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bad burned pic?

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hi, tanks to read this topic.

I tink have problems with the MBHP burner, because test passed ok, but at least of process i got "1 error in config"?

if all program process have passed like that:

Chip erased

4 Panel(e)

Start write to PROGRAM-Memory


Start write ID


compare PROGRAM, ID and EEPROM :

-->0 errors in PROGRAM

-->0 errors in ID

-->0 errors in EEPROM

Start write Configuration


compare CONFIG :

-->1 errors in CONFIG

i tried to upload mios on mios studio: mios_v1_9f_pic18f452 and pass but continue sending request every 2 sec. its normal?

i tink can be damaged pic... but i don´t make nothing.

also i cannot blank check pic, so many errors:

PIC-Typ PIC18F452 Rev. 7 detected

CP-Blocksize : 2000

Panelgröße : 2000

Chip erased

Blank-Check :

## 24162 errors in FLASH

## 8 errors in ID

## 223 errors in EEPROM

## 4 errors in CONFIG

it had code protection? how to fix it? please helpme.

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