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Looking for help with uC/PIC and MIDI


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I hope I find somebody who could help me with a uC/PIC solution.

For a project I need a code for a uC/PIC which does:

When a sequenzer is in play (MMC) it should make a pin HI (5V) if the

sequenzer is in stop it should be LO (0V) and another PIN which inverts.

If there is somebody who could help me with a solution please EMail me to:

toolstudio@gmx.de to discuss further.

If this is in the wrong forum please move.

Thanks in advance,


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Hi, welcome aboard!

It's in the correct forum... Why email? Can't we chat here, that's what the forum is for!

You should read the ucapps link at the to of the page, especially look at the C programming examples. You will see that making a MIDIbox do your desired task, is about 2 lines of code :)

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