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tested midibox fm+edrum, a little issues

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that arming both ends, changing the channel from 10 to 16 midi everything goes perfect, except the hihat,

The edrum has a controlling open close position of the pedal (mechanicall) and a separate hit sensor , but when i hit the pad for hihat sound don´t do anyting (aparently he chances the hh freq but no sound), but if i replace the trigger pad conection to the pedal conection, it sound when i hit that pad (in pedal input) and the hh sensor works like open close sensor, but if i hit speedy it sound a little times! (like much retrigger) but i doubt is not from edrum

another question is for position pedal, he only works in hi hat piezo input! strange... is like  MBHP fm has changed that commands... if you can understand me please help...

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