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Advice Required

Guest pipster

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Guest pipster

Hi there to all -

I started building my first midibox at the end of 2002 and got most of the modules I require built but got quite busy and put it aside. I am now returning to it to finish it off as this is an amazing project.

I am planning to build a smallish box to start off with mainly for live stuff and then when i have done this start thinking of designing and putting together a monster midibox for studio use.

There are a couple of things im unsure about at present and it would be great if someone could give me a bit of advice:

What im not sure about is when designing the layout and connecting pots, leds etc Is there certain switches that relate to fetures/leds? Eg If you want an LED to show the state of a switch is there a DOUT that relates to a DIN or can this all be programmed in? IS there certain DINs that relate to menu functions on the LCD? Can I layout the desk as I want Eg if I set it up like a mixing desk stile can I have say  5 channels with 10 pots in a row and make this work?

Im am also not too clear on how a rotary encoder works in terms of operation. Is this like a jog wheel or selector switch? And if were to use led rings is there certain LEDs which relate to a rotary encoder?

Maybe I am missing something on the site and/or confusing myself more than I need to but I hope you understand what i mean?!?

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated,

Anyway Great Project, Great Site, Great EVERYTHING!!

Cheers in advance,

Phil Haldane

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In the pdf's you can find the default Din/Dout connections.

However, they can be changed programmatically to fit your needs, look in the sourcecodes/mios reference for this.

The whole idea behind Mios is to let ppl build stuff the way they want it.

Mios allows you to have 64 pots per core module (using 2 AINX4), their function is customisable too, ofcourse.

Encoders are similar to pots in terms of operation, the difference is that they are endless & use a digital signal.

You can find default ledrings connections in the pdf's, but again, they are fully customisable.

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Guest pipster

Ok thanks for your reply,

I see the default connections of the modules,

I have so far built 2 AIN, 2 DIN, 2 DOut, 1 Core and JDM programmer. When I started this project I bought the originally suggested PIC which ill probably stick with for this first project.

I guess my original querie was more on the lines of the LEDS in that if I put an LED by a switch that I want it to show the status of I can use any output from any of the Serial registers for the LED and any Switch Input to a DIN module. ie It doesnt have to be The first connection of both serial registers? Is this right?

Also is it feasable to use for example 64 pots, 20 switches and 1 or 2 serial registers with led rings and plain LEDs for the other switches? Or is this quite troublesome? I have plenty of electronics experience, soldering, PCB making, etc but have never programmed a PIC before and am just worried that ill get bogged down when it comes to the firmware.

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I bought the originally suggested PIC which ill probably stick with for this first project.

You mean PIC16F877 ? Mios does not run on that one, the apps for the 877 are still available, but you cannot modify them. It is much better to use the PIC18F452

I guess my original querie was more on the lines of the LEDS in that if I put an LED by a switch that I want it to show the status of I can use any output from any of the Serial registers for the LED and any Switch Input to a DIN module. ie It doesnt have to be The first connection of both serial registers? Is this right?

for mios applications(PIC18F452), yes

Also is it feasable to use for example 64 pots, 20 switches and 1 or 2 serial registers with led rings and plain LEDs for the other switches?

I think you should read up a bit on the ucapps site:


In particular:


One core module, stuffed with a PIC18F452, can handle with:

up to 128 digital inputs 
up to 128 digital outputs 
up to 64 analog inputs 
analog conversion of up to 64 pots, faders or other analog sources with a 10-bit resolution 
motor handling for up to 8 motorfaders with a 10-bit resolution 
handling of up to 64 detented/non-detented rotary encoders 
handling of up to 128 buttons, touchsensors or similar digital input devices 
handling of up to 128 LEDs, relays, Digital-Analog-Converters or similar output devices.
In multiplex mode a nearly unlimited number of LEDs, LED rings and LED digits can be driven 


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Guest pipster

Ok ive decided on my options, now since i have modules allready and the 877 im gonna put it to use and build an original midi box 64 for my live set-up. I have also ordered myself a couple of PIC18F452 for which ill use for building a Midibox LC for more studio user.

So the last couple of things I want to ask:

On the midibox LC can you connect AIN modules aswell?

I also want to setup my midibox 64 exactly the way it was designed in the walkthrough due to the fact that this is a perfect setup for live application allthough it might change ever so slighlty. The thing im not sure about is in the documentaion it lists the pot connections as Row 1 1-8, row 1 9-16, row 2........etc,etc. But in this setup up I dont want somany rows I presume these pots on the 64 can be set to whatever attribute you desire , i mean whatever idi signal you want ti to send off n so it doesnt have to be set up like it is shown on the 64 design page?

As i have allready said im gonna build the LC with MIOS some might think that I should use this new PIC in my 64 but as I have extra core and other PCBs lying around (i used my brain for once and etched more than I needed in the first instance!) Therfor I dont want to leave the 877 lying aroung doing nothing , i might aswelll use it. Any suggestions on the way this 64 was setup in the walkthrough would be appreciated and also im sure ill be back when i get on to the LC!

PS for anyone whos looking for pots or faders I found an old Sirius Zero *88 lighting desk which a lot of theatres in britain have and are probably throwing out, These contain approx 55-60 slide pots which are 10k lin. Just to let people know if you can find one you could probably blag it for nothing!

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