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MB808 drum seq standalone


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great work sasha (as always)

i'm bound to do this in the next month or two as well

i have almost completed my mb808 and have time to build all the drum voice pcbs ive got in my pcb pile

currently consisting of 3 th-mps, 909 kick, and soon some sds3 voices

does your pcb include all elememts of the 808 pcb without the drums?

ie will it include the master outs + accent circuit or is it just core+DIN+DOUT

im currently researching buttons

that miami808 has great tact switches and caps

does anyone know where to find them?

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I'll prob use these for my frankenstein drum machine


They are expensive for 4, but HKSS is good when you ask them to invoice you for custom amounts.

I used these in one of my sequencers, and I do like them.

They are the same size as used in much oberheim gear, NOT any sequential gear as the add might have you believe (They are wider than Prophet 5 buttons)





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great work sasha (as always)

Thank you Luka.  ;)

does your pcb include all elememts of the 808 pcb without the drums?

I find MB808 unsuitable name for drum sequencer project. It has nothing to do with 808, it is just written to improve Moogah 808 clone. I would call it just drum sequencer.

ie will it include the master outs + accent circuit or is it just core+DIN+DOUT

No, master outs and accent circuit are part of synthesizer. This is just standalone version of this project: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_808.html

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  • 2 weeks later...

No, master outs and accent circuit are part of synthesizer. This is just standalone version of this project: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_808.html

So, how do you plan to implement the master out control on the control surface? Will it work with the 9090 or is it just for midi out from the sequencer? You will not fit the dual gang pot of the 9090 main level on that spot, will you?

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This is just MIDI sequencer! Separate from the synthesizer. Synthesizers already have their level pots, so I don`t understand why you think it should have it.

The reason I ask is that in your layout drafts, there is no master level in the sythesizer section but one in the sequencer section. Thought you might have moved it there.

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The reason I ask is that in your layout drafts, there is no master level in the sythesizer section but one in the sequencer section. Thought you might have moved it there.

PCB have footprint for pot and pin connector, you can use it for whatever you want. In my case it will be for master level.
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PCB have footprint for pot and pin connector, you can use it for whatever you want. In my case it will be for master level.

So, will you use this to control the level of the synthesizer section and in that case, how, or will you use the master level midi message externally in some way? The 9090 cannot make any use of the level midi message, right?

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  • 8 months later...

Hi Strophlex,

now it seems i am on the right tread for my questions about MB808 .

I need to know on the DOUT board what are the pin that trigger the voices.

I have not find a schematic for that.

On relative schematics on 808 forum are there some lines without name, other are

connected to leds.

Are the line without name the triggers signals?

Thanks for any help


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Hi Strophlex,

now it seems i am on the right tread for my questions about MB808 .

I need to know on the DOUT board what are the pin that trigger the voices.

I have not find a schematic for that.

On relative schematics on 808 forum are there some lines without name, other are

connected to leds.

Are the line without name the triggers signals?

Thanks for any help


Sorry, I don't know. But I think there are people to ask. The guys that designed the drum sequencers in this thread should know. Anyway, I am pretty sure it is assignable in the firmware so you could look into the source code and hopefully there are lots of useful comments.

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  • 2 months later...


Thank You for the good idea to search any remarks in code,

anyway i will be appreciative if someone will give me an answer about.

Best regards

Hi , Antix

May be I am wrong, but this part of code in setup_808_default.asm file is define SR drum trigger outputs :

; Following table allows you to define; - the track names (must consist of exactly 6 characters!)

; - the DOUT shift registers (SR) to which the drum triggers are connected

; (1-16; 0 disables assignment)

; - the DOUT pin to which the drum triggers are connected (0-7)

; - the MIDI output port (0=disabled, 1=Default, 2=Internal, 3=IIC1, 4=IIC2, 5=IIC3, 6=IIC4, 7=Trigger Only)

; - the AOUT channel to output velocity (1-8, 0=disabled)


;; Name SR Pin MPort AChn

db "BD ", 1, 1, 1, 0 ; Track 1

db "SD ", 1, 2, 1, 0 ; Track 2

db "LT/LC ", 1, 3, 1, 0 ; Track 3

db "MT/MC ", 1, 4, 1, 0 ; Track 4

db "HT/HC ", 1, 5, 1, 0 ; Track 5

db "CP ", 1, 6, 1, 0 ; Track 6

db "MA ", 1, 7, 1, 0 ; Track 7

db "RS/CL ", 4, 0, 1, 0 ; Track 8

db "CB ", 4, 1, 1, 0 ; Track 9

db "CY ", 4, 3, 1, 0 ; Track 10

db "OH ", 4, 4, 1, 0 ; Track 11

db "CH ", 4, 5, 1, 0 ; Track 12

db "Ext1 ", 0, 0, 1, 0 ; Track 13

db "Ext2 ", 0, 0, 1, 0 ; Track 14

db "Ext3 ", 0, 0, 1, 0 ; Track 15

db "Acc. ", 7, 7, 7, 0 ; Track 16



; define the track which is used for global accent

; (0=disabled, 1-16: track number)




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  • 6 months later...

Is anyone still working on a standalone MB808 sequencer PCB?

Hello everyone! I was out of the community for quite some time, and feel little bit rusty. :)Anyway, I`m ready to get back on track, and I`m glad to confirm I`m continuing with this project. ;) Soon I`ll make prototype PCBs and let you know the details.

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Hello everyone! I was out of the community for quite some time, and feel little bit rusty. :)Anyway, I`m ready to get back on track, and I`m glad to confirm I`m continuing with this project. ;) Soon I`ll make prototype PCBs and let you know the details.

Welcome back Sasha! :)

Nice to hear! Really looking forward to this!!

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I thought I finished PCB designing than, after talking to Wilba, I decided to make some more changes. He suggested to use 10mm spacers as he did on his Kaffe sequender, instead of 20mm, so I did it. Early in this thread I was thinking to use mini DINs, but as it is not used on any gear I quit the idea. In order to use standard DINs, I needed to make some compromises. I left out one encoder to make room for sockets, so now there are 2 knobs instead of previous 3 - tempo and swing. Instrument knob isn`t really necessary. I thought it would be cool to use it to send master volume CC. There is a cutout in the CS panel (as on on Kaffe), so DIN sockets are sticking trough it. Main board PCB also has cutout for 2200uF capacitor, in order to fit in sandwitch.

Another change is Sync24 out. I really didn`t wanted to left it out so I`ve decided to use MIDI in socket as a Sync24 out. MIDI uses 3 middle pins, and Sync24 out`s "run" and "clock" signals uses 2 outer pins (1 and 3). Only "continue" signal uses pin 5 used also by MIDI, but "continue" signal isnt used in the drum sequencer so I guess it shouldn`t be a problem. What do you think of it? Are there any reasons not to use one DIN socket for both? I really could`t make more space without altering PCB dimensions. Here is how the PCBs looks right now.

post-3921-029221800 1291025002_thumb.jpg

Edited by Sasha
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Another change is Sync24 out. I really didn`t wanted to left it out so I`ve decided to use MIDI in socket as a Sync24 out. MIDI uses 3 middle pins, and Sync24 out`s "run" and "clock" signals uses 2 outer pins (1 and 3).

An interesting idea!

I don't expect problems, but maybe you should add 100 Ohm resistors to the DIN sync outputs to protect them against shorts.

And it could make sense to add these outputs to the MIDI Out socket as well, just for the case that somebody uses the MIDI IN for MIDI clock synchronization.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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An interesting idea!

Well, I was forced to find some different solution without changing dimensions. I`m glad it makes sense. :)

I don't expect problems, but maybe you should add 100 Ohm resistors to the DIN sync outputs to protect them against shorts.

That`s cool. I just added those resistors.

And it could make sense to add these outputs to the MIDI Out socket as well, just for the case that somebody uses the MIDI IN for MIDI clock synchronization

Sure! I did that too. Thanks for the tips! ;)

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Nice to hear Sasha! I am definitely interested in a set of the pcbs if there will be a bulk order.

As some of you know from the past, it is mission impossible to organize PCB batch from Serbia on my own because of the very strict customs rules, but PCBs and laser cut/engraved acrylic case will bee very probably offered trough local company that will act as a payment/shipping gateway. I`ll have more info about it once I finish prototype.

Anyone more than me that would be in for panel and case for 9090 with this sequencer?

Well, as I will be making panel for my 9090, I can probably help you get custom 9090 panel that feature this sequencer and 9090 pots.

Here is my old design, but as it will be no batch for that, you can make any customization that you like. ;)


You asked about PCB dimensions before you edited the post?

They are 325x89mm

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As some of you know from the past, it is mission impossible to organize PCB batch from Serbia on my own because of the very strict customs rules, but PCBs and laser cut/engraved acrylic case will bee very probably offered trough local company that will act as a payment/shipping gateway. I`ll have more info about it once I finish prototype.

Well, as I will be making panel for my 9090, I can probably help you get custom 9090 panel that feature this sequencer and 9090 pots.

Here is my old design, but as it will be no batch for that, you can make any customization that you like. ;)

You asked about PCB dimensions before you edited the post?

They are 325x89mm

Sounds awesome! I am so very in! My 9090 really wants to get out of its recycled VCR case with masonite panel. I saw TwinX offered to run a PCB bulk order. Maybe he is still in.

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Even there will be just 3 locking peaces visible on front and back panels, and if you are perfectionist, like me, you can hide it by gluing the pieces and repainting it.

Here is how it looks at my Clockbox example. As I really like the design of Clockbox, I`ll be doing it again with case for Drum Sequencer.




All crews visible from the top will cover 1.6mm laser cut/engraved Rowmark sheet with just 4 screws visible in the corners. Same as I did here...


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Nice work, Sasha... I like the changes :thumbsup:

If you want to use the "C64" rocker switch (like MB-6582, sammich*, kaffeSEQ), I just ordered 500 and have plenty to spare for any PCB/kit bulk order.

By dropping the gap to 10mm, you now need to worry about clearance for the power socket and switch... when I suggested it, I was expecting you to increase the height of both boards to compensate for the cutouts required. On kaffeSEQ, the dimenions are so tight, you need to cut off the outer pair of leads from the switch so it clears the top PCB and encoder.

BTW kaffeSEQ is mostly nILS' design, please direct all design criticisms to him :poke: I just do all the boring stuff... :wacko:

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