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Re: Core Module Issue


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I suppose I have a similar problem. The difference is that in midi monitor of MIOS studio I get:

0000000-350614 ms | [80 78 00] Channel 1: Note Off C9 velocity: 0
0000000-350612 ms | [80 00 00] Channel 1: Note Off C-1 velocity: 0
0000000-350609 ms | [F8] Timing clock
0000000-350608 ms | [F8] Timing clock
0000000-350607 ms | [80 00 00] Channel 1: Note Off C-1 velocity: 0
0000000-350605 ms | [F8] Timing clock
0000000-350604 ms | [F8] Timing clock

And it's happening every ~8 seconds, not every 2s.

My core v3 went through a midi troubleshooting flawlessly (except bad polarization of midi in and out, which is now fixed). The bootloader was burned on PIC by my friend, using standard burner (not the one from ucapps) and MPLAB from Microchip. We couldn't find such information as:

1. How to set the ID of the core?

2. My friend said he needed something as "fuse bits"... I'm a complete noob, but he said that this is essential when you want to program PICs.

3. Also he said there should be some information about timing during programming (this is how I understood this) - whether it's "full speed" or something different.

4. For me the information about polarization of midi sockets is unclear. Everywhere on the schematics there it's described as "rear view" - but it's not clear if it's rear view of the socket, or rear view of the midi device after assembling (assuming you have midi sockets on back of your device, rear view of device is in fact front view of a socket!). I think it should be more clear described.

Ok, so what am I supposed to do now? Is there easier solution than to burn the bootloader again? If not, how to set the ID properly and where can I find info about these fuse bits and other stuff?

thanks in advance


PS. For the curious ones, I took a photo of my cutie (sorry for a quality):


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I split this from the Origin Topic because I dn't think it's quite the same, although similar...

I think you've got the right direction here, that the PIC was probably not burned quite correctly. Perhaps it would pay to use one of the apps commonly used like winpic800 or picpgm, as there are instructions around here to tell you how to do it. I never needed to worry about all the other drama that way...

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Thanks for answer, and for moving my post to proper location.

I searched through the site, and I gound info that ID can be changed by IC Prog. But unfortunately it doesn't have my version of pic on the list :-(.

I checked the .hex file my friend and I were burning on PIC, but it seems that the ID is exctly what I want - 0000000000000000 (screenshot attached). Also in source code of bootloader all options are set to 0 I loaded the bootloader_v1_2b_pic18f4620.hex file into IC-Prog and selected few pic18s - because there were no pic18f4620, I tried a few others - everywhere ID was 0. And from what I found out, this is correct - I use standard MIDI, 2x40 character lcds and I don't want to chain multiple midiboxes. So it seems that it's not the matter of ID.

But I don't have a midibox pic burner, so I'm not sure if I can use winpic800 with my friend's programmer. We'll see what we can do. Maybe the default settings from winpic800 will work with mplab.

But still, if anyone knew something about the problem, please let me know.

cheers :-)




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Yes, I bought my PIC completely blank. And It's produced in 33rd week of 2008, so it's new and I think it doesn't have the bug. In fact, all my parts are self-bought :-)

Meanwhile, I fount this:


I don't know if my friend's programmer is ICD 2, but I'll find out as soon as possible.

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Sadly, 'when you bought it' does not always relate to 'when it was made'. What revision is it?

Edit: sorry my bad - you said produced not bought. It's probably fine... check the revision anyway, can't hurt :)

I wonder if your friend used HVP mode?

I saw you post in that other thread. it's good to team up, but be careful not to hijack :)

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Sadly, 'when you bought it' does not always relate to 'when it was made'. What revision is it?

Edit: sorry my bad - you said produced not bought. It's probably fine... check the revision anyway, can't hurt :)

Hmmm are these little letters in circle right to the model number a revision number? then it's "e3". and the lower line reads "0833932". Anyway, isn't eusart bug all about midi data going in both directions? for now I only get the data from core, don't send any.

I wonder if your friend used HVP mode?

If I recall well and get the idea what we are talking about, he was using FS mode (it's full speed right?). Or maybe HighSpeed... something similar for sure. Should that be HVP?

I saw you post in that other thread. it's good to team up, but be careful not to hijack :)

I'm not sure what thread you're talking about... and hijacking what?

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Hmmm are these little letters in circle right to the model number a revision number? then it's "e3".

Nah, I dunno what that e3 means, but all mine have it... perhaps it's a fab plant mark... dunno... You have to read the rev off the chip digitally, IIRC there's an app for it...

and the lower line reads "0833932"

That is a datestamp tho, and I think you're safe there... I'd focus on the burn process...

. Anyway, isn't eusart bug all about midi data going in both directions? for now I only get the data from core, don't send any.

Yeh, supposedly. In my (known good) core it was just generally screwey...

he was using FS mode (it's full speed right?). Or maybe HighSpeed... something similar for sure. Should that be HVP?

Not sure :/ hvp is about the voltage applied to the MCLR pin, I don't know if it has any effect on the speed you burn at though. That'll be specific to the hardware/software combo you used.

I'm not sure what thread you're talking about...

Sorry I didn't follow your link. You've now mentioned this thread in two others, one of them you posted in right before you posted that link, I (ass)u(me)d you were talking about that one.

and hijacking what?

The threads:


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Sorry I didn't follow your link. You've now mentioned this thread in two others, one of them you posted in right before you posted that link, I (ass)u(me)d you were talking about that one.

The threads:


Whole idea isn't new, but I didn't know it has a name! I didn't mean to hijack any thread, if I've done that, sorry :-) All that links were intended to redirect people to similar threads, saving someone from lots of searching. Anyway if anything is still wrong, please PM me :-)

now let's see what my friend says about his burner, maybe this will give us some new ideas.

BTW, have a nice day :-)

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Hehehe no man you've done nothing to apologise for, it wasn't even really a crosspost because it's on topic. Wen I say "be careful not to hijack" it means "be careful not to hijack" - not "damn you, fool, you hijacked! i will eat your brains!" :D

I'm very curious as to what is the culprit here :) Keep us posted.

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