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After boot MIDIbox sends weird informations


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Hey people,

when I connect my MIDIbox-Keyboard (KB-app, not NG) to my MacBook and boot the MacBook, the keyboard sends weird informations like note Off instead of note-on. If I switch off the MIDIbox and start it again after the OS has booted, it works perfectly. Do you have any ideas what is causing this issue? The fastboot-setting doesn't change anything....


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Any app launched at macbook startup ? like audio/midi sequencer, DAW, or any midi driver/remote software, possibly sending midi data for initialisation on a studio setup that might confuse your midibox hardware configuration ?



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No, nothing! Also it doesn't depend on which macbook I use... I have some of them here of other productions. Didn't test with a windows notebook yet.

If I use a USB-power-supply to boot up the midibox, it works... so this is kind of weird and I don't know where to look at...

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Another problem occured: I updated my MacBook to Sierra. Now the computer needs 10-12min for boot with the MIDIbox connected. If I disconnect it, it boots much faster. Also if I'm in the OS, disconnect the MIDIbox a reconnect it again, the keyboard will not be recognized anymore till next boot....


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Okay, I did some checking.

The problem with the booting times and the connection-problem is gone if I set single_usb to 0 in the bootloader. So with 4 USB ports the Macbook boots up normally and I can connect and disconnect the midibox without any problems.

But regarding the topic-problem: This occurs only on KB. NG works fine (as far as I checked it yet). I don't think it's a mac-midi-problem, because I can see it clearly if I open MIOS Studio, that if I press down a key, it sends "(optimized)" and if I release the key it sends the note with the value... so it's working in reverse till I restart the midibox after OS-boot.

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