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bass pedal board with pedal organ


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hello, do not know if this is the correct category, as my English is not very good, I am new user of Mexico, arrived at the forum by chance, do not know if there is anything done with the subject, if not please Post moved to my message here, the matter is that I bought some organ pedals, trying to pedal a midi to play the bass with his feet, more or less as well as the Roland PK-5, the question is not meeting information about midi controller that I need and because truth is I have no idea quen cque integrated circuit which can be used, I wondered if you could help me with this information as required or if there is any other topic in the forum could please provide me the link, please excuse my English as I was not very good, I leave the link of what I do: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120411405731&ssPageName = ADME: X: RTQ: U.S.: 1123 in advance I thank you for the help they can offer and send them a cordial greeting from veracruz, mexico thanks

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