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Re-use Bliptronic synth BLM matrix and enclosure?


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I just stumbled over the Bliptronic synth on the net: http://www.thinkgeek.com/electronics/musical-instruments/c4e1/

What makes it really interesting is that a guy posted the full pinout of the PCB. It seems by ordering and gutting a bliptronic you get a pre-made BLM and aluminium enclosure for just 50$.

I think from the description here that it would be possible to re-use the enclosure and blm for your own midibox projects... in fact, this guy even sells arduino-hack-kits for converting the bliptronic to an arduinome.

I think if the BLM pinout, voltage etc is compatible to mios (is it?), this could be interesting.

edit: found some more details, including a circuit diagram.

Edited by bilderbuchi
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Yeah I've had that idea too, but do you really believe you will get an aluminium enclosure for that money? My bet is on plastic.

ok, i misread, it's partially aluminium: Thinkgeek says "Front panel is constructed from brushed aluminum". i'll have to see how much space there is in there for core, a display instead of the speaker grille, and some I/O..

Edited by bilderbuchi
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