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Starting a new LC - Small form factor for video editing *pics*

george graves

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First of all I wanted to thank everyone that has worked on this project – the amount of knowledge here is amazing!  I’ve probably put in 20 hours of browsing this week.  Until recently – I had no clue this site even existed  – or that simple MIDI data could be used so powerfully, simply and elegantly.

Over the course of the next year (I have no delusions of completing it sooner) I plan on making a Midibox LC.    Although it will be my first Midibox – it won’t be my first electronics project, so I feel comfortable jumping right into a LC.

A bit about me:  I’m a video editor.  I’ve been editing professionally for the last 10 years. The system I edit on currently is a home-brewed Avid system (I also use other editors).  One of the downsides is that AVID has locked up their system to really only work with Digidesign’s hardware control surfaces.  So to save some money and have some fun, I think the LC will be a fun project.

I’m really surprised there aren’t more video editors in this forum.  I’ll tell you, nothing will drive you to drink faster then having to try and mix an hour long 3-4 person talking head video with poorly recorded audio – using only a mouse.

I know that I won’t be able to use the LC to control my avid software – but a quick export to Vegas should be no problem at all – and worth the extra effort.

So how will my LC be different?

Small footprint:  Although, some of the consoles I’ve seen made here look really impressive, they are WAY WAY too large and bulky for my needs.  I need something that sits on the corner of my desk – and not something that takes over my desk.  I’m shooting for something with less than 12†x 12†(~c30cm x 30cm) and about 1†in height.  I know that will be a tight fit – but the tallest component should be the alps 100mm touch motor faders  - and that should just squeak in.



Panel: I’m still debating the “look†I would like for the panel – a lot of it is going to be dictated by the small size.  But I would like to either try my hand at Pulsars dry transfer system (http://www.pulsarprofx.com/DecalPRO/index.html)


Or perhaps – laser etching the panel like this:



These are made by this guy Joe, and really look great.  I plan on picking up one of his logic analyzers someday soon.  You can find out more here:  http://www.saleae.com/home/  he also has a really good blog:  http://saleae.vox.com/ (no affiliation – I just like his work)

The only other idea I’m paying with would be a smoked or tinted Lexan plastic face with a mask on the bottom and a EL sheet below that.  It would shine through cut out’s in the mask.  So the surface would look completely black when off.  Switch it on, all the lettering and graphics would magically appear.  But, I’m not sure if the high voltage needed would wreck havoc on other electronics.


Also to help with the project – I’m finishing building my rockcliff CNC machine.  It should really help in shaping the case and lots off small internal things.


PCB:  Because I will be going for the smallest size I can, I’ll be redesigning the PCB for surface mount chips (not sure about through-hole parts)  I’ve been using XpressPCB software to do the toner transfer method, but I think it will be a good excuse to switch over to Eagle encase I want to get the boards made for me.


I’d also like to combine modules wherever I could.  Further reducing the footprint.  From the looks of it, the entire thing could be put on one board, something around 8†x 4†with out much hassle.  I’m also thinking about using  right angle header pins – they take up much less vertical space.


Room monitor/headphones:  One addition I would like to make is one pair of stereo in and out’s so that I can add a “control room/headphones†non-motorized fader to adjust listening levels.  I was thinking of keeping it simple and “borrowing†the design for the Altoids “Chu Moy†head phone amplifer. Just a pair of RCA ins and outs on the back and a head phone jack on the front would work wonders. (http://headwize.com/projects/showfile.php?file=cmoy2_prj.htm)


Anyways, I just wanted to introduce myself, and I figured that making my first post was what I needed to do to get the ball rolling.  Again – thanks to everyone that contributes to the forum!

PS – if anything I described is incorrect or against the rules here – please correct me!

Next up:

Get a pre-programmed PIC.

Build or breadboard some modules and try out some hardware.

Start redesigning the PCB board.

Narrow down the target size.

George Graves

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EAGLE CAD: From the little I've played with Eagle CAD - I know that it has some odd commands - like the "smash" command to be able to move a component label.  So rather than beat my head against a wall, I found some (what look to be) good video tutorials online.  Here is the link:


Also - Sparkfun has some text based tutorials here:



That should be enough to get me going. 

(more) INSPIRATION: Today in the mail the new B&H Photo catalog came - lots of eye candy.  So I grabbed some of the best images - just things that caught my eye.  I think I'll pick and choose things I like to keep them in mind.  And try and remember things I don't.

Interesting use of a square button turned 45 degrees for navigation.  I don't like the oval buttons.


I really like the jog wheel and use of black and dark gray to separate the sections.


A big NO to the oval buttons.  But the channel number lettering caught my eye.


I really like the 7-segment LED's on this board.  I've been thinking of how to flush mount the led's with out having to angle the up from the panel.  I really don't like the rack mount ears.  I'd hit them with my elbow about 10 times a day!  With that, I'm also thinking of including a small 2-3" vinyl/leather wrist rest.  Now, that would be nice on a small control surface!


That's a huge jog wheel - but I love the circular indent around it - that's sexy.


I really like the transport buttons surrounding the wheel.  But, there is no where to rest your palm.  One other things I noticed is the tiny track ball, and mouse buttons.  Not a half bad idea.


So much wasted space - It looks as if someone at the company order the case too large and was stuck with it.  The lighted buttons look bad too.  But I do kinda like the sides.


Not too sure about the orange.  But a clean layout.


Really nice led rings.  Knobs are too small.


I love the rounded corners of the case.  One thing I don't get is the cut out around the faders - that makes things SO hard to clean.


Now this is the bombity bomb.  Notice the smoked face with the LCD showing through the face.  NICE!   


That should be enough for now.  Off to go play in Eagle.

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