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DAW Driven Analog Automation System


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Thanks in advance for any advice and suggestions on this.

I am a newbie to this forum, but a long time respected member of others (Gearslutz, Cubase/Nuendo, etc).    I am embarking on a project and would love to enlist any help you guys can give, and share my results so others interested can do similar stuff.

My main work is as a mix engineer.   I have been getting really great results with my "in the box" mixes, but I still miss the huge width I get when I mix on an analog console.   So, I bought a really cool DDR AMR 24 console.   It has tons of inputs and faders but no automation.     I don't want to do my volume automation "in the box" for a plethora of reasons... so though I am sure some of you will suggest that... please understand I have completely ruled it out.    Not gonna do it.

So my goal is to get at least 65 channels of motorized, touch sensitive analog audio faders, and use Mackie Control, and Mackie Control XT emulations to control them all.  

It is my expectation from reading, research and exploration that an inexpensive motorized, touch sensitive fader (like the Bourns PSM) will work nicely as an alternative to a digital encoding fader.

My research also leads me to believe that two MBHP_CORE_LPC17's would allow me to emulate 1 Mackie Control unit (for 9 faders and additional controls), and 7 Mackie Control XT's (56 faders).

Additionally I want to add a few other controls.   Transport controls, transport display, mute, automation read/write status, shift, and some custom buttons are all possibilities.

I am considering single LCD displays for each channel.   If I can find a solution that is not crazy expensive, I would love to find an LCD pushbutton realy that would be able to display the track name, and change back ground colors based on the mute status.   The pushbutton would actually trigger the relay and the color change.   Red muted, Green not muted for example.   A relay because I would want it to actually mute the analog signal path... not the channel in the DAW because I plan on using "Dummy" channels in the DAW to control the analog faders.


If not... an LCD display for channel name, and a basic pushbutton relay or analog mute of some sort with a visual indicator for status.


I have a great source for the metal work, and I plan to have the replacement fader panels customized, silkscreen, etc.   There is a LOT of room below the fader panels, and other places for mounting everything I need.   This is the perfect console for this kind of project.


So....all that said... this is a "one-off" for myself.   I am not planning on marketing it.   I just believe I can do this without spending crazy money (though I know the faders alone are a pretty big expense), and it will allow me to work the way I really want to work.


My biggest interest for input are:


Parts recommendation (especially on faders, relays, encoders for status, etc).

Experience with analog faders and performance

Experience with going over 32 faders, using multiple MBHP_CORE_LPC17's, etc.


My host DAW is mainly Nuendo.   I have 1 Mackie Control and 10 XT's on it to test it's ability to drive that many faders and it works great.   So I know if properly emulate the Mackie units... it will work with all the faders.


What do you think?   Thanks in advance for any input!!    I attached a picture of what I would like my fader panel to look like.   Ideally I would like the LCD to be a pushbutton relay sender for analog mute, and the automation read/write buttons to work locally on the assigned channel, and I will have a "shift" button in the center section that would cause any read/write button to change the global status.


Steve Lamm



Edited by crypticglobe
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