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make sysex - incorporating meta file


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(edit - just realised i've hit the wrong forum, with my first post. sorry folks...)

Hi all,

I'm just dipping my toe in the water at the moment as far as midibox goes!

I'm planning on building a controller for my Alpha Juno which uses a whole lotta sysex.

I've downloaded the Midi Box editor (vmidibox) so i can start to test out some ideas before i start to build anything. it seems to happily send out midi info etc, which is a good start!

I've also downloaded the midibox64 files, and started to try and get to grips with meta events, and using mk_syx to create sysex files to load in the virtual midibox.

What I'm wondering is - when using mk_syx, where does it look for the mb64_meta file, ie where do i put it? I tried simply putting the file in the same folder as the midibox**.ini file that i'm using to generate the sysex, but this doesn't appear to be working.

Apologies if I'm being exceptionally dense here, I've had a good go at searching the forums but not managed to find an answer yet!



Edited by grnr
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