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upload error #11 midi in overrun


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First off I would like to say this is my first post on these forums and I just got into the Midi Box scene a couple of weeks ago and have some interesting projects in mind. Also I wanted to thank everyone in advance.

All of this information is off the top of my head since I am not currently at home with the module. (my new baby, awe) While I believe all the information is accurate if you think I am incorrect about something that may be important feel free to point it out.

The Problem:

A very basic application fails to load with a Error #11 midi-in overrun. This identical setup and application worked with a different core module that I made last week, although I don't currently have the other one to test again.


1)MIOS studios shows the core is sending out the application request about once every 2 seconds once it is powered on. Is the core restarting?

2)Query sometimes works but sometimes doesn't. It comes back saying the bootloader is ready

3)Upload makes varying degrees of progress before getting the error.

4)With my last core module, every once in a while a load would fail and I would have these same symptoms but additional attempts always worked.

My Setup:

Core Module only, Rev4 of board(I think) built from mikes kit PIC18F452

M-Audio MidiSport 2x2

Windows 7 but running with XPMode Virtualization for midisport drivers.(I agree this is probably a poor idea but it's my current setup and I don't' think it is the problem)

9v battery for power, connected to J1


No additional grounding of AINs

voltages seem good. 5.1v on all stated pins when ICs removed. 4.9 when ICs running.

core is drawing 30mA read at the battery.

Ran through all Core Tests and they Passed with one possible exception.

Core Test11: the C5 cap looks good, solder looks fine, It is new from the kit, although I don't know how to explicitly test it and don't have another one to try. I believe it is fine, but I am no expert.

Rx/Tx pins don't appear to be shorted. 10 Mohms between them.

I didn't run all the other midi troubleshooting tests yet but I will tonight.

Differences from the last core I made:

1)with the last core I switched to a DC adapter at some point.

2)with the new core I am using midi sockets that mount to the board. Old board I just used wires

3)old PIC has id 0x13(because I didn't know what I was doing), new board is 0x00 like it should be. Query is set to 00 and upload request from pic is ID byte=0x00

My Current Next Steps:

1)switch to DC power adapter

2)Confirm the IC sockets are good.(with multimeter)

3)Run the remaining midi troubleshooting tests

I don't really expect my next steps to shine any light on the situation(I know, pessimist) and I have read everything I could find on the forums/wiki/uCApps.

Any help, advice, or links to related issues would be appreciated.

I am very excited for this project and to join this community.

Thanks again in advance.

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Windows 7 but running with XPMode Virtualization for midisport drivers.(I agree this is probably a poor idea but it's my current setup and I don't' think it is the problem)

I think that this may very well be the problem. Do you have a midi interface that is directly supported by Windows 7

I haven't been able to successfully use either version of MIOS Studio over XP Mode, I got lots of timeouts. It isn't clear which version of MIOS Studio you are using? Is it the Java one (V1) or the Juce one (V2)?



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I think that this may very well be the problem. Do you have a midi interface that is directly supported by Windows 7

I haven't been able to successfully use either version of MIOS Studio over XP Mode, I got lots of timeouts. It isn't clear which version of MIOS Studio you are using? Is it the Java one (V1) or the Juce one (V2)?



I don't have a midi interface that is directly supported by windows 7 and I also don't currently have a XP machine. XP Mode was working for me with MIOS Studio 2(Juce) with my other core module a week ago although it was not 100% reliable. Generally speaking I am not impressed with the performance of XP Mode.

I will find an XP machine to try on as soon as I can. If that turns out to be the issue it looks like I'll get to upgrade to Windows XP ;)


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Probably worth trying as if nothing else you can eliminate XP Mode as the cause.

What Midisport do you have as it should just use the "class compliant" drivers included in Windows 7 for the Uno, 1x1, 2x2 and 4x4

There are also beta Windows 7 drivers available from here I don't know how stable they are though :)



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Alright, in my defense those drivers weren't available 2 weeks ago when I was setting everything up. I also don't think the version of the midisport 2x2 that I have is class compliant, at least from what I could tell people weren't getting it to work with windows 7. It certainly didn't want to automatically install for me.

Thanks for posting that link. I'll give it a try in couple hours when I get home.

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