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Encoder for scratch and pitch bend in traktor (configuration cuestions)


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Hello to all  I am dominating enough to taste the brilliant invention of  TK but still there are things in which the tortoise continues escaping from me because of it I ask for ideas and help.

I read the traktor to operate with the encoder of the Jog so much in Scratch or pitchbend need this signal:

            1 - when turning Jog (without directiondo not  import) a note (X) in value 127

            2 - Turning CC a note (Z) in value 127 generated by every pulse of the encoder.

            3 - turning ACC a note (Z) in value 1 generated one for every pulse of the encoder.

            4 – Jog is stoped a note (X) is 0 and note (Z) is 0.

This way is like  that works the Traktor now the problem is I can not  control to be able to generate two notes and in these values in the application MB64E.

On the other hand I think to see if someone has idea i like I can by means of a pot modify the sensibility of the encoder,  according to the position of the pot that the encoder has a factor of major or minor division of pulses, for example to the maximum if I give a return 1 I have 24 pulses, lowering it I divide it by 2 and in a return I have 12 pulses.

I basically am working with the soft of MB64E in asm but it seems to me that for it of the sensibility of the jog I am going to have to migrate to another platform and in C.

Forgive my Englishman I speak Spanish and I am impeded to write (I use the traslator) in English but if I can read it

Thank you very much for the help


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