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midiphy SEQ v4+

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On 05/11/2018 at 4:57 PM, Nestle said:

I tried to read thru the whole topic, but man was it long ;)


So, one question: How is the participation to join this handled? Am I already late, or is it just starting? This would get me back to the Midibox bandwagon, as my cardbox Midibox SEQv4 is really a pain and I have had it on the shelf for years now :)


Cool that there is active people creating new projects. Very nice indeed 

You're not too late, rather just in time! Keep an eye on this thread and on midiphy.com

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A few updates:

We noticed a bug in the BOM ordering system. For lemec_RH board, there are SMT resistor networks:  652-4816P-1LF-10K, which is an isolated 10K resistor network. The link to the Mouser page was correct, but the part number was 652-4816P-T2LF-10K, this is incorrect for lemec_R. If you have ordered parts, please check that you have two pieces of the P-1 part. You still require the P-2 part (bussed resistor network) for JA. Sorry for any inconvenience.

In more positive news, the case batch has been fabricated and is off for painting next week. Without trying to promise too much, we expect to have the cases very soon, and in combination with Peter's tutorial videos, maybe a release in November is feasible!


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Regarding the wrong part number itself - it was not "wrong" for a long time, there is a fair chance you already have the right parts - i filmed the first video of this LeMEC-R area only two or three weeks ago, back then the BOM tool reported the correct part. The wrong part number was introduced on our side, while updating some final parts, but it is now fixed again, as Andy wrote.

@TK. if your build as a beta tester is also affected, please write us a message, will send you the replacement resistor networks, so you can enjoy the new activity matrix! :)

Happy weekend!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, hard at work with finalizing the video tutorial, my biggest youtube video project ever with 200GB of input video material :-O and nearly 50 chapters!

But it is looking very good! Will put it up as soon as possible, after it has been reviewed by Andy. 

Adrian also has the first batch of cases in hand, the white case tops are already being printed/labeled, the bottoms still need painting, but it is all on the way.

The final LED resistor value adjustments in the BOM are not mandatory, especially if you already ordered the BOM from mouser. They are just a recommendation to match brightnesses of the individual components across the unit better, i.e. we have very slightly reduced the superflux RGB LED brightnesses to match the OLED brightness, we did also reduce the MEC LED brightnesses to better match the superflux RGB brightness and needed different resistor values for the Beat LED, because the new diffused multicolor 5mm LED was a bit bright with the original values. All in all, nothing dramatic, just final touches :).

Many greets,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good news! The second and final part of the video tutorial is now available. Thus, we also made the UI essential kit in the shop available, so if you want, you can start soldering the major parts of the sequencer now:



Regarding the cases, Adrian has finished the first batch of cases and will ship them soon to Germany. We are still missing the perspex windows (display protectors), but those will be sent via express, so we hope to make up a bit of time here.

We will make the cases available in the shop, as soon as we receive them, it should be before the holiday season.

Many greets and enjoy! :)

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Thanks a lot, guys! :cheers:

All kudos go to TK., Andy and Adrian, they did all the work - i only had the video camera running while building a SEQ for myself and posted it on youtube, no big effort! :)

There are also other good news: we managed to get hold of a stack of 1MB flash variant waveshare STM32F4 MCU boards - the standard is 512KB on the waveshare boards and while that is sufficient for the current SEQ v4+ firmware, Thorsten already said, that he expects to extend the firmware in the future, probably requiring more flash memory than 512KB.

Now, as we want to make sure, that every midiphy SEQ v4+ is fully capable of running this awesome sequencer, also for years in the future, we will give away the new 1MB MCUs as a free "addon" to every original Core kit customer now purchasing a UI kit. So, you will have an additional "free" 512KB MCU in stock, that could be used for the LoopA or any other MIDIbox project later on. Thanks a lot for early supporting us, while the other parts were not available. You know who you are! :)

Will keep you updated, when the cases are finally available.

Happy soldering and many greets!

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Nice work! Gratz :)! May I ask how to obtain the latest firmware? Does one have to build it from the svn repository? Or is a binary with the hw-config somewhere available for download? Thanks and Best Regards :)





Edited by jingo
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4 minutes ago, jingo said:

Nice work! Gratz :)! May I ask how to obtain the latest firmware? Does one have to build it from the svn repository? Or is a binary with the hw-config somewhere available for download? Thanks and Best Regards :)


Hi jingo,

thanks, currently it is all only checked in to subversion (especially the hardware configurations), but I asked TK. if he could build a new release for the launch :). Until then, here are the hardware configs:


I've also attached the STM32F4 "project.hex", that i've used for the tutorial, so you don't have to build it on your own. But it would probably be best to wait for the official release.

Many greets,


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Very very cool! :)

Can't wait to get more time for MIDIbox again (in some days...) to continue with my build based on Peters superb tutorial :)

 Will also release the firmware after some trial runs (and maybe some V4+ specific add-ons)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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