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Confusion at the AIN page.


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There is a reminder picture (auaimbctg.pdf) showing a core umuxed and muxed.

Well, that doc is actually intended to show something in particular that is common to both types of AIN connection.... but it's not about mux'ing....

However on the muxed part there is text showing in the core "5 pots in unmuxed mode" while it is showing muxed to 20 pots.

That is an error, but it's in an irrelevant kind of spot... Look down and left a bit , a hint is in the big red capital letters  :D

As well. Shouldn't Vs and Vd of J6 of the core be connected to J7 of the AINX?

Perhaps, maybe the AIN and core are both powered with 5V directly from an external regulated PSU. Anyway that's not relevant either...

Soooo you're surely thinking by now, "What IS relevant then?! Stop being cryptic and bloody tell me already!" :D

Well I'm actually being intentionally cryptic! It's not because I'm just naturally tricky, it's because the PDF is also cryptic... and soon you'll see why... the hint is in the title .... Do you know what AUAIMBCTG means??


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