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seq pcbs?


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For some time already pcbs for v4 seq aren't available from smashTV, i've tried to contact him via email and contact form several time but never got any reply.

Could someone advise me on a good way to start that project? I mean the only option is to stick with v3 this days?

Thanks in advance:)

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Go for STM32F4, yes! This will enable you to upgrade to the SEQV4+, when it is ready.

All MIDIbox admins have day time jobs (TK,  SmashTV, ...). All they are doing for us is a big gift, so best to stay chilled all the time - best things take time! :)


Many greets,


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No problem! :smile:


Yes, starting with the core is a good plan - here is the updated documentation:



You can also already order two 2x 40 character displays and install the MBSEQ app on the core and test it in MIOS Studio.

All of that will take some time anyways, so it can be done now.


Many greets,


Edited by Hawkeye
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BTW.... Is it possible with STM32F4 core to use single midi in|out module with addition of quad2c midi module to get 2 midi ins and 6 (or even more?) midi outs? I mean I won't need more then 2 midi ins anyway... but more midiouts is better not to use any kind of midi router. 

Didn't find info on this topic. 

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Yes, that is possible, you can connect the quad midi iic board to the J4A IIC port and still use one MBHP_MIDI_IO module to gain two base MIDI INs/OUTs (connect this board to J11E).

(I´ve 3 base MIDI outs on an old STM32 board SEQV4, and 4 IIC outs, it is great, so many MIDI cables! :-))


Many greets,


Edited by Hawkeye
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  • 2 weeks later...

Give him some time - Tim/SmashTV has been very busy last time i talked to him...

In case you want to go hardcore DIY, you can always build the SEQ frontpanel on veroboard! :-)

But of course, I also hope, that the CS PCB is stocked in his shop again, soon.


Many greets,


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