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MBHP_CORE_STM32 application questions


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I noticed that SmashTV is no offering the MBHP_CORE_STM32 board with the presoldered ARM (yay!!). I was about to pull the trigger on buying one but stopped for two reasons. One, my MB6582 is still not quite complete and I should really finish that guy first; and two, I wasn't sure how much of an early adopter this was?

I noticed that only two applications are available - SEQv4 and a USB-MIDI interface. I was quite interested in the latter because it avoids the complexity of having to solder an SMD chip (ie GM5) on my own while still giving me two MIDI IN/OUTs for relatively cheap and gets my feet wet with the STM32.

The question I have is whether or not the USB-MIDI application mature enough on the STM32 platform for regular use, or should I wait a bit longer? Also, are there any plans for adding more MIDI ports? Wasn't sure if that was possible using one of the expansion ports?


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I wasn't sure how much of an early adopter this was?

So, this topic is falling down on this board, and nobody will reply?

Anyway getting the flow of it (sorry m00dawg, just to not create another topic with similar questions)

Analog sources (like pots) can be connected to this port (12 pots maximum)

How? I mean, in the PIC_BASED_CORE there is some info to do that (8 pots in the case of that core)

If multiplexed via AIN module, up to 96 pots can be scanned.

Same. We need to wait for an application to do that? Programming effort? Or already there is some info to do that and I'm missing it?

PS: Last two quotes are from http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_core_stm32.html, same info can be found on the SmashTV MIDI shop

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Thanks for updating the post :) I was starting to wonder. That said, I'm not sure that answers my questions? To put it more succinctly:

Is using the STM32 CORE as a 2x2 USB MIDI interface good enough to be used in production (ie is it stable enough to use in place of my MidiMan 1x1 MIDI interface)? The application code is already on ucapps.de - I just don't know what state it is in and do not want to throw down $50 for a MIDI interface that might not be ready for general use yet.

Is it possible to add more MIDI interfaces? I assume the answer is yes given you mention analog input sources, but MIDI requires both in and out and I wasn't sure if it's really the same thing as a normal analog source?


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yes, I should to say sorry again m00dawg.

I was not with the intention to answer your questions, just attaching my questions to your thread.

Then yes, I'm seeking basically analog inputs for my projects. In the PIC_BASED_CORE I had an ideia to make it done via mb64. I mean, there is a lot of info how to do that (how to connect 64 pots, info to ground pots, linking AIN modules to the PIC_BASED_CORE, there is a walkthrough, tons of people already built that posting their experiences of building here, etc)

Trying to make a decision to jump over the core32 or still in the PIC_BASED, I'm not sure how I can build an mb64 project using an SMT32 Core. Instead of the PIC_BASED, I can't find some info to do that via an STM

Anyway, I think, I will create my own topic to free your way for the answers of your doubts.

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yes, I should to say sorry again m00dawg.

I was not with the intention to answer your questions, just attaching my questions to your thread.

Oh *slaps forehead* sorry about that :) I thought you were trying to answer my questions - I see now you have you own questions in need of answers. Feel free to use this topic for those! I suppose we could even change the subject to "MBHP_CORE_STM32 application questions" or something like that.

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guys I think you're a bit too much in a hurry - The Core32 is not "early adopters", it works stable etc. but that doesn't mean it would completely replace all PIC applications within a few weeks. For now it's mainly useful to run SEQ v4 on it, all the rest is mostly proof of concept or demos. So as long as there's no official app that makes use of the analog inputs and while the board is only really released since a few days, there's no need to demand documentation about things that are not yet in use. TK has done an amazing job in porting a lot of things to this new architecture and writing a new SEQ version that's 100 times more powerful than the old version. Don't push him to release everything he ever did in the past for the new architecture after just a few weeks. He deserves more patience than that - and just because something new exists that doesn't mean the old stuff suddenly can't fulfill its purpose anymore. A PIC is more than enough to just read in a few pot values.

As for using a Core32 instead of a GM5 or even a Midisport 1x1 - doing this would be plain stupid. A core32 is not much cheaper than some M-Audio interface and a lot more expensive than a GM5 (both of these come with a dedicated and optimized driver etc). So if it's really just about not having to solder an SMD IC - either buy the M-Audio thing and be happy or learn how to solder SMD, it's not difficult at all as soon as you loose your respect for it :)


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As for using a Core32 instead of a GM5 or even a Midisport 1x1 - doing this would be plain stupid. A core32 is not much cheaper than some M-Audio interface and a lot more expensive than a GM5 (both of these come with a dedicated and optimized driver etc). So if it's really just about not having to solder an SMD IC - either buy the M-Audio thing and be happy or learn how to solder SMD, it's not difficult at all as soon as you loose your respect for it :)

Yes you're right, but my thinking was that I would like use core32 for something else in the future. So using it as a 2x2 would get me used to dealing with its changes, etc. But you certainly answered my question! Namely, I should wait for another GM5x5x5 bulk order :)

Thanks seppo!

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