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Fight of the night: ALPS vs. Panasonic MFs


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Hi there!

Since we from Germany just can get the ALPS faders for a dammit high price (bout 25 Eu /piece) and the Panasonic ones only with high shipping prices, here goes the question:

Whats the big difference between ALPS and Panasonic Motorfaders? Is it just the price or is the quality of the ALPS ones really so much better?

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Kia Ora

(kiwi's will know what that means, for those that don't, it's hello in Maori)

drumwide, I believe that there is no point in having motor faders without being touch sensitive. All this feature does is disingage the fader motor when there is any resistance to them moving (i.e. if you touch the fader while it is moving the motor will stop moving the fader). Without this featuer it is easy to damage the fader.

I'm saving for P&G's. I may be able to get them for a resonable price (I deal with the Mackie service department in NZ frequently). Anyone interested? I'll have to follow this one up.


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I'm got to order a VU meter for a mackie 8 buss this week, so I will talk the them about getting some P&G's. I'm not expecting them to be cheap, but I think it will less than most other places.

If that fails I'll try Mackie US. I work for a company which is one of Mackie's biggest customers, so i'm sure i'll be able to get some kind of deal.

I'll keep you posted on this thread when i've got some more info.


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OH YES! you mean you can have P&Gs???? I'm very interested!!! I try to contact the french people who sold P&G product, but they didn't answer me...

That's because the french reseller is DM2J "quite dead"...

ArtisFinance group (SCV Audio, Guillard-Musique, Codim, MSK, TIP, Dynamic Audio, Audiopole, DM2J, PHL audio… 1st importer in France) is playing with his different compagny and as they import 70% of audio stuff in France... they think they can do what they want ...

A nice example of "World Compagnies" wich can lead the market  as they want ! (hello Bill Gates !!!)

I think it's Dynamic audio which is importing P&G faders now  in France... not sure ....I have P&G classical faders enough in stock ...

sorry not really in the target of the topic ...

But i'm really angry 'cause of this type of compagnies ...

I admit that's also because they are my "job's concurents" ;)

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it's icmesure who contact me for P&G (I contact first P&G and I think they foward my mail to icmesure).

I agree with you! And it's the same problem for most electronic part related to music : tubes for guitar amp which are sold twice the price, the same with pot ect...!!

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Hi guys,

I talked to Mackie today, I can get P&G's (the ones that are used in the HUI, which I assume age the same as those used in the logic/mackie control). As I expected they are not cheap: $120 NZ each (at the time of writing $1 NZ = $0.58 US). I've been trying a few other contacts. I can get the faders used in the O2R (Alps 100mm) for around $70 NZ each, and the faders used in the O3D (Alps 60mm) for about $30 each.

Here is the good news. I have come across some 100mm motor faders which I belive are ALPS (as used in the O2R) for approx $10 NZ each :o :o :o ;D ;D ;D. I've contacted the supplier to get the make,  model and numbers available.  

Let me know if you are interested


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oouaaawwww!! $120NZ which make about $70!!!! :-/ ....

But if you can get some at $10NZ (less than 5euros!!) I'm VERY interested! ;D

Oh yes if you can get some at this low price it would be GREAT!!!!!! ;D

thanks ;)

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Here is the good news. I have come across some 100mm motor faders which I belive are ALPS (as used in the O2R) for approx $10 NZ each :o :o :o ;D ;D ;D. I've contacted the supplier to get the make,  model and numbers available.  

Let me know if you are interested


Very interested!



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Although of the good news: (10 per Fader!!! YES...)

As the touchsensor is just a electrical connection to the fader knob, has anyone experimented upgrading the Panasonic ones?

Has somebody some pictures of them? If theyre constructed in some reasonable way, it *could* be possible to somehow connect the knob with some wire, naturally without disturbing the movement and the look of those Faders...

Just an idea...

/edit: Forget the picture, I found one... doesnt look to great for modifying... *thinking*

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As the touchsensor is just a electrical connection to the fader knob, has anyone experimented upgrading the Panasonic ones?

Has somebody some pictures of them? If theyre constructed in some reasonable way, it *could* be possible to somehow connect the knob with some wire, naturally without disturbing the movement and the look of those Faders...

check out http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=concepts;action=display;num=1049944101

Modding the Pana faders falls into the "I wish" category.... :-/

Have fun!


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Ok, end of the *thinking* status. Changing to the *maybethiscouldwork* status.

I just painted some picture, but since I dont have any webspace... whatever. Perhaps somebody could post it for me. Dont know if I can explain it to good.

Here we try:

First, you would have to mount some metall piece right onto the fader knob, facing to one side of the housing (it should be round though - welded, soldered, screwed in there- whatever - and about 3mm diameter).

Since you have kinda space right next to the fader slot (next to the fader knob - about 5mm or so) it should be possible to mount a small copper band in there (about 0,1mm thick, 100mm long and about 2mm wide). Just glue (or whatever) the upper and lower end of it to the housing of the Fader. It should touch that metall piece mentioned before fairly good. Perhaps bended by it by 1-2 mm.

Now you can solder some wire to the copper band and voila: Touch sensitivity.

*IF* somebody understood this, he could do me the favor and try it out.

I rather would try it myself, but as of money-lacking I will start building my LC in August or later.

What do you think of this idea? A little complicated perhaps, but first: DIY and second the only idea I had.

Just the question if spending 13 Euros per Fader is worth the work.

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Hi guys,


Here is the good news. I have come across some 100mm motor faders which I belive are ALPS (as used in the O2R) for approx $10 NZ each :o :o :o ;D ;D ;D. I've contacted the supplier to get the make,  model and numbers available.  

Let me know if you are interested


Most definitly interested! let us know the specifics. I would take at least 16.

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Hi all you fader junkiez,

Still no word for the supplier. I'll keep you all informed as more info comes to hand.

Great minds think alike pay_c. I am thinking on the same lines as you if I have to resort to panasonic motor faders. Every DIY'er konws that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.


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