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Trying to order a SEQ V4 parts... confused..


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Hi guys!


Check this post for an explanation:


Unfortunately the spam bots are still aimed at the wiki so it will likely remain this way until we have a registration scheme they cant blow through on auto.


I had the wiki generate an account and send the info to your email, let me know if it gives you any issues.


I am still working through that list as quickly as parts availability and reply time from the guys on the list allow.... I usually ship a few each week.  After the list is taken care of I will add the kit to the shop.


Back to the kitmill!


Best regards




Is the registration still turned off for the wiki, and is the list still the best way to order a front panel PCB and kit?





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  • 1 year later...

hi, new here. sorry to necro this thread, but there's a lot of info swimming around this forum and it's making my head hurt a little.

very intrigued and interested in building a seq v4. i understand i need to buy from smashTV at his site and i need to wait for it to be stocked again.

i will need for the latest build as of nov. 2015:

core stm32f4 pcb and parts

midi io pcb and parts

wilba frontpanel pcb and parts(both sold out currently)

and i would like the actual wilba front panel and prefab case(there is one right?) as well. was there a bulk order for this? or do i need to get one custom made from schaeffer? also, i'm willing to source my own parts for the wilba frontpanel, but i really don't have the skills to do my own pcb.


sorry if i'm being bothersome. i've been lurking this forum for a few days and dreaming of the ultimate sequencer and it just looks so good. but there's lots of conflicting/old info mixed in. thanks. cheers.

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