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Recordings of my MIDIbox'ed Wurlitzer Theatre Pipe Organ


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Here are some recordings of Wurlitzer opus 1614 installed in my basement. They are mostly of Wurlitzer Residence rolls converted to midi.


It is controlled by jOrgan with MIDIbox input and output. There are a total of 12 COREs, 27 DOUTs, and 11 DINs. Almost everything uses the MIDIO128 project. The only exception are the swell shutters and tremulants which I wrote a special MIOS-based application for.

The organ is still very much a work in progress, but it's getting there! I usually try to post new recordings at least once a week, so keep checking back if you like what you're hearing.

http://www.acmeorgan.com/trevordodd/index.html (still under construction, but there is some info there)



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  • 1 year later...

This is amazing. I used to be really interested in theater organs when I was a kid, but my interest shifted to electronic instruments--because I could actually reasonably build them. ;) But here's someone who combines both! Wherever did you get a theater organ to put in your basement anyway?!

I have a few questions: first, on some of the recordings, and it seems only on certain ranks, the attack of the notes is weak. Is that how it sounds in person too, or is it something about how it was recorded?

Also, if I understood the information you have on the website, you're using the MIDIBox stuff to take data from the console and control each pipe individually. If this is the case, and you had it set up so the software could play notes directly to pipes rather than through the console, I would think you'd be not limited to the traditional arrangements for theater organ that used two hands and two feet. Instead, it would seem you could play as many notes as you wanted at once on any stop, in any arbitrary configuration; have you considered playing orchestral music through the organ?

Finally, I think your MIDIBox Theater Organ should the "Most Old-School MIDIBox" award. It's so retro, it's not even analog! The synth engine isn't from the 80s, or the 70s, or even the 60s--but the 20s!

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