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LOL omg GUI's have made me  dumb..


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Well I just compiled and installed slackware 9.1 on another drive of my comp...

I must say it has been years since i have done command line stuff.. took me almost 22 hours before i got my head back into the right " mindset" .      Before Windows.. i had a pretty good grasp of computers and programming in general.

   could write  programs no problem..  then i went away from  computers  for about 4 years.   Went into the military.. and look.. whats is odd about this computer...

OMG its got colors!! and a ... thing ( mouse)  wtf....

any 12 years later.. and I am back to the console... staring at a blinking cursor..

hehe years of plug and play and GUI's have ruined my thinking ability..

inc lawsuit microsoft!!


late rant  :)

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