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Project complete


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Off topic for MIDIBOX, but I got some great support from Thorsten on here when I first started playing with MIDI via USB so thought I'd pass the news along that my MIDI project (phase 1) is now complete and fully operational. I've written it up as a couple of articles that are being published in Nuts & Volts (Feb/Mar 2009 - www.nutsvolts.com).

I'll also be putting it up on my own site (www.grapevyne.com/pic.projects) once the April issue of the magazine is published and in print. If you dig around, you can find the source code already on the N&V site. Future enhancements will also go on my site as they occur.

Many thanks again to Thorsten for some early USB-MIDI info.

<Added> The project is called mistralXG

Regards, Steve.

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