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I Messed Up !!!


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Dear members,

Well it must have occured to you that i am trying to make a transition from the old forum to the new software.

So what happend this time?

The last thing i needed to fix were the redirects of the ld forum to the new one. A very nice redirect script was made by the guys from invision. However this did not work if the new forum was put under it's old directory forum.

So i had to change it back. This happened tuesday.

On the admin page i was told to remove the conversion folder. However i uninstalled the application.

Fault no.1

The redirect script uses tables in the database that had a nice redirect indexing bla bla data in it.

I did not knew that until i looked at the error logs when trying a redirect.

So i had to restore those tables. Luckily i had a backup. (midibox is backupped every saturday 3gb uncompressed)

I placed the database backup to the midiboxwebsite.

Fault no.2

Instead of backing up the database before my change i dumped the backup from saturday to the forum.

Now i made the forum loose 5 days of data. :sad:

I feel absolutly terrible about this. I cannot fix this and it is not fixable.

I am ready for the consequences as i take full responsibility.

My apoligies,


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Don't worry about it Jeffry.

You have done a massive amount of work to make this forum great I think we can allow you this one.

I have done similar things in the past (in fact MUCH MUCH worse), I know that sinking feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you realise your mistake only too well.

In the early 90's I deleted the live orders file for the countries largest wine and spirits wholesaler instead of the order archive, we lost a whole days orders and all orders had to be taken manually for about 2 days while it was rebuilt. For some reason they didn't renew my contract, I never knew why.......



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Ah well I guess that explains why I couldn't find some stuff I recently posted... :tongue:

Don't worry about it, it can all be replaced. No money was lost, and nobody got injured.

Now I'm off to see if Google archived those blog posts I made... :ninja:

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We've all pulled stunts like this: I once put the live EPROMS for a project in the eraser and the clean ones in the copier..... it cost me a bit more than 5 days.

You do a tremendous amount keeping this forum on it's feet. It was a minor error under stress, that's all.

I think you are owed massive props for actually migrating the forum to a new format.

Best wishes

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