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buttons not working on MB-6582


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Im totally stucked.

Finally I got my control surface build and attached to mainboard but I ran to this kind of problem:

None of the buttons are not working.

Some of the pots are working, some of them not.

Like from first row Delay, Attack and Decay and from second row Cutoff, Resonance, Depth and Attack (if I remember correctly) doesn't work. (atleast in LCD there is no parametres changing while tweaking these pots.)

all other pots work like menu and LCD is working. I get right voltages on mainboard ectect everything has been working like a charm.

Any ideas where to start troubleshooting? Any wiring diagrams for MB-6582 where I could trace which buttons & pots are driven in which sections on main board?


edit: oops, sorry. I think this topic should be under Testing/Troubleshooting section. Mayby admins can move it.

Also one thing i want to point out is that all the LEDs are working. Like changing the presets from menu wheel.

Edited by camel
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There's no wiring diagram for the encoders, as I didn't think it would ever be required.

However, what you are describing suggests that there is something wrong in the DIN modules.

At the bottom of the base PCB are 5 DIN modules aka. 74HC165 shift registers.


The "chain" starts at the right, near the master PIC. The first four on the chain (right to left) are for encoders, the fifth is for switches. So if only some encoders work and no switches, I think something is wrong in this chain.


If you follow the tracks on the CS PCB, you'll notice the encoders that do not work all are connected to the 3rd and 4th (right to left) shift registers and the switches are connected to the 5th (right to left).

So... either the 3rd IC is not working, or there's a short or break in the track around this IC. A break in the chain causes all controls further down the chain to not work.

I suggest marking each IC with a pencil so you know where you have them placed now.... ie. 1st to 5th. Then you can swap them to prove if they are all working (i.e. test each one in the 1st slot, far right, and test menu encoder.)

Hopefully it is something simple like a dead IC or perhaps a bad solder joint (no power to 3rd IC, bad solder joint on the track from 3rd to 2nd IC).

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So... either the 3rd IC is not working, or there's a short or break in the track around this IC. A break in the chain causes all controls further down the chain to not work.

Good to know. I need to check out when I get back to home.

Thank you for help.

cheers, cAMEL

edit: Problem solved. There was one missing solder joint on 3rd 74HC165. :whistle:


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