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Problem getting edited midio128.ini to work


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I’m working with the Midio128. Have a Midibox Core and 4 DINS working. Right now I can see through Midi-Ox that it sends note on/off signals when I ground the various data terminals on the DIN. My problem is that I cannot get an edited midio128.ini file to work. I run the perl script to get the appropriate .syx file, it seems to load fine using midi-ox, but the changes do not "take."

For example, right now, if I ground D0, the signal is to turn on note 30 (C below middle C). I wanted to see if I could assign a different note to that pin (in this case, hex note 24) so that it would turn on the C an octave lower. I edited the .ini file to make pins 1 through 3 turn on different notes. I ran the perl script and derived a .syx file. It loaded into midi-ox fine.

I confirmed the edited changes were present when I look at the 2-digit codes displayed in the SysEx View window. I click “send sysex file†and it seemed to be sent to the midibox. The midi-ox output monitor displayed the 2-digit codes as they loaded. They corresponded to the edited changes I made to the .ini file.

So I go back to grounding pins 1, 2, and 3, and midi-ox tells me that notes 30, 31, and 32 are being sent. Sure enough, fire up my organ emulator (Miditzer), and C below middle C plays, then C#, then D. Midi-ox shows that notes 30, 31, 32 are being sent, not the ones I put in the edited .ini file.

It's as if I uploaded a .syx file from an unedited sample midio128.ini all over again.

But, after thinking about it last night, I'm wondering if a boneheaded move on my part messed up the PIC.

Initially, I followed the procedures in the "Midio Mysteries Revealed" and the documentation at ucapps exactly, going all the way to running the perl mk_midio128_syx.pl midio128.ini script. There were no error messages and I was starting to get excited.

So I started Midi-Ox, configured everything as directed and then followed the "load the generated .syx file and transfer it to MIDIbox " step.

Except that when I clicked the send sysex button, the only file shown to send was "mk_midio128_syx." Without even a second thought, I sent that file to the midibox. It looked like a file was transfering but no data seemed to be showing.

Immediately I realized the stupid mistake. I tried loading the midio128.syx file (it was in a subdirectory) and it loaded fine. Grounding the pins played notes, and Midi-Ox indicated that signals were being generated just fine. I figured my stupid move was harmless. Now I'm not so sure because I cannot seem to get the .syx file generated from an edited .ini file to assign pins as I want.

Do you suppose I fried my PIC so that the default configuration is permanent?

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No. Most likely your new syx file is just not uploading to the core.

What you are seeing is the default hex file configuration, which will generate notes.

But to reconfigure that, you upload a new syx file.

Your syx file is just not uploading with Midi-Ox I'll bet.

I too had problems trying to upload syx files with Miosstudio and Midi-Ox.

It may look like it's being uploaded in midi-ox, but it's going to nana land instead!

Try to upload your syx file with the Sysexbox 128 app instead.

I don't have the link to it but if you look it's here somewhere.

You are almost there!

Let me know how it gos when you are able to play your first reconfigured notes!

I loved it when all of the notes I reconfigured played right in Miditzer the first time.

Edited by tonyn
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Thanks, Tony. I lost my internet connection last night so I didn't see your latest note. But at your suggestion to locate another application I found Serge's Sysex Loader from the ucapps website: Sysex Loader

It worked like a dream. I've got both my cores loaded with my edited .ini files.

Edited by RVBottomly
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Thanks, Tony. I lost my internet connection last night so I didn't see your latest note. But at your suggestion to locate another application I found Serge's Sysex Loader from the ucapps website: Sysex Loader

It worked like a dream. I've got both my cores loaded with my edited .ini files.

Yes, that's the one.


Glad it worked for you, and to help a fellow Baldwin Organ owner.

For some reason MiosStudio and Midi-Ox have problems uploading syx files to the PIC.

I learned the hard way by trial and error.

The swell pedal is a bit trickier to program.

But you can

Edited by tonyn
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