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Mackie HUI


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Has anyone ever attempted or considered a mackie HUI style midi box, this is much fuller featured than the Mackie Control and includes 2 must have additions IMO.

1. Peak LED's on each channel

2. Monitor & talk bancksection

I know it's an older controller and doesn't support extenders but it is a much fuller featured controller.


Does anyone if this would be acheivable with mios?

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Hi sidysm

I'm currently working towards a monitor section (and hopefully some other useful audio features) for the MBHP, It's still a few months for compleation.

The great thing about MIOS is that If MIDI is involved chances are MIOS can do it.

What you need to do is get hold of the Pro tools MIDI spec (I'm assuming you are using pro tools) to see how it comunicates with the outside world. Once you know what MIDI message Pro tools uses for  various functions all you have to do is tell MIOS how you want it to react.


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Hi Rowan,

I was reading up on your audio matrix thread which sounds like what I'm looking for.

I'm actually going to be using nuendo, I don't think it will be an actual copy of the HUI I make more a generic based on that.

I've been using generic a lot in sx and most of the features I need I can implement through that as it is basically all audio I use, giga is the only sequencer/synth I use regulary which is externally routed as audio anyway.

That said basically what I want is in the Mackie control with the exception of peak led's, monitor routing, talk back section, named channels on lcd's.

Also I prefer the way the v-pots are handled on the HUI and the overall look of it, much more solid and Mixer looking, ala D8B.

Basically though, steinberg third party controller support sucks though so unless they have a huge turn about I will probably go the generic route.

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Hi sidysm

I to use the generic remote within SX, which to be honest I can not fault. There isn't any thing that I want to do with it I can't. I haven't tried this within Nuendo so I can't comment on it, though I can imagine it's on par with SX if not better.

If you or anyone else has any ideas about the monitor section and features, let me know. Many hands/heads make light work so to speak.


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Just in case someone hasn't seen my previous posts from a while back... it should be possible for those with a registered version of logic, and who are using a Mac (I guess this means you, Rowan!) to be able to use HUI enabled programs, with a freely downloadable application from Emagic, that works with the Logic control (Logic control acts like a HUI)  ;)

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Here's what I want to build although I may swap the 4x20 LCD for a Graphic LCD, I am undecided at the moment.


As stated it's basically a scaled down HUI but I've square it up a bit and lost some of the buttons as some was more pro tools geared.

Also whilst HUI protocol would be cool, I wouldn't go the HUI route as it only supports 8 faders and I would like to extend this to at least 24 faders, so I'm thinking more LC/HUI/Generic hybrid.

If anyone wants a better view the adobe illustrator file is here


I need to work out how to make the buttons though and have a whole bunch of things to wait for implementation it seems, and a shit load of cash to find :(

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Well I've redone the design...

Phat Contoller.jpg

I think this should maximise without going over what I can do on two cores?

Boss if ya want to do similar I can send you the new ai file or dxf in 1:1 ratio if you want.

Now all I need is to find a large character 1x40 or 2x40 LCD so I can finalise design, else I'll need to rethink as will have to include an additional 2 LCD displays and double the width :(

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It'a the width of the LCD I need.

I want to do it with only one LCD per 8 faders, using 1x40 or 2x40 that means I need a minimum space between characters of 5mm to allow me to fit LED rings etc.

At the moment it's drawn to that size but so far the largest spaced characters I can find ar 3.7mm which would mean I'd need 2 LCD's per 8 faders.

Whilst I'd get a lot more info per channel which is good as my method will only give me 4 characters per channel I would need an extra core and the biggest downside the box would be nearly twice as wide if I was to use thinner LCD's.

oh, and the files are on their way,

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