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reading editing soundrom (.bin file)(drummachine)

Guest peshay

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Guest peshay

Hi there, i was wondering if anyone here could help me with a project im doing, i want to replace the sounds of my drummachine with other sounds, the sounds are stored on 2 roms and i have the .bin files (binary codes) of the files. Now i want to know if anybody could help me or tell me if there is a way to read out these sounds?

Because if i know how to get the sounds out, getting them in will be easy. so could someone help me on this?

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Guest peshay

I opened the bin file in sound forge, and it reads it as an .raw file, now if i set the sampletype to 8 bits and the sample rate to 22,050 U can recognise the sounds, but they dont sound correct. They are kinda stuttering. u can get the same it u open it as 16 bits at 44100 and then detune it by -24

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Guest peshay

I made a mp3 of the converted audio. i did it with raw pcm 8 bit 44100 samplerate mono singed. The link is here:http://www.geocities.com/geheimedingen/index.html

does it sound the same as your attempt? u can hear mine isnt as clear as its supposed to be, it has little clicks in it and the sounds are in a strange way altered so that the "tail" of the sound is also loud. It seems the compression allesis levelled the waveforms a bit  so everything becomes loud.  :) coming close but it just isnt good enough

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