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playing some years with the midibox SID I (see some documentation pics http://mesak.net/sid/ i decided to make another, more compact SID V2.

got the parts from http://www.avishowtech.com/mbhp/ instead of more close european distributor. i have to say i was amazed how good and easy the PCB's and all the stuff was made, highly recommended.

found a small general PSU http://www.clasohlson.fi/Product/Product.aspx?id=59043503 and the sound seems to be ok compared to original C64 PSU. 7805 does get extremely (i don't have LCD connected to it) hot and i'm wondering should i add some heatsink etc to it...

still missing smooth casing for the new synth (will send some pics later  ;) ).

first tests shows V2 has taken the SID to completely new level. i'm a bit confused about the editor since it shows all the time stereo pairs & extra SIDs (only have one connected). different engines also need some time to get into and to get the most out of the system.

but have i understood something wrong if i think that:

MULTI engine doesn't allow oscillators in one SID to be edited separately (pitch, waveform, etc)?

LEAD engine is only monophonic mode?

there is no keyboard splitting available?

ARPEGGIO is constantly running (compared to old SID when it activated only when you pressed more that 1 note at a time)?

i'm on the software editor only, so perhaps i cannot reach some functions w/o the control surface?


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Welcome back :)

MULTI engine doesn't allow oscillators in one SID to be edited separately (pitch, waveform, etc)?

Of course, it does. The Multi engine covers many usecases, and they are controlled by Mono/Poly mode, MIDI channel settings, keyboard splitzone and Voice Assignments.

E.g., by assigning each instrument (6 are available) to dedicated voices and MIDI channels and/or keyboard ranges, you are able to give each oscillator an own soundset (see Manual)

LEAD engine is only monophonic mode?

yes, because the Multi Engine covers the remaining usecases on a much more flexible way than known from MBSID V1

there is no keyboard splitting available?

-> see "ensemble" section in the user manual

ARPEGGIO is constantly running (compared to old SID when it activated only when you pressed more that 1 note at a time)?

I just have improved this - changes will be released with RC28

i'm on the software editor only, so perhaps i cannot reach some functions w/o the control surface?

All functions are available. Only exception: ensembles

But Rutger is currently working on a solution which is almost finished.

I propose to read a bit more in the user manual, as all functions are explained there. It also answers your questions in more detail.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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ARPEGGIO is constantly running (compared to old SID when it activated only when you pressed more that 1 note at a time)?

It works like on MBSID V1 again.

The "Easy Chord" feature, which was confusing you since it was an hardcoded switch in previous releases, has to be enabled in the ARP menu ("Esy" flag)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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thanks for quick feedback!  :)

yes i need to spend more time with the V2. i guess getting used to the software editor takes time since i didn't use much the editor with the old SID. programming with the physical CS is very straightforward.


edit: damn those analog control inputs w the assigning possibilities are sweet!!


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I also find the analog inputs on the V2 a great feature... On V1 I had a joystick for filter cutoff/res (it was a bit difficult to get it to work back then as the software had to be modified some), now I have an additional expression pedal at Knob5 as well. And my master keyboard Korg X2 has pitch bend + modulation on a single joystick (I think that old synth sends NRPN or whatever it is but it works ok), too, so I can do a nice lot of realtime sound-mangling when I want to!  8)

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so i got it kinda finished. the casing i'd like to concider a temporary option, though i'm afraid it will take time before i can get back to this... first of all i should find more designed housing.

but it's so small!! smaller (and much lighter) than the original C64 PSU  ;) - i guess i couldn't make it much more compact (this one is 50x70x120 mm - outside!) even if there was no 2 pots, or if i learnt to make smooth cabling. anyway i hate that i had to place pots like that, very user-unfriendly... so most propably i wil get back on to this later.


SID & CORE stacked:


Bankstick harwired, sorry for sloppy soldering (i'm glad you can't see how terrible soldering really is):


cooler for the 7805:


once again, midibox is such a great project. SID V2 is crazy!



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All functions are available. Only exception: ensembles

But Rutger is currently working on a solution which is almost finished.

It's finally possible to edit ensemble settings with the editor:


Means: all parameters are accessible now w/o a control surface

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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