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Replacing "USB Speakers" with another name to distinguish USB modules


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Hi all!

I'm developing my own USB interface based on MBHP_USB using PIC18F4550. I know there are issues when loopbacking and overloading with many SysEx messages, but my project doesn't rely on them, and is basically a modified keyboard (a "Bontempi System 5" for kids).

Anyway, the most annoying thing is that each USB module made with MBHP_USB, shows the "USB Speakers" label when plugged (I'm using WinXP Pro), and I cannot distinguish which module I'm going to use in software. Is there a way to change the device name under the MIDI devices list?

Is it related to USB desciptors or to WinXP .INF driver installers?

I'm sure it's something related to USB descriptors, because when plugging in a M-Audio X-Session Pro, it shows a customized name, without requiring any host driver.

I hope someone sould help, because I'm going to build more than one prototyping board/device, and showing only "USB Speakers" is very confusing when configuring the software!!!

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