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Is multiple banks possible ?


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Hi all ! First post here,

It's been a while since i started to document myself about the midibox projects and i'm finally ready to dip into that ocean.

I would like a basic 8 to 16 pots, 8 faders and a eventually small button/rgb leds matrix.

But i was wondering, is it possible to have multiple banks of controls, changing them on the fly, "à la" Livid Instruments Alias 8  :http://www.lividinstruments.com/hardware_alias8.php


Would that be possible with the current firmware ? This would definitey be interesting.


Cheers !

Edited by mqzx
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Yes, MIDIbox NG supports multiple banks.
I didn't read the Livid marketing blurb for their controller, but with NG you can, for example, have a group of "radio buttons" (or an encoder dial) with LEDs to show which bank is current, and have all or some of the controls change their function according to the bank selection.
The controls that are not in the currently selected bank are updated (in the background) based on the received MIDI data stream.
The manual is a must read.

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Ok thanks ! 

So if i understand correctly, (and before making the big orders…), I would need:

- A Core

- An Ainser64 for the Pots/fader

- A DIO Matrix for my Leds/Buttons

- A Led Digit


But if i want an encoder to select the different banks, where will i be plugged in ? Do i have to add a DIN module ?

Also, I dont't see how to put physically the button/leds matrix, does it have to have to be mounted on a pcb ? That part is a bit blurry…



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If you want <=32 LEDs it's usually much easier just wire 1:1 using a DOUTx4 PCB (rather than wiring up a matrix)

Likewise, <=32 buttons just wire 1:1 to DINx4 PCB.

You can also wire extra DIN and DOUT PCBs to expand. Yes, matrix allows more I/O per shift registers but much more messy to wire manually.

If you really want faders the Ainser is necessary, but otherwise have you considered rotary encoders instead of pots?

Encoders require 2 DIN pin inputs each (i.e can wire 16 encoders per DINx4 PCB)

They are much more versatile (fast, slow, etc) and benefit from total recall and work better with automation than pots. 

LED digits can be done.

Have you considered LCD(s)?  

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Ok, you're right about the encs, much more easier for bank changing.

About the faders, i read that it's possible to plug 8 pots directly onto the core, wouldn't that be possible with faders ?

So to sum it up: Core, AINSER64, Din/Dout, and 1Din for encs + Led digit to indicate on which bank i am.

I was planning a 16 led/button matrix for starters, is the left space on the DIN usable to plug the bank selector encoder ?

And if I go for a 32 matrix, how do i plug the bank encoder ?

I haven't considered an LCD because i need to control a DAW, since all the features will be displayed on screen, is i worth it?… (also, money's short…)

Also, should i use tact switches or rubber button ? I don't really get how to make the connections between the buttons and the DIN.


Thanks !

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If you really want to save money and only want 8 faders then you can connect directly to the core rather than Ainser64. LPC17Core(see J5a/b)

Faders are pots in different shape.

DOUTx4 for up to 32 LEDs (get PCBs from SmashTV's Avishowtech)

DINx4  for 16 buttons + 1 encoder (will have 32-2-16=14 spare inputs left over, you may want them!)

Have a look at the various projects on ucapps.de there are examples of connected buttons and encoders. Basically each DIN input has a pullup resistor on the PCB so that you just  wire the button between the DIN pin and ground same with the encoder (which is basically 2 switches connected to a common pin).

Speaking from many years experience, designing something right, the first time, before you've tried it, is an impossible task! Playing with the thing you always discover other possibilities etc,etc.

So my advice is to prototype in a rough box or panel, trying different configurations etc, THEN build a nice box or fancy finished panel etc. MIDIbox NG is so incredibly flexible don't lock youself in to early decisions.

LCD's can be gotten cheap on Ebay. The visual feedback really helps, the more the better. Have you considered including a SCS?

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manual page


What was not obvious to me is that the display (and the controls, I think) are totally available for custom use by default, until you hit the menu key, then you get these extra control and configuration settings.

It also makes use of J10 for the buttons and encoder which means that it costs no extra DIN inputs.

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I see, but i'think i'll be going for a simple surface for first build, i could still implement a screen if i want to ?

I found a pcb that could be interesting for encoders :DSC_1862.jpg


Would that be compatible with a DIN/DOUT ? I see there is a LEDOUT port and a ENCIN but the one on the left i don't see what it's for.

Or would that be too complicated ?

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I don't find it, all the info is on that page : http://q3f.org/develop/eight_kit/




Ok so after some research i found the ideal layout: So i want to have :

- 16 encoders with dual led and a push switch that acts as a button/led matrix as well as classic encoders.

- 8 Sliders.

- A Bank select encoder

- 2 7led Digits

So it should make 2DIN and 2Dout + Core.

Is this doable ?What do you think ?

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