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With the broad availability of the new MBHP_CORE_LPC17 module it finally makes sense to release the next generation of MIDIO128 -> V3! :)



  • up to 16 8bit input shift registers (=128 pins, =4 x MBHP_DINX4 modules)
  • up to 16 8bit output shift registers (=128 pins, =4 x MBHP_DOUTX4 modules)
  • up to 16 scan matrices for up to 1024 pins/keys
  • 2 MIDI IN ports and 2 MIDI OUT ports
  • USB MIDI port with much higher transfer rate (ca. 100x faster!) than common MIDI
  • Ethernet port to send/receive events via OSC
  • support for DHCP - connect the module to a wireless router without additional configuration
  • different OSC modes are prepared for popular PC/Mac/iPhone/iPad apps, extensions can be added on request
  • can also be used as USB/MIDI interface, or even as a OSC/MIDI interface
  • integrated MIDI router with 16 configurable nodes
  • multiple patches are stored on SD Card
  • optional Control Surface for direct editing without a computer
  • but patches can also be edited on a computer, e.g. in an Excel or Open Office spreadsheet
  • integrated MIDI File Player

More details: see http://www.ucapps.de/midio128.html

I'm open for (easy to implement) enhancement request! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Does the MBHP_CORE_LPC17 module support a small number of analog inputs using just the core module? It probably isn't the easiest enhancement to implement but it would be very helpful to support a small number of analog inputs. A prime use of MIDIO128 with a large number of inputs is MIDIfying an organ console. It is common to patch the legacy MIDIO128 to provide a few analog inputs for the swell (volume) pedals.

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Thanks to the AIN driver which is already part of MIOS32 it was easy to implement :)

MIDIO128 V3.001 is available now.


MIDIO128 V3.001

o integrated MSD (Mass Storage Device) driver, so that SD Card can be accessed
from a computer via USB (like from a SD Card Reader).

Press SHIFT and hold MSD (3rd soft button) for two seconds to enable the driver.
Your computer should automatically mount the SD Card.
USB MIDI won't be available anymore.

After disk operations, don't forget to unmount the SD Card on your computer
first, thereafter disable MSD in the SHIFT menu.
Thereafter USB-MIDI will be available again.

o added integrated MIDI monitor for USB/MIDI/OSC ports (-> "Mon." page)

o support for up to 8 analog inputs which are available at J5A and J5B
of the MBHP_CORE_LPC17 module.

Pins are disabled by default - once a MIDI port (such as USB1, OUT1
or OSC1) has been assigned to the pin in the AIN page, or in an AIN entry
of the .MIO file, the pin will send MIDI events on pot position changes.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 4 months later...

Sincerest apologies for posting in a thread that is 6 months old now, but I was wondering if there was any way to configure standard matrix'd buttons so that they each output a different note? I was looking to make an 8x8 matrix of arcade buttons and then set them up in fourths for each row like a bass guitar. As of now, and as far as I know, the only way you can set up a matrix is with a base note which then increases by a semitone each subsequent button. It would be nice if I would be able to treat each matrix'd button as if it were a single DIN pin. It would be highly appreciated if anyone could help me on this, as I do not have any programming skills as of yet, and have been thinking about this project in my head for quite some time.

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I could hack an example for a table based method which is easy to modify.

For first time right: could you please post the required MIDI note values in following format:

0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, // row1
0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, // row2
0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, // row3
0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, // row4
0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, // row5
0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, // row6
0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, // row7
0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, // row8

You could use decimal number instead of hexadecimal as well if this is easier to read for you.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, // row1

0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, // row2

0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, // row3

0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, // row4

0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, // row5

0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, // row6

0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, // row7

0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, // row8

I was never comfortable with hexadecimal but I think I did well :P

So, I think that's how it would be laid out where each row increases by 5 semitones, I know the notes get doubled, but this makes interesting for interesting 3 octave chords.

I'm making 2 8x8 matricies which will sit next to eachother; I take it that all these number are in relation to the base note correct? If that's the case then I wouldn't have to make 2 separate tables, because the second table would be the same just transposed up 8 semitones.

And if this table editing method is incorporated into the csv file, it would help with creating different "tunings" for my box of buttons.

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Since you asked for this: the configuration is stored on SD Card, so that you can prepare multiple "patches" :)

Please try following beta (untested) and give feedback: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midio128_v3_005b.zip

The new "mapped" mode has to be enabled explicitly in the matrix configuration (-> M8x8 menu).

Once enabled, you can configure individual MIDI channels and notes for each pin.

If you haven't built the Control Surface, you will get a template by typing "save template" in MIOS Terminal.

In the MATRIX line select mode 1:

[/code] This enables the map below:


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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So I didn't build the box yet, but I jerry rigged 4 buttons in a 2x2 matrix with alligator clips and everything seems to check out just fine. Although, I plugged rows 0 and 1 into DOUT pins 0 and 1, I figured I had that the wrong way around pretty quick. :tongue: I managed to change some values in the table to other notes and was able to set the first four notes of a C Dur scale onto what would be a 2x2 layout of buttons. Thanks TK, you've been a great help, now all I have to do is make that huge ass box and film how it works.

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Transitioning from the 8 bit core, midio128 Ver. 2, your sm_fast together with QBAS, and mods made by jim henry. The attached spreadsheet (PDF form) shows the Dout/Din assignments as well as channel assignments. Note the columns are DOUT pins and the Rows are DIn pins based on the wiring of the matrix and diodes, and fully mapped out manually using midiox. Is this consistent with the beta change discussed above, or will I have to do some wiring changes.

The spreadsheet import approach is attractive for entering the data, but how is this implemented with the control surface in place, and can it be done with the current version of midio128?



Copy of 32X32 Note Table.pdf

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In order to avoid unnecessary confusion, I've to ask you some questions before answering your questions in detail.

Since the firmware currently only supports 8x8 matrices, I would like to know why you are using a 32x32 configuration?

I could add this as an option, but design wise this was probably a bad idea, since it increases the latency by factor 4

The 1024 inputs could be scanned much faster with 16 DINs (the DOUTs will output the same pattern in a 8x8 configuration and therefore could still be shared)

The current version is v3.005

Only with the beta version v3.005b which is linked in the article above (and not linked at the MIOS32 download page) it's possible to configure individual note values.

I'm still waiting for feedback before an official release... but you could try it as well.

Configuration from the CS: change to the M8x8 page, select the matrix (1..16), and the input pin (1..64) - then you can set an individual note value and MIDI channel for this input.

This approach could be helpful to find out the order in which the values have to be entered. But once you found out the order, you may want to enter the remaining values in the spreadsheet which is stored on SD Card (note that the values can also be entered in decimal format like in your table)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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the hardware configuration is one DIN4x and one DOUT4x, as shown on the matrix 1 pic. (attached) or 16, 8x8 matrixes. Refering to the note table. one dout (connected to J3)on the DOUT4X, and 4 DINs (J3, J4, J5, J6 on the DIN4x), 8x32, handle the three keyboards and pedal board. For the time being I was not going to use the other DOUT's(J4, J5, J6).

The 8bit core, with the sm_fast and firmware (QBAS with jim henry changes) plugged into the setup in the picture encoded the four keyboards as 8x8 matrixes, assigned the note numbers as on the note table from my previous post,and assigned the channels as on the small chart following the note table. To generate the table, i used the din4x/Dout4x shown and jumpered from pin1 on DOUT 1 to each of the 8 pins on the DIN 1, recording the note numbers. Using midiox, the channel numbers came out as on the small chart. The same process was repeated for all 8 Dout pins. Then I repeated the same process for Dout 2, 3 and 4.

There is latency of about 1 sec ( best guess, not measured) with the 8bit core playing on one keyboard.

Using one Dout and 4 DINS, will version 5 allow me to set up 4 8x8 matrixes, with one DOUT common to each of the 4 matrixes?

I'm rather confused. How are the not values assigned in Ver. 5?



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Ok, so I understand from your reply that you are flexible enough to use 8x8 matrices.

Using one Dout and 4 DINS, will version 5 allow me to set up 4 8x8 matrixes, with one DOUT common to each of the 4 matrixes?


I'm rather confused. How are the not values assigned in Ver. 5?

To make it clear: here again the link to the beta version which supports note value assignments...


Please update to this version, otherwise you can't configure the note values.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Ok, so I understand from your reply that you are flexible enough to use 8x8 matrices.


To make it clear: here again the link to the beta version which supports note value assignments...


Please update to this version, otherwise you can't configure the note values.

Best Regards, Thorsten.



Question - If the matrices are assigned as I mentioned (4 ea 8x8's, per what I read, does that mean that assigning conventional Douts with the unused douts is not possible? If I added an additional DIN4X, daisey chained on the initial DIN4X, Can it be assigned as conventional DIN? I do have several additional inputs, but due to wiring and lack of diodes, aren't usable in a matrix. if the unused inputs in the matrix DIN4X or DOUT4x are not used, then i can simply use one of my 8bit cores and daisey chain to the LPC.

Please correct me if my understanding is flawed, but what I get from your comments is that I can configure 16, 8x8 matrixes, each one on a different midi channel, with assigned notes, but

not 1, 32x32 matrix.

Question - In your matrix example, what is "Arg" with value "0x30"?

I will complete the control surface today and explore it more.



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Question - If the matrices are assigned as I mentioned (4 ea 8x8's, per what I read, does that mean that assigning conventional Douts with the unused douts is not possible? If I added an additional DIN4X, daisey chained on the initial DIN4X, Can it be assigned as conventional DIN?

All DOUT and DIN shift registers (SR) which are not assigned to a M8x8 matrix can be used as conventional DIN/DOUT operations (means: 8 pins per shift register).

This also means, that if you would only use a single DOUT to drive the selection pattern for the matrices which are scanned by multiple DINs, you can use all other DOUTs for other purposes.

I do have several additional inputs, but due to wiring and lack of diodes, aren't usable in a matrix. if the unused inputs in the matrix DIN4X or DOUT4x are not used, then i can simply use one of my 8bit cores and daisey chain to the LPC.

yes! :)

Please correct me if my understanding is flawed, but what I get from your comments is that I can configure 16, 8x8 matrixes, each one on a different midi channel, with assigned notes, but

not 1, 32x32 matrix.

Thats correct.

If a 32x32 matrix would really be required, I could add this as an additional option, but currently I don't see the need.

Question - In your matrix example, what is "Arg" with value "0x30"?

With v3.005b we've two matrix modes.

In normal mode ("Norm") the "Arg" (Argument) is used as note offset, the note number is calculated as "Arg + <pin-number>"

In the new mapped mode ("Map") the "Arg" (Argument) isn't used, instead individual note numbers and channels are derived from tables which are stored in your DEFAULT.MIO file on SD Card.

If you don't find the tables in the .MIO file yet, please store the current configuration from the control surface, or type "save default" in the MIOS Terminal.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I powered up the LPC with the control Surface and spent some time, still with ver 5., learning the ins and outs of the soft keys., etc.beforeing moving on 5b.

Still a bit confused,

some questions;

1. I attempted to make one 8x8 matrix, so I called picked "8x8" on the main menu, pressed the soft key below which brought up the matrix templet. The templet had some entries so I edited the items in the templet, and looked for an enter function, or some way to lock in the changes, is this not needed?

2. After doing item 1 on matrix 1, ch. 1, DIN 1, DOUT 1, I wanted to continue with matrix 1, changing the DIN/DOUTs to DIN 2, DOUT 1, but couldn't configure out how to add the next entry. Ended pressing the exit key, returning to the "8x8" on the mainu menu and press that soft key which brought up what looked like the last entry, and was hesitent to overwrite it. How do you bring up a blank entry templet?

3. How do you continue making entries in a matrix without going back to the main menu each time.

4. I went into the mios terminal and typed "show" and that brought up a long list of entries, including settings for DINS and DOUTS that I didn't make. Is this list what you called the "MIO"?

5. How do you clear the SD storage, or do you. I expected to see a config file representing what I entered, and some way to give it a name, whereby several different configuration files could be stored with individual names, and recalled at will. Also picked the mios terminal entries, picked select all, then changed my mind and tried to back out, but couldn't. how do you do it. usually picking on the page brings you back, but nota.

5. Is there only one config file named DEFAULT, which is overwritten each time you go to DISK on the main menu, and press save?

6. I have not set anything regarding the 2 midi in/out ports since I am using the USB. When using software such as jOrgan and the midiman 2x2, the two midi ports show up on the device lists in jOrgan. With the USB connected to the LPC, no midiman, what will the programs see?

7. The characters on the bottom row on the LCD are missing the tops of the letters. The LCD is a 20x4 rather then a 20x2. How do you go back and reset the LCD initial settings?

8. lastly, is there a way to dump the mios term list to the printer/

I will load ver 5b and explore it pending you input.



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1. I attempted to make one 8x8 matrix, so I called picked "8x8" on the main menu, pressed the soft key below which brought up the matrix templet. The templet had some entries so I edited the items in the templet, and looked for an enter function, or some way to lock in the changes, is this not needed?

There is no enter function, changes will take place immediately.

2. After doing item 1 on matrix 1, ch. 1, DIN 1, DOUT 1, I wanted to continue with matrix 1, changing the DIN/DOUTs to DIN 2, DOUT 1, but couldn't configure out how to add the next entry.

Just select the next matrix by selecting the first item in this page and increasing the number.

Ended pressing the exit key, returning to the "8x8" on the mainu menu and press that soft key which brought up what looked like the last entry, and was hesitent to overwrite it. How do you bring up a blank entry templet?

The only way is to delete the DEFAULT.MIO file on SD Card - thereafter reboot the MIDIbox.

3. How do you continue making entries in a matrix without going back to the main menu each time.

Since changes will be taken over immediately, there is no reason to go back to the main menu.

4. I went into the mios terminal and typed "show" and that brought up a long list of entries, including settings for DINS and DOUTS that I didn't make. Is this list what you called the "MIO"?

Yes, it's the content of your .MIO file, but you should edit it directly on SD Card.

5. How do you clear the SD storage, or do you.

You can do this from your PC. Enter MSD mode ("msd on") so that the SD Card will be mounted (note that thereafter MIOS Studio won't receive any MIDI messages anymore until the SD Card has been unmounted and the MIDIbox has been rebooted)

If you own a SD Card reader, you could also use such a device instead of "MSD" mode.

I expected to see a config file representing what I entered, and some way to give it a name, whereby several different configuration files could be stored with individual names, and recalled at will. Also picked the mios terminal entries, picked select all, then changed my mind and tried to back out, but couldn't. how do you do it. usually picking on the page brings you back, but nota.

Read the SD Card with your PC.

5. Is there only one config file named DEFAULT, which is overwritten each time you go to DISK on the main menu, and press save?

No, you can also enter a new name for the file before storing it.

6. I have not set anything regarding the 2 midi in/out ports since I am using the USB. When using software such as jOrgan and the midiman 2x2, the two midi ports show up on the device lists in jOrgan. With the USB connected to the LPC, no midiman, what will the programs see?

Hard to solve this riddle ;)

>> 7. The characters on the bottom row on the LCD are missing the tops of the letters. The LCD is a 20x4 rather then a 20x2. How do you go back and reset the LCD initial settings?

This seems to be a defect (I remember your "accident": pins were reversed), because it can't be controlled via software.

>> 8. lastly, is there a way to dump the mios term list to the printer/

Right-Click -> Select All

Right-Click -> Copy

Open a Notepad

Paste the content into the notepad

Print the content

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I think that I am on track!

1. Do I understand correctly that in Ver. 5b, the firmware will locate a template in the default .MIO with the note numbers shown for each matrix, and a second template showing the channel numbers?

Or, I can build a matrix in the format you included in a previous post, save it to the SD card with a name, i.e. "Matrix1". However, if I build 4, 8x8 matrixes, one for each keyboard and pedal, and save them to the SD, do I load each one individually using "disk" on the CS main menu? if not how do I get all 4 active at the same time?

2. If i use an 8 bit core with douts and dins, diasy chained to the LPC midi ports, the DIN and DOUT configuration goes in which .MIO file. (assuming no conflict with channels, I.d. #'s, etc.

Again, can i build one overall config file with data for all the devices, etc. I can't visualize what such a spread sheet would look like.



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1. Do I understand correctly that in Ver. 5b, the firmware will locate a template in the default .MIO with the note numbers shown for each matrix, and a second template showing the channel numbers?

No, all parameters are stored in the same file once you save it with the new firmware (from the CS or with MIOS Terminal)

Don't worry, your old setup won't be overwritten, it will only be enhanced by the new tables.

Or, I can build a matrix in the format you included in a previous post

I changed the format as mentioned in a later posting.

, save it to the SD card with a name, i.e. "Matrix1". However, if I build 4, 8x8 matrixes, one for each keyboard and pedal, and save them to the SD, do I load each one individually using "disk" on the CS main menu? if not how do I get all 4 active at the same time?

all tables are stored in the same .MIO file, in fact the complete configuration is stored in this file.

It's possible to use different .MIO files for different configurations (if you want to use the same MIDIO128 core for different purposes, e.g. sending different MIDI events...), but I guess that this is a topic you haven't asked for.

I would propose that you try out the proposed procedure to see what I mean, because I think that things become more obvious if you would just follow my instructions before asking details.

Your questions confuse me a bit as well, and make it difficult to give you the right directions.

If a proposed step doesn't work for some reasons, please tell me which one, otherwise it will be hard for me to guide you remotely.

2. If i use an 8 bit core with douts and dins, diasy chained to the LPC midi ports, the DIN and DOUT configuration goes in which .MIO file. (assuming no conflict with channels, I.d. #'s, etc.

The DIN/DOUT configuration of the 8bit based core is still stored in the PIC flash like before, it isn't stored in a .MIO file.

Again, can i build one overall config file with data for all the devices, etc.

What do you mean exactly with devices?

Do you mean for different matrices/buttons/LEDs connected to the DIN/DOUT chain of the LPC17 core, or do you mean the configuration for multiple core modules?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Sorry about the push for details.

I spent some time with ver. 5b - very nice!

I also uploaded the contents of the SD card to open office and looked at the .MIO file. WOW - there is alot of stuff there, namely i noticed 16 sets of matrix maps for 16 channels and note values.

For improving my facility with the CS, i went to M8X8 on the main menu, selected map mode, then set the matrix to 1, pin 1.1 and changed the channel from 1 to 5 for pins 1.1 thru 1.8, saved it, did the shift MSD enable, pulled up the SD files on open office and found the channels on matrix 1, row 1, C1-C8 mapped to channel 5. However I also noted that while in the matrix, as I changed the pin numbers, the note value also changed, starting with C-2 which is midi note 36. when i called up the default.mio in open office, the note values started with 30 instead of 36. Should the note numbers change to what the CS displayed for the selected pins. I don't see any other way to set the note numbers.

It has become evident that I can also modify the tables in the default.MIO file in open office and download to the SD card. In fact, it appears that I could set up everything in open office and download the file to the SD card.

I assume that the SD card will accept the .CSV file?

Looking good!


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Hello everyone,

I'm in the middle of building a small Midi controller with the Midio128 V3 / LPC17. It will feature the standard control surface parts (LCD, 6x buttons + 1x encoder), 8x analog pots and three switches (via a self-etched DINX2).

I would really like to add one or two encoders (to send standard midi CCs), but I guess that's not possible with the current Midio128, right?

TK, do you have plans to implement this into Midio128, or is this "reserved" for a possible MB64e for MIOS32 in the future? Don't know what the "road map" for MIOS32 is.

Or to ask the other way round: Is there a way to use encoders with MIOS32 / LPC17 ?

Best regards,


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shift MSD enable, pulled up the SD files on open office and found the channels on matrix 1, row 1, C1-C8 mapped to channel 5. However I also noted that while in the matrix, as I changed the pin numbers, the note value also changed, starting with C-2 which is midi note 36. when i called up the default.mio in open office, the note values started with 30 instead of 36. Should the note numbers change to what the CS displayed for the selected pins. I don't see any other way to set the note numbers.

there are two things which have to be considered: although the file reader allows values in decimal or hexadecimal format, the file writer will always use hexadecimal format (values starting with 0x) - this could be confusing.

Another important thing - and this is what probably was wrong - you have to save your changes, they won't be automatically updated on SD Card.

It has become evident that I can also modify the tables in the default.MIO file in open office and download to the SD card. In fact, it appears that I could set up everything in open office and download the file to the SD card.

I assume that the SD card will accept the .CSV file?

yes, correct! :)

I'm in the middle of building a small Midi controller with the Midio128 V3 / LPC17. It will feature the standard control surface parts (LCD, 6x buttons + 1x encoder), 8x analog pots and three switches (via a self-etched DINX2).

I would really like to add one or two encoders (to send standard midi CCs), but I guess that's not possible with the current Midio128, right?

TK, do you have plans to implement this into Midio128, or is this "reserved" for a possible MB64e for MIOS32 in the future? Don't know what the "road map" for MIOS32 is.

I could add simple support for encoders (sending various CC formats including inc/dec) to the firmware.

In long term the upcoming MIDIbox NG will support similar features, but in distance to MIDIO128 it will have better capabilities to parse and send incoming/outgoing MIDI events (including SysEx and NRPN support).

Or to ask the other way round: Is there a way to use encoders with MIOS32 / LPC17 ?

Of course!

Following tutorials describe the details (read the previous tutorials to understand the basics):



Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Sorry about the push for details.

I spent some time with ver. 5b - very nice!

I also uploaded the contents of the SD card to open office and looked at the .MIO file. WOW - there is alot of stuff there, namely i noticed 16 sets of matrix maps for 16 channels and note values.

For improving my facility with the CS, i went to M8X8 on the main menu, selected map mode, then set the matrix to 1, pin 1.1 and changed the channel from 1 to 5 for pins 1.1 thru 1.8, saved it, did the shift MSD enable, pulled up the SD files on open office and found the channels on matrix 1, row 1, C1-C8 mapped to channel 5. However I also noted that while in the matrix, as I changed the pin numbers, the note value also changed, starting with C-2 which is midi note 36. when i called up the default.mio in open office, the note values started with 30 instead of 36. Should the note numbers change to what the CS displayed for the selected pins. I don't see any other way to set the note numbers.

It has become evident that I can also modify the tables in the default.MIO file in open office and download to the SD card. In fact, it appears that I could set up everything in open office and download the file to the SD card.

I assume that the SD card will accept the .CSV file?

Looking good!


since the above email,

I spent a good deal of time with the CS and the LPC and answered a lot of my questions.

Must admit, it is a wonderful device. Head and shoulders above the old cores, in many ways. I enjoyed just playing around with it.

Other then the tedium of assembling it, should be great for newbies to get started. A couple of questions;

1. Setting the configuration for an organ is easiest done editing the default.mio file and uploading to the LPC. the operation is very similar to the old ".ini" use, and I guess thats what you had in mind. I suspect that all unused matrix templets can be deleted from a custom .MIO, keeping the default intact for record purposes. yes?

what happens if you setup DINS (non-matrix) which are already used in a matrix in the lPC .MIO file? Which will take priority. The DIN or the matrix? Also if I download a custom .mio file that contains such errors, what will happen?

2. If I want to configure a matrix using the normal mode, and I want the First note # to be dec. 36, 0x24, I can accomplish this by editing the long string which now has 0x30 in it. yes?

3. I note that in the matrix setup strings, the OSC1 is checked, along with USB and IN1. what does the OSC do?

4. If I plug in my Dilink wireless USB adapter into the LPC will it communicate with my wireless router? Since my organ console is 50 feet from the computer location, midi over ethernet would be great, especially if wireless.

Great work TK!


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I could add simple support for encoders (sending various CC formats including inc/dec) to the firmware.

In long term the upcoming MIDIbox NG will support similar features, but in distance to MIDIO128 it will have better capabilities to parse and send incoming/outgoing MIDI events (including SysEx and NRPN support).

Of course!

Following tutorials describe the details (read the previous tutorials to understand the basics):



Best Regards, Thorsten.

Support for encoders would be great, and quite useful.

I will definitely dive into programming, that was one of the reasons I built the new core, but I guess it will take some time before I come up with something useful.

Speaking of Midio128, right now I experience some heavy jittering with the 8 analog pots, constant bombardement with values (like 3-4 messages every second), some are jittering around a certain value, and sometimes it's all over the place. I used 10k pots with the 100nF capacitors, and cables are quite short (ca. 12cm)... I guess it's some kind of grounding issue. Have to try some things over the weekend...

Best regards,


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