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expressive sounds - how do you use velocity on multiple targets?


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For me, velocity is great to play a synth expressively. My keyboard has no aftertouch (would be interested to try this though), and being a piano player velocity just feels natural.


I am a bit confused on the different solutions the firmware provides for assigning velocity to different targets. As modulation source from within the matrix and within the knob menu where we have two targets available.


In general i would say two (or even three) targets should be configured to give a sound that certain "expressive-piano-feel".

Typically Volume and Cutoff come to mind, but of course this would be the most conservative setup.


I went to the knob menu and configured K#V to controll Modulation Path 1 deepth. This path has Env1+Env1 assigned to Volume (ext. VCAs).

With the minimum range setting of the knob i can adjust how much lower velocity will make the sound softer.  -PERFECT!!!


Is there a trick that lets me use Velocity on a second (or even third) target with an range independant of the assignment described above?

Unfortunately, just assigning to two targets does not always work since different min/max ranges would be required for usefull playability.


So for example mostly volume is controlled, but also a touch of cutoff is affected and maybe the speed of an LFO is just slightly dependant on velocity.


Maybe this must/could be done with constant values, the right operator and multiple chained modulation paths? I am sure this works, but modulation paths are not available in infinite number...


Maybe K#A can be configured to forward velocity values instead of Aftertouch? Then a second scalable path would be available.


Or a midi processor on an extra core that translates velocity to afertouch (and even some CCs maybe...)



Or i should get keys with aftertouch couse i am completly missing out on something great there?


I would love to hear how you people use these features as well as your findings on what makes a sound react expressive.

Edited by jrp
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