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Possible to test-drive MBseq using core-Midi interfaces?


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Hi all,

I'm in the middle of building my mbseq v3 and I was wondering if it's possible to drive the core using the built-in midi ports during development?

If I'm reading this correctly the eusart bug shouldn't be a problem anymore on the newest pics, right?

Reason I'd like to drive it like this is I'm waiting for some parts for the midi-iic module.

So far, I've hooked it up and I do see the sysex request from the core (that's the upload request for MIOS, right?). But when I try to upload a hex file I don't get any response from the core....



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I had the same problem when I first attempted an upload to a NEW Core from SmashTV.  System went haywire, would reboot and only display black boxes on the top line of the display.

Turned out it was my procedure.  I was using Midi-Ox, silly me.  As soon as I tried MIOS

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dag nabbit !  hit the wrong key.

when I went to MIOS Studio.... it uploaded the SeqV3 code and worked perfectly.

good  luck

Thanks!  Were you using the midi ports on the core module ?  I think I read somewhere in the docu that the system automatically detects which ports are hooked up.

I also see the black boxes on the top row of the right display. In the meantime, I've hooked up the left display and it shows some text during startup - although some characters are missing. It says something like MIOS 1.9 and then READY (with the R missing).... not sure if this is due to a loose connection in the display wires or what not...

Anyway, the thing still isn't responding to any midi signals.

Also, Styrd, thanks for pointing me to the wiki! I hadn't seen this.  But I'm using a PIC bought from smashtv a couple weeks ago, so according to TK's notes I should be eusart-bug-free.

If anybody has some troubleshooting tips, that would be much appreciated!



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It says something like MIOS 1.9 and then READY (with the R missing).... not sure if this is due to a loose connection in the display wires or what not...

That's not great... Could be worth looking in to.

Also, Styrd, thanks for pointing me to the wiki! I hadn't seen this.

It's a big blue button at the top of every page :D Have you seen ucapps.de? That's where you'll find the midi troubleshooting guide, and I think it might be where you will stop next :) If you're not sure, click the link in my signature that says "Fix Bugs" and scroll down until you get to midi troubleshooting.

But I'm using a PIC bought from smashtv a couple weeks ago, so according to TK's notes I should be eusart-bug-free.

Indeed you should. In that case you should be able to upload using the ports on-board.

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That's not great... Could be worth looking in to.

You're so helpful, it's heart-warming.  ;)  turns out it was 2 wires mixed up.

It's a big blue button at the top of every page :D Have you seen ucapps.de?

Actually, now that you mention it... I seem to remember looking at that page...  ;D

That's where you'll find the midi troubleshooting guide, and I think it might be where you will stop next :)

Yep, done that.  It was a flaky socket.  Should have soldered that optocoupler directly to the board.  I hate it when Paul Schreiber is right (he's the guy making MOTM...)... he's got a very strong opinion on certain topics - IC sockets is one of them.

Anyway, I got it to work. Got mbseq v3 uploaded and the 2 displays show the content as shown on TKs website. (http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_manual.html) - there it is... I knew, I'd seen that website before.  ;D 

Time to test some encoders and pushbuttons.

Thanks for all the help (and the fun)!



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[me=stryd_one]does the "it's working" dance[/me]

It was a flaky socket.  Should have soldered that optocoupler directly to the board.

I hate it when Paul Schreiber is right (he's the guy making MOTM...)... he's got a very strong opinion on certain topics - IC sockets is one of them.

Well he's right and wrong (said stryd, not actually knowing what he said but taking a guess).

Yes, they make room for trouble (obviously you've heard his take on that!), but in the world of DIY and many newbies, they're almost a must. In fact in the case of the opto, I would say that is the most-needed socket after the PIC's. Why ? Because optos are shit, they break if you sneeze on them, and soldering direct to the board means you heat it up a bit. Could be a bad idea, especially for newbie solderers that might dwell on the pin too long. Better to just check the connections with your multimeter :)

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