directly to the PIC-core (and a commercial MIDI-USB)

    And thats all my question: does a PIC-core used as router accept 4 x midi-IN + a 5th midi-IN directly in the IN of the core and a pot connected also to one analog ports of the 18f?

    And last question: Is there reasons to not do so like I am planning?

    Thanks in advance!


  9. Hello,

    I would like to avoid MIDIOX for mapping the output of the Midibox-cores, so I think of modifying the program "Sending MIDI events on button movements" (/Ucapps/Programming/MIOS 8 C Interface). I understand that modifying this way would do the trick for configuring the channel:

    MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0x90); // Note Event at channel #1

    MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0x91); // Note Event at channel #2

    MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0x92); // Note Event at channel #3


    But I need also to set first note number to 36, and thats my question. I suppose it is from general interest, since many musician use anyway 5-octaves-keyboard.

    If I modify

    MIOS_SRIO_NumberSet(16); // for 128 pins

    this way, I suppose I'll get the notes 0-63

    MIOS_SRIO_NumberSet(8); // for 64 pins

    So I understand I must set the value of 36 as first note number in the DIN_NotifyToggle part of the program, is it the right way to write:

    void DIN_NotifyToggle(unsigned char pin, 24) __wparam ; // 24 ist hex for 36

    or must it be:

    void DIN_NotifyToggle(unsigned char pin, unsigned char pin_value) __wparam


    MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0x90); // Note Event at channel #1

    MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0x24); // begin with pin #36

    MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(pin); // just forward the pin number (36..96)

    MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(pin_value ? 0x00 : 0x7f); // Velocity = 0x7f when

    // button pressed, else 0x00



    Or something else? Excuse me, but my notions of programation are very basical...

    Thanks in advance,


  10. Just trying to keep it simple...

    ... for non-electronicians. And good enough to bring it in the Wiki.

    For me there are "mainly" two configurations for a newbie with Hauptwerk / Myorgan / miditzer, and thats seems to be quite the same in midi-box-words.

    And there is the need of most to give just the money out that makes sense, no more (not less since nobody wants a no-sense-solution, but thats not the theme)

    Thats my case, and since I am quite the only organist actually here, I would like to have a simple "to-do" list for others here, simple to understand and bring in practice.

    For simplifying, I name the pedal "manual" (with 32 or 64 contacts)

    - Both configs: DIY the most, no MIDI-Keyboard, must be midifyied from old organ console for example.

    - Config 1: 2 or 3 manuals, pedal, 0 or 1 swell pedal, select/unselect stops/pistons per mouse-device/computer-keyboard

    - Config 2: 2 to 4 manuals, pedal, motorised stops, 1 or 2 swell pedal

    So now comes questions:

    - 2 x CORES

    - 8 x DINX4 (2 for every 56 inputs, and 2 for the other inputs)

    I love this list, I want smthg like that but complete from scratch to "load your favourite sample set, play and enjoy".

    ??? Is it really so? I understand you need the right software been loaded in the core of Midibox at each use, is it so if you use the DIN64? Is this automatical when I switch on? How do I load the first time the software in the core?

    ??? How does it goes with one of the 32 bits core? This has usb so no need for a MIDI-USB, just plug and play. But how many 64er-keyboards can these cores accept?

    What (midibox-)module do I need for connecting one or two analog - or digital (?) - swell pedal? What software comes then in the core?

    Thanks in advance

    PS: The list looks like that, please correct me if necessary.

    Lets speak about Config 1

    - Build the keyboards and pedal you need or buy them used

    - install contacts at each key

    - find a friend who is electronician and want to work for you, or an prototyping-engineer, or learn to sold

    - Buy the kits of - and build together 4 Midi-cores (better the stm32 based, since there is still no kit for the lpc17), 5 DIN and 1 AIN and connect them

    - load the MIOS and the programs ...

    - Read and do what this pdf says: http://www.tosa-qld.org/VTPO/docs/Midification_of_an_Organ.pdf

    - connect your keyboards, pedal and swell pedal to the DIN and AIN-modules

    - download and install your favourite VPO

    - download and install your favourite Virtual organ (not in case of Miditzer, you have it already with the last step)

    - plug-in your USB-console in your computer-USB-ports

    - Play your keyboards and pedal for test

    - buy or build a nice pair of loudspeakers - dont forget, all your pleasure depends from this step

    - Open your favourite scores and practice.

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