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Sammich Sid jumpint from menu to menu, patch to patch


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So I got my box all assembled and things initially seem ok. A min. or so after powering on, I notice that the menu screen starts going crazy, bouncing between menus, and often, regardless of what patch I've selected it reverts to patch 1 or sometimes jumps wildly between patches. Any suggestions? I'm wondering if it's possibly my powersupply? I'm using a 12v regulated supply with 1.5 A output.



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Possibly you have a short between the encoder pins/switches and the heatsink.

It could also be a bad connection between the PCBs, or a bad solder joint on the 74HC165, i.e. if pins are floating around then you will get the effect of random button presses and encoder turns.

I don't think it's related to power supply. 12V regulated 1.5A is good, you have plenty of power and it won't run too hot.

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