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[SOLD] sammichSID for sale


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I need to finance the upcoming Korg MS-20 in some way. Sad for my sammichSID, which anyway is rendered somewhat redundant by my MB6582. It is from the latest batch, fully assembled and tested, with two 8580 SIDs and switched 12V AC/DC adapter (non-stabilized, therefore not suitable for 6581). Used for less than 10 hours. There are photos in my gallery.


I'm asking SEK 3500 (~EUR 400) plus possible shipping and payment fees. It covers my costs including custom taxes and painful burns from the soldering iron. Optionally without SID's, EUR 50 reduced.


I prefer shipping within EU. Most preferred within Sweden. Local pickup in Stockholm would be totally awesome. I probably won't ship it the first week, waiting for a possible local pickup. First come first served does not apply in this case. :smile:


In case I break the rules, please correct me and I will adapt. Permission should be implicitly granted for the first 10 units, no? :smile: I promise, this is the only one this year.

Edited by Johey
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