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Is my LCD broken?


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The LCD connected to my MB 6582 used to work fine. Today it started showing just boxes or lines. I completely rewired it, and now the backlight doesn't work, and jiggling wires doesn't really change it. When I plug my other LCD screen into the MB6582, it works fine.

How fragile are these? This is the second or third LCD screen that's done this to me. I've accidentally plugged them in backwards before, but that doesn't seem to be the cause. Besides that, I've just been doing normal plugging and unplugging for testing purposes.

Edited by pingosimon
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Hi - I always make sure I'm earthed when I handle any electro-static sensitive devices. Electro-static damage may not always be imediately evident, so a device could fail earlier than it's mean time to failure data would suggest. An earthing strap is inexpensive but I reckon it's invaluable.


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That's happened to 2 of my LCDs as well. I never could get the backlight working though. (Not positive it has one. I think it's supposed to though.)

It started fine...

Then slowly the lines crept in till it's just boxes now.

When I switched them the new one was boxes, but I plugged it and unplugged it a few times and it cleared up.

Now over time it started to get lines and then blank and I fucked with it and got boxes again.

It has been stationary and I have not been plugging it in and out (or backwards).

The soldering around the trimpots and PIC and headers looks fine.

I've been meaning to post about this, I have just had other things I've been whining about in the meantime. I'm glad you mentioned this PingoSimon.

What kind do you have Ping? I'll check on mine and get back. They can't be that sensitive. We'll get to the bottom of this.

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