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What's the difference between MIDIO128 and MIDIbox64?


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Hi everybody!

I can't really understand at which level is the difference between these two modules.

I'm planning to work on a project and i'll need both these connected and working togheter, cause i'll need the 64 buttons of the Midibox 64 + the 128 buttons of the MIDIO128.

I can't understand where the difference is: in the hardware? in the  bootloader? the MIOS? simply depending on what you connect?

I've been reading the site and the wiki but can't find an answer to this basic question.

And more... for connecting the two modules.. what's the best way? MIDIBok Link? (http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_link.html)

Thanks in advance for you help :)


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It takes a bit to grasp the basics of Midiboxing, you need to read more.

MB64 has some better functions for pots handling while MIDIO128 is fully exploiting the i/o capabilities of the hardware/software.This is not enough.

MBs can be connected in different ways depending on what you are trying to achieve, try to be more precise about this.

Good luck and welcome


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Ok, thanks

I'll try to go deeper in the wiki to see if i can make this more clear to me.

I'm afraid a miss some base knowledge, but will try anyway.

The project i'm thinking of is a traktor controller for 4 decks.

It should have about 133 buttons 8 pots (for fx) some encoders.

No faders as i'll be using 4 audio separate output and do the mixing on the mixer.

The MIDIBox 64 should control the Master part (Master tempo, browser, view selection, Effects) with buttons (less than 64) encoders and pots.

The MIDIO 128 should control the four decks, using mostly buttons and some encoders (that if i'm not wrong are connected do the DIN).

So, as u see, the idea is to have the two main modules one controlling the master part and the other controlling the 4 decks.

I need to have the MIDIO 128 to have the possibility to control more buttons.

I didn't consider using 3 MIDIBox64, but that would be a solution, but honestly don't know what's better.

This is the starting point for me, also because this is important for understainding which parts i need, and ordering them.

Also i have other questions but will keep them for later.

As i have understood how the main cores have to work i'll start working at a prototype (just for one deck + master section) and try to fix all probelms and doubts.

I attach an image of the schema of the project.

Ciao and thanks for welcoming :)




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Welcome aboard G!

sorry to go offtopic here, but I am a little concerned that you may not be feeling very welcome at the moment, if you have been reading the other posts on the forum. Please rest assured that although your answer is similar ("go read some more") , the situation with you, is not at all like that with julienb. I can tell that you've done some homework, and appreciate it.

Just a little bit more reading, and you'll be set!

Anyway I'll get out of the way now so others can answer your technical questions with the extra info you gave.



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ok, thanks stryd_one

i can assure that is a couple of weeks i'm reading around the site, the wiki and the forum

but.. still i feel i know probably 0.1% about midibox... and don't like it really :(

i'll go on reading

for what concern the project...

just let me say i've been djing many years, starting of course with vinyl

the i moved on final scratch 2 (stanton) and moved to NI traktor scratch as it came out

now i still dj with traktor scratch with two vinyls

some months ago i decided to leave the vinyls and technics and move just to controller

i've been playing (just in the studio, not in gigs) with two faderfox DX2 or a faderfox DX2 and a triggerfinger and so i came with a clear idea of what i really need to control traktor's 4 decks (not 100% satisfied with faderfox - still djing live with scratch + vinyls)

i mean i feel what i would need, maybe this wouldn't fit another dj requirements.

the interface should have push buttons of different sizes (big medium small) depending on how often do you use them and the kind of use: big are more performance buttons and smallers are editing buttons (allow to edit the grid, store loops and cue points etc etc)

that's a brief introduction on the project on a more ergomonic and concept side

unfortunately the new vestax controller (400) is not satisfying as it hasn't the controls for all the 4 decks, but requires you to swicth from A to C and B to D

Anyway, first i want to acquire some basic knowledge that allows me to buy some stuff and start practicing and see how far i can go (hopefully.. very far )

The lucky thing is i have a couple of friend helping me, one is expert with electronics, soldering and the other is good on C programming

se let's see what's coming out



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i can assure that is a couple of weeks i'm reading around the site, the wiki and the forum

No need to assure me buddy, I can see that it is true already, from some things you said in your previous posts :)

but.. still i feel i know probably 0.1% about midibox... and don't like it really :(

Don't worry! It takes a while, because there is a lot of info. You'll get there soon :)

i mean i feel what i would need, maybe this wouldn't fit another dj requirements.

Then custom DIY equipment such as midibox would be perfect for you :)

Anyway, first i want to acquire some basic knowledge that allows me to buy some stuff and start practicing and see how far i can go (hopefully.. very far )


The lucky thing is i have a couple of friend helping me, one is expert with electronics, soldering and the other is good on C programming

Your plan is solid, and it sounds like you've got perfect help locally, and lots of people here too. I'm sure you'll succeed :)

Reading about your concept, I do think that perhaps a customized application would be most suitable for your needs. Of course that takes some programming skills, but seeing as your friend knows C and may be able to help you there, and seeing as alternately you would probably need to learn a little bit of PIC ASM (which is a more difficult language than C) to modify the MB64 and MIDI apps, it might be a good opportunity for you to learn how to program in C.... that is compounded by the fact that there are very good DJ controller apps in place already which use C...


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