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MIDIbox FM V1.3


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MIDIbox FM V1.3 has been released!

From the ChangeLog:

MIDIboxFM V1.3

o PIC18F4685 only: Wavetables are stored in RAM for non-destructive editing

o name is now entered when a patch should be stored in SAVE menu

o random generator now copies new patch into all selected instruments

o fixed waveform display in drum pages

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Question: Which hex file do I use if I am using the full control surface? I know it's not the SammichFM one... so that leaves V1 and TK...

I'm asking because my newly wired up control surface isn't quite working, so I thought I would make sure I have the correct firmware loaded.



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Thanks Thorsten !

It's great!

But I have a big problem with my 4 x OP + 4 x INS buttons ( totaly 8 buttons ).

In the latest v1.3 the simply update for the v1.1 is not working here with a simple copy/paste function. I received the error messages for undefined operands.

Is it possible to find the solution for 8 (OP + INS ) buttons ?

Best Regards,


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It seems that you are using a PIC18F452 - there isn't enough flash memory anymore to add these functions.

Accordingly you've only two possibilities: either use an older MBFM version, or migrate to the PIC18F4685 (which has more advantages anyhow, not at least because of the inbuilt random patch generator!)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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