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MIOS and PGA2310


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so what I want to do is use the Pga2310 audio volume control with MIOS. It's maybe a Mios programming question, as I think I don't need extra hardware to interface this chip with the core module.


for those who wants to control some volume with their box... should be interesting ;)

I want to use just a lcd, some switch and an encoder...

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I think you can use the PGA with an SPI interface to the core (see the aout example under mios downloads).

Do you plan to use daisychain multiple PGA2310's or just use one?

I've been adapting the AOUT example for use with Microchip and Analog Devices digital potentiometers. The difference with this one is that apparently it uses 2 8-bit data bytes (value for channel 1 and for channel 2) and no address bits.

If you wil use only one chip, you can just write a function that stores the 2 values for both channels in AOUT_SR_H (high byte) and AOUT_SR_L (low byte) and then call AOUT_LoadSR (AOUT_NUMBER_OF_SR = 1). That should work i think...

If you plan to daisychain them, you will need to adapt the AOUT_LoadSR function, because you will have to update all the channels of all ics (you cannot send NOP commands to the PGA2310 and need to send all the correct values for each channel)

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