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PIC Burner Problem PIC18F4550


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Hi Everybody,

I made this burner and it is passing all the tests i.e. Vpp,Vdd,CLOCK,DATA,DATAin,.....but the Software P18 is not recognizing the PIC(but it shows that the programmer is detected at LPT1) ???!

the PIC no. is PIC18F4550....can anyone Please Help me!

Thanx in Advance

Sandy :)

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If this is an MBHP_BURNER, Have you set the programming voltage as per http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_burner.html ?

Also (as I am nosy) I wondered what you are using the PIC18F4550 for as this isn't an officially supported PIC for midibox (it has no IIC) but I do notice that it has USB....  :)

EDIT: Just checked the datasheet and sorry it does have IIC......



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Also (as I am nosy) I wondered what you are using the PIC18F4550 for as this isn't an officially supported PIC for midibox (it has no IIC) but I do notice that it has USB....  :)

EDIT: Just checked the datasheet and sorry it does have IIC......

IIC's not a prerequisite for MIOS really, I guess the thing is that it needs '452 compatible instruction set/memory use/etc.

4550 is used in the USB PIC Module ;)

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By the way it does recognize a PIC but the ID is not correct (I changed the Timing )


Timing: Interface x16 / PIC x3

## this PIC-ID 0x0000 is not in database

CP-Blocksize : 4000

Panelgröße : 0000


I think 0x0000 means Nothing  ??? :-[

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I have never 'played' with the USB PIC module but I have just checked my P18, it is version 1.5 and the PIC 18F4550 is listed under supported PIC's so I would imagine that it 'should' work, hopefully somebody more knowledgable will be able to help, I don't have one of these PIC's to try....

Have you got any other PIC's to try in case you have a 'dud' ? It could also be a parallel port issue, is yours ECP/EPP, mine is a 'proper' port (not a USB dongle) and is ECP and works great !


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Remember it's festive season, so it might take a while before anyone reads your post and answers, and there are lots of people with burner modules. That said, not many people have used this chip.... Maybe you'll have to solve it yourself...

I haven't got a burner or used this pic, but I'll give you what I do have:

Tried another PC? Some parallel ports just don't like to work. What about, as phil said, trying different parallel port modes? Were the results the same in all of them?

You mentioned you'd done the voltage testing, without the HC11s loaded. I paused on that last time, but it seemed you'd been doing your reading so I didn't need to double check... I thought after it was still not working, I'd better, so I checked the ucapps.de page, and I didn't see anything about testing with them removed. If you concur, maybe try testing the voltages

Timing: Interface x16 / PIC x3 is that the verry lowest setting for both of those two timings?

Did you try that testing procedure on the page you linked? The one with the hardware adapter? What were the results?

Got a new cable?

It's interesting that it is able to detect that it's a PIC chip in there, but it looks like it goes all 0's when it tries to talk to it. I'd be doing some research into the detection method used, and also how the ID is sent.

Err, I dunno....

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Tried another PC? Some parallel ports just don't like to work.

I tried the burner on my laptop but the P18 refused to detect a programmer

What about, as phil said, trying different parallel port modes? Were the results the same in all of them?

I dont know how to change modes.

You mentioned you'd done the voltage testing, without the HC11s loaded. I paused on that last time, but it seemed you'd been doing your reading so I didn't need to double check... I thought after it was still not working, I'd better, so I checked the ucapps.de page, and I didn't see anything about testing with them removed. If you concur, maybe try testing the voltages

Its not mentioned in the "testing" section but in the photograph you can clearly see that the multimeter reading without the HC11s.

Did you try that testing procedure on the page you linked?

Yes, Its working the way it should.

Timing: Interface x16 / PIC x3 is that the verry lowest setting for both of those two timings?

I tried at the slowest setting but It shows an output at this setting only ???

Got a new cable?

I didnt try that....but i think that cable is not a problem

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I tried the burner on my laptop but the P18 refused to detect a programmer

Heheh no surprise there... Got an older *desktop* PC? That's your best bet...

I dont know how to change modes.

In the BIOS config for your motherboard.

Its not mentioned in the "testing" section but in the photograph you can clearly see that the multimeter reading without the HC11s.

See, I *knew* you'd already read this thoroughly :) Very observant...

I tried at the slowest setting but It shows an output at this setting only ???


i think that cable is not a problem


Why do you think the cable is OK?

The strange timing behaviour might be a noise thing... Which could likely be your cable...

Burner gurus where are you? :D

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Heheh, yeh there are good reasons to hold onto your old machines. Especialy now that real serial and parallel ports are being phased out, but still widely used :(

What adapter does it say to use? If your programming voltage is correct, and the LM317 doesn't get too hot, you should be OK.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I managed to get my PIC burner to work........but now it gives too many program ERRORS..


PIC-Typ PIC18F4550 Rev. 5 detected

CP-Blocksize : 2000

Panelgröße : 0000

-- HEX-file re-loaded

-- HEX-file contains Config-data

Chip erased

1 Panel(e)

Start write to PROGRAM-Memory


Start write ID


compare PROGRAM, ID and EEPROM :

-->6325 errors in PROGRAM

-->0 errors in ID

-->0 errors in EEPROM

Start write Configuration


compare CONFIG :

-->6 errors in CONFIG


Wat to do now gurus??

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Can't help there, I'm a jdm guy....Anyone else?

compare PROGRAM, ID and EEPROM :

-->6325 errors in PROGRAM

Sounds like all of them.....

What'd you do to get it to behave in the end anyway? Maybe it's kinda borderline... working enough to detect the PIc, but not enough to burn it... Is it an MBHP-Burner? Are the voltages all cool, especially MCLR?

I dunno, I'm taking shots in the dark here...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I changed the timings and it was working........yup its a borderline case.....almost complete......my printer cable is old and a little too long....could this b a problem?

I didnt try that....but i think that cable is not a problem

If it's old and long, it is quite likely the problem. I had to try 5 old serial cables until I found one that worked (which is now screwed into the JDM permanently hehe)

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