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The Dub Master MIDIbox 64 -work in progress-


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Man im so relieved! Thanx!

Iv'e tried resoldering half of the pots i use now.

Jitter flyes away..and then it lands after 10 minutes again. I can't use these pots.

These pots came from China, and im gonna gather some more information to post here.

Mabye it can help other midiboxers to avoid getting bursting veins on their forehead like me...

Also, it looks like there is some mercy for me afterall.

My girlfriend's been helping alot with the "around stuff" on this project.

She told me to order the pots right away. She'll be paying for them.

I love her so much!!!  :-*

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My girlfriend's been helping alot with the "around stuff" on this project.

She told me to order the pots right away. She'll be paying for them.

I love her so much!!!  Kiss

Is there a sister available ?  ;D  ;D  ;D

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Iv'e been asked this before, and the answer is no.  :(

But there is a brother hahah

Im not kidding, when i was occupied with other stuff on this project,

my girl/future wife was right there beside me, measuring and cutting up all cables i needed.

She's been there every step when she had the time for it.

Incredible i tell you, and she did a damned good job too.

you would be amazed....cuz...she's a girl...

Mabye im a bit old fashioned....but it's not often i hear of girlfriends helping with electronical projects like this.


I have now ordered the pots..and it will take 5 days before i get them.....

That means i'll only have 2-3 weeks to get it all straight for the gig.

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Hey man!

Thanx for the info.

At least i wont have to throw these pots away.

I hate throwing stuff away, you always find yourself regreting it.

I might get to use em in some other projects, not as important as this one.  :P

But since the DM is going to be with me many years and through many gigs,

i need it to "stay sharp", so these new pots are invaluable.

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Mabye im a bit old fashioned....but it's not often i hear of girlfriends helping with electronical projects like this.

That's awesomeness. No, you're not old fashioned; alas, most girls are.... More geek chicks is good! Tell your girl we all think she rocks!

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That's awesomeness. No, you're not old fashioned; alas, most girls are.... More geek chicks is good! Tell your girl we all think she rocks!


I haven't ever met a girl that doesn't run away when I tell her that I'm playing the synthesizer.


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I haven't ever met a girl that doesn't run away when I tell her that I'm playing the synthesizer.


Not my girl.

She got her hands all over my stuff...  :P

Ok i recieved my pots today, and im about to wire em up.

So wish me luck!

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Thanx man! ;D

I feel so relieved, cuz it looks like everything is working.

This "sucky pots" thing made me doubt my soldering skills, my wiring, well everything.

Now it's time to look over the hex file and see what i need to do.

And then i have some mapping to do. :)

And after that, time for serious Dub my friends!

When the smoke clears as they say.  ;)

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Geeeez......i AM a total screw up  ;D

Iv'e forgotten to incorporate menu buttons for my machine.........

Well i have an extra 16 misc buttons.

I can spare 4 of these for the menu buttons.

But when looking at the Hex file im a bit confused.

; DIN pin numbers of menu buttons


  #define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_EXEC 7 ; menu exec button assigned to DIN pin #7

  #define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_RIGHT 6 ; menu right button assigned to DIN pin #6

  #define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_LEFT 5 ; menu left button assigned to DIN pin #5

  #define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_SNAPSHOT 4 ; menu snapshot button assigned to DIN pin #4


  #define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_EXEC 7 ; menu exec button assigned to DIN pin #7

  #define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_SNAPSHOT 6 ; menu snapshot button assigned to DIN pin #4

  #define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_RIGHT 5 ; NOT USED - overlayed by datawheel

  #define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_LEFT 4 ; NOT USED - overlayed by datawheel


Which shift register are these menu buttons allready assigned to.

Lets say i want to use 4 of the 16 misc buttons.

But these are connected to the last register on the 2nd DIN.

How do i tell the MB app this?


when testeing with the default MB64 app, most faders and pots arent assigned right.

Also, are the midichannels suposed to cycle when tweaking pots?


I can understand the most basic functions in the app like LCD, how many buttons/pots..

But then there are more stuff than that in there.

For instance, how do i assign a certain LED from the DOUT to a certain BUTTON on the DIN?


I am so lost here.

I have no idea what im doing.

Programming has never been my thing.

Iv'e tried this editor


I made a setting and tried just clicking "send".

The sysex gets sent, but the modification iv'e done is gone.

It's liek the DM never recieved the sysex.

Also, the LED's are flickering when i turn the knobs and faders.

I'ts not like the LED's light up, just flickering.

I have too many questions, and no time.

I have no idea how im going to make it to the gig.


When sending sysex i get this message on the LCD.

MIDI time out!

Whats up???


Is this good or bad?

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Ok the first thing i tested was the upload request.

I used MIOS Studio.

And i got this (borrowed picture):


I even tried uploading the app again and it worked perfectly.

But uploading sysex with "Serge's MIDIbox Editor" fails miserably!

Going to the next steps on the MIDI troubleshooting list. *sigh*

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I don't get this..

When studying this MIDI troubleshooting i get the feeling it was made for people,

not being able to get a connection at all.

Im getting the connection and MIOS Studio MIDI monitor registers the upload request.

Aps are uploaded without any problems, with right Checksums.

But when i use Serge's MIDIbox Editors to upload sysex i get a "MIDI time out! Whats up???".

i gotta get another beer before doing anything at all...

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Just reading that answer makes me feel better inside Stryd. 8)

When using Serge's editor i have the box connected to the PC like with the MIOS studio.

I do not touch anything else in between.

I close MIOS studio and start up Serge's.

I then choose the midi input and output (Crystal MPU-401).

Im using a gameport for this "transaction".

And it just wont work.

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oh BTW, that  "what's up" message means that it's not receiving a complete midi message...

I wonder, maybe you could try something.... Make a small change in serge's, just one, for testing, and upload it. When you do, Run a midi monitor on the PC's output and paste that log in here.... Then loop the output of your pc back into it's input, and paste the monitor log in here too. They should be the same, in theory...

Also maybe you could try uploading the midimon app, so you can see what gets sent to your core.

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Aight! Im on it.


The first thing i tried now was connecting the midi out of the PC with Serge's running on it,

to my D.A.W PC.

I then loaded the MIDI monitor from my SFP application.

I didn't make any changes in Serge's as you suggested Stryd.

Just wanted to se if Serge's is sending complete strings.

This is what i got. (stupid midimonitor dont have a copy/paste function..)










Looks like complete strings to me.

I looked at the info about Serge's on ucapps,

and when sysex is uploaded successfully you get this right?


"Recieved Aknowledge - block upload was successfull".

Well im not getting that.

All i see is the sent bytes, and no indications that Serge's is recieving aknowledgement.

So the sysex gets sent, but the box aint talking back..?

It certainly does when using MIOS..this is so confusing.

I just thought i should post my findings so far.  :)

In any case, i will now try to go through the checklist you provided in your latest post now.

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I searched the forum and somewhere i read about people having problems

sending sysex to their Midiboxes some time ago.

This was due to the nature of their midigameports drivers and stuff.

I sat here thinking for a coupe of minutes,

and then i went down to the cellar.

I came back up with another older computer.

Windows XP was already installed yay!!!

I then hooked up the Dubmaster to the PC and started upploading.

1. Uploading MB64 app with MIOS studio.


2. Uploading a clean default sysex with Serge's

*SUCCESS*  :o  :o  :o.......

3. Uploading a slightly modified sysex with Serge's.



There are only about 7 pots that does anything.

I don't understand this!

It's been like this since i first uploaded the MB64 app.

I discarded it by thinking, "oh, all those other pots must not be assigned or something...".

How many pots are assigned by default in the MB64 app anyway?

Seems i was wrong. Cause i can only use 7 pots right now  :(

Despite of what im uploading.

I might have forgotten to change something in the MB64 app...

But i do remember setting the app for 57 pots.

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