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What are your goals for 2009?

Just Phil

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And not just midibox related but what do you want to achieve this comming year?

finish my mb64e+mb64+midio128 (project 3chome)

finish my max/msp patch for my live PA

buy an xserve 1u server computer

but 5.1 studio monitor setup

Finish at least 1 album in surround sound.

and last but not least try to win back my high school sweetheart....

its kind of sad that my life revolves around midibox.

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I'd like to get a job.

I'd like to see MBMixers become a more common project (right now I have the only one)

I'd like to finish a non-MB PIC audio project I call "The Whistler"

I'd like to design animated lighting for stairways.

I'd like to teach then world to sing, in perfect harmony...


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(In no particular order...)

Get a case for my MB-SEQ.

Run the MB-SEQ "kit" bulk order.

Build another MB-6582.

Build a rack-mount MB-SID (8 SIDs) with 4 AOUT_NG, 4 SSM2044 filters.

Build an MB-FM.

Build a Core32.

Build a two-touch ribbon controller with ADC->Core32->MIDI out.

Trip to Europe.

Liberate the last remaining new-old stock of 6582A SIDs and sell to MIDIbox SID builders.

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  • testing robustness of MIOS32 by writing different example applications and drivers
  • implementing USB/MIDI Bootloader for STM32
  • releasing virtual MBSEQ for MacOS
  • implementing MBSEQ V4
  • writing documentation about new hardware and programming concepts
  • teasing you with the new features
  • public rollout of MBHP_CORE_STM32 module
  • starting with MIOS32 based MBSID V3 and MBFM V2
  • emulating MBSID by coupling it with resid
  • making music

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Get a case for my MB-808.

Get back to doing music and playing live gigs.

Send nILS his stuff and build the ...mmm, nILS goodies.

Build my 2 SSM2044 boards.

Build 2 GM5x5x5.

Finish the design, and start building my mbFatman.

Build my 2 ultracore boards.

Build 1 clockbox and 1 router.

Build custom boxes for some of the projects.

Get married.

Hire some people to help me with my clients work around the world and get some more clients to keep feeding the mighty diy queue.

Get and build 4 SDS3 boards

Wait patiently for Wilba to run the MB-SEQ "kit" bulk order.

Get a case for my future MB-SEQ.

Build another MB-6582.... nah, I'll be happy with the one I'm building now.

Build a good amount of the Yusynth modules.

Long list it seems, Am I missing something?  :P

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[x] win the lottery

[x] write my diploma thesis

[x] get the gm5x5x5 bulk over with

[x] get a new pokey and finish the damn thing

[x] finish this other app

[x] get the rest of the parts for the sidLive together

[x] have a frontpanel made to finally finish my mbFM

[x] have a frontpanel made to finally finish my mxSID

[x] have a frontpanel made to finally finish my mbAY

[x] finish the cupcake

[x] get sineSurfer to send me the goodies

[x] build an mb64/LC with the cool pots and faders flexi gave me

[x] finish the core32 layout

[x] get the core32 running

[x] make fewer plans

edit: expanding as I remember stuff

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  • Finish off MB-6582
  • Complete x0xb0xen
  • Build MB-SEQ
  • Build up SSM board
  • Build up several GM5 boards
  • Travel round China
  • Move in to a new flat
  • Go to lots of festivals (Fullmoon, Glastonbury, Solfest, etc)
  • Start some sort of further education
  • Get things moving with Elektor Vcoder

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this is a fun one

finish a liveapi script and functions for midibox (actually i was hoping to get it done THIS year)

finish my 9090

get a seq kit from wilba and a gm5x5x5 from nils

do another ultracore run

finish my box-o-trix

maybe start my x0xb0x

build the ultimate ableton live controller

get engaged to chellie and buy a house

get my business going well enough to quit my job (yeah right)

do better in school than i did last semester

learn a lot more about programming

build a core32

buy a dsi evolver

edit: oh, and get to the post office to mail cimo his adapter thingy

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hmm, thinking about this list has just reminded me of how many of my 2009 projects are really just my projects from the past several years that I haven't gotten around to.

Music projects:





-X0XB0X (+1 for a friend)

-New audio interface

-New PC

-Transformer saturation processor

-Monitor speakers

-Get some old second hand effects units

-Edrum + trigger pads

-SDS3 module

-Fix my Viscount OB-12

-Build a full GM5, with additional MIDI merge inputs

-Buy a 'virtual orchestra' type soft synth I'm happy with

-Think about a MonoWave(X) and some MB controllers for 2010

-Spend time actually playing/writing music (I want to really finish at least one track)


-Starting an R&D dev team with a couple of mates

-C++ programming/embedded systems development

-Perhaps revisit some of the engineering topics I brushed over in uni

-Try to earn enough money to actually pay for my mortgage

Other hobbies

-Develop my automobile mechanics (I do a little more each year)

-Purchase a cheap hobby car to modify and play with

-Continue learning about Linux based operating systems

Nurture my relationship with my wife (this is one of the few things I am actually satisfied with in my life)

Keep an eye out for any new and interesting opportunities

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In no particular order ...

DIY/techy Stuff:

Complete all my partly done MIDIbox projects: 2 sequencers, MB-CV, MB-FM, simple stereo 6581 MB-SID.

Build a second x0xb0x.

Put shorter ribbon flex cables in my MB-6582 so I can put the damn case together!

Finish mods to the first Korg DW-6000, and steal the filter board from the second DW-6000 and get it working with MB-SID.

Complete repairs to CS40M.

Music stuff:

Finish my tech-house-ish album that has been several years in the works.  Convert my live set to be less laptop-based and more based on standalone, tweakable tone generators and sequencers.

Life stuff:

Seriously re-evaluate my lame-ass daytime career.  Make my wife happier.

Really nerdy stuff:

Lay foundation to a MIDIbox builders/users convention.

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- beautify MB6582

- finish the endless story... erm, Double Manual Keyboard ;)

- get the infamous MIDI router done

- finish university

- get a decent job

- spend more time with my loved ones

- get to actually play with NGW100 and Spartan3E SK

- get rich ;)

- get even richer

- take over the world

- witness the USA not run by monkeys

- witness Germany not run by morons

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I forgot...

  • put a Puma hub motor in my mountain bike and crank it up with an 84V LiPO battery pack.

I just finished putting the hub into a wheel and making an additional torque arm out of a chunk of steel (absolute requirement because otherwise the motor would tear itself out of the rear dropouts). The Puma is a geared brushless hub motor and is insanely fast.  Here's some video I shot of my friend in his electric powered KMX Kart.


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