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Midibox cv : Mplab can't recompile


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Hello all,

I have an aout_ng module I wish to use to midify a moog rogue, but can't recompile the setup_default.asm with the right interface_Type flag.

I get this:


Debug build of project `C:\midibox_cv_v1_2b\setup_default.disposable_mcp' started.

Preprocessor symbol `__DEBUG' is defined.

Thu Aug 28 21:35:37 2008


Clean: Deleting intermediary and output files.

Clean: Deleted file "C:\midibox_cv_v1_2b\setup_default.mcs".

Clean: Done.

Executing: "C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\MPASMWIN.exe" /q /p18F452 "setup_default.asm" /l"setup_default.lst" /e"setup_default.err" /d__DEBUG=1

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 21 : Cannot open file (Include File "mios.h" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 24 : Cannot open file (Include File "macros.h" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 27 : Cannot open file (Include File "mios_vectors.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 30 : Cannot open file (Include File "user_vectors.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 41 : Cannot open file (Include File "app_defines.h" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 46 : Cannot open file (Include File "mios_tables.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 49 : Cannot open file (Include File "app_lcd.inc" not found)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 61 : Symbol not previously defined (MB_STAT)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 64 : Symbol not previously defined (CV_DUMP_RestoreAll)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 67 : Symbol not previously defined (CS_MENU_Init)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 73 : Symbol not previously defined (MIOS_SRIO_NumberSet)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 75 : Symbol not previously defined (MIOS_SRIO_UpdateFrqSet)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 77 : Symbol not previously defined (MIOS_SRIO_DebounceSet)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 80 : Symbol not previously defined (AOUT_Init)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 88 : Symbol not previously defined (MIOS_MIDI_DeviceIDGet)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 89 : Symbol not previously defined (MIDI_DEVICE_ID)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 92 : Symbol not previously defined (CV_CLK_Init)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 104 : Symbol not previously defined (CV_MAP_Update)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 107 : Symbol not previously defined (CV_EXT_Update)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 110 : Symbol not previously defined (CV_BANK_CheckStick)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 123 : Symbol not previously defined (CV_CLK_Timer)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 126 : Symbol not previously defined (CV_IP_Handler)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 151 : Symbol not previously defined (CS_STAT_DISPLAY_INIT_REQ)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 151 : Symbol not previously defined (CS_STAT)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 153 : Symbol not previously defined (CS_MENU_Handler)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 161 : Symbol not previously defined (CS_MENU_Handler)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 173 : Symbol not previously defined (CV_MIDI_NotifyReceivedEvent)

Warning[207] C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 177 : Found label after column 1. (rgoto)

Error[122]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 177 : Illegal opcode (USER_Tick)

Error[122]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 198 : Illegal opcode (STRING)

Error[122]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 199 : Illegal opcode (STRING)

Warning[207] C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 202 : Found label after column 1. (TABLE_ADDR)

Error[122]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 202 : Illegal opcode (USER_MPROC_TO_STR_0)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 203 : Symbol not previously defined (MIOS_LCD_PrintMessage)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 204 : Symbol not previously defined (MIOS_LCD_PrintMessage)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 207 : Symbol not previously defined (CS_STAT_DISPLAY_UPDATE_REQ)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 207 : Symbol not previously defined (CS_STAT)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 210 : Symbol not previously defined (CV_SYSEX_ActionInvalid)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 219 : Symbol not previously defined (CV_SYSEX_Parser)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 245 : Symbol not previously defined (CV_CLK_NotifyRx)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 259 : Symbol not previously defined (CS_MENU_BUTTON_Handler)

Error[113]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 303 : Symbol not previously defined (CS_MENU_TIMER)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 322 : Cannot open file (Include File "aout.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 325 : Cannot open file (Include File "midi_evnt.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 326 : Cannot open file (Include File "math_mul16_16.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 327 : Cannot open file (Include File "j5_dout.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 331 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_menu_buttons.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 332 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_menu_enc.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 333 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_menu_timer.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 334 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_menu.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 335 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_menu_tables.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 336 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_special_chars.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 339 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_m_hlp.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 340 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_m_display.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 341 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_m_event.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 342 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_m_transp.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 343 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_m_split.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 344 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_m_pitchr.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 345 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_m_noteh.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 346 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_m_gatep.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 347 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_m_ccnum.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 348 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_m_curve.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 349 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_m_ip.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 350 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_m_clk.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 351 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_m_midicfg.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 352 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_m_sysex.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 353 : Cannot open file (Include File "cs_m_calib.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 356 : Cannot open file (Include File "cv_bank.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 357 : Cannot open file (Include File "cv_lcd.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 358 : Cannot open file (Include File "cv_msg.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 359 : Cannot open file (Include File "cv_dump.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 360 : Cannot open file (Include File "cv_midi.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 361 : Cannot open file (Include File "cv_sysex.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 362 : Cannot open file (Include File "cv_map.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 363 : Cannot open file (Include File "cv_ext.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 364 : Cannot open file (Include File "cv_ip.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 365 : Cannot open file (Include File "cv_clk.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 368 : Cannot open file (Include File "cv_curve1_table.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 369 : Cannot open file (Include File "cv_curve2_table.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 370 : Cannot open file (Include File "cv_curve3_table.inc" not found)

Error[105]  C:\MIDIBOX_CV_V1_2B\SRC/MAIN.INC 373 : Cannot open file (Include File "cv_presets.inc" not found)

Halting build on first failure as requested.


Debug build of project `C:\midibox_cv_v1_2b\setup_default.disposable_mcp' failed.

Preprocessor symbol `__DEBUG' is defined.

Thu Aug 28 21:35:38 2008



I've been very busy with my new job and have unfortunately been away from midiboxing for a while so I might be forgetting something stupid.

Thanks for any advice

Best regards


Ps: be on the lookout for my latest all in one Sid keyboard I'm building to replace the one Fedex broke, it's gonna be a killer ;)

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Hey dude!

I've been very busy with my new job and have unfortunately been away from midiboxing for a while so I might be forgetting something stupid.

... or you just missed some news hehehe. We've moved to a gpasm/GNU make based toolchain. Here's a quick setup guide:


Can't wait to see the replacement ;)

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